Looking over PHP i can see a web service client
could be written for a
RESTful web service using the curl extension (and perhaps others as well)
because it facilitates an
ability to invoke the HTTP PUT and DELETE methods.
Now, coming to my question.. Looking at the W3C page on the XHTML 1.0 form
tag specification <http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_form.asp>, it is
clear the method attribute supports only get and post. What i wonder is
why would it not also support
put and delete?
Because they are not part of forms, they are something the webserver
needs to handle.
Particularly this sentence:
"POST method is normally handed a script which is explicitly named by
the resource (that is, something that already exists), while a PUT
request could be directed at a resource which does not (yet) exist."
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