Good evening list, i'm having a strange mail problem: i have 2 contact-forms on a site, where 1 get's send to the e-mail account and the other doesn't. I've tested them both on my remote server and they work, but when i upload them to the clients' server, 1 doesn't arrive in the mailbox and the other one does. Code for the troublesome form: <? // set your own preferences here ############################################################# // Your email address $youremail = 'xxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx'; // Your web site title (John Doe's Site) $websitetitle = 'xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx'; // Path to "thanks for the message" page $thankyoupage = ''; // Send notification to sender (use false if not required) $sendnotification = true; // Continue with your error checking, output of form, et cetera. $contact_form_action = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; if ((isset($_POST["sendcontact"])) && ($_POST["sendcontact"] == "contactsent")) { $contacter_form_error = array(); if (empty($_POST['empresa_name'])){ $contacter_form_error[] = 'favor preencher nome da empresa'; } if (empty($_POST['contato_name'])){ $contacter_form_error[] = 'favor preencher nome do contato'; } if (empty($_POST['fone'])){ $contacter_form_error[] = 'favor preencher número do telefone'; } if (empty($_POST['contato_email'])){ $contacter_form_error[] = 'favor preencher seu e-mail'; } if (empty($_POST['produto'])){ $contacter_form_error[] = 'favor preencher o produto'; } if (empty($_POST['origem'])){ $contacter_form_error[] = 'favor preencher origem'; } if (empty($_POST['destino'])){ $contacter_form_error[] = 'favor preencher destino'; } if (empty($_POST['quantidade'])){ $contacter_form_error[] = 'favor preencher quantidade'; } if (empty($_POST['peso'])){ $contacter_form_error[] = 'favor preencher peso'; } if (empty($_POST['comprimento'])){ $contacter_form_error[] = 'favor preencher comprimento'; } if (empty($_POST['altura'])){ $contacter_form_error[] = 'favor preencher altura'; } if (empty($_POST['largura'])){ $contacter_form_error[] = 'favor preencher largura'; } else { $empresa_name = stripslashes($_POST['empresa_name']); $contato_email = stripslashes($_POST['contato_email']); $body =<<<EOB Prezado, Favor cotar, conforme os seguintes dados: Empresa: $_POST[empresa_name] Contato: $_POST[contato_name] Fone: $_POST[fone] Fax: $_POST[fax] Email: $_POST[contato_email] Produto: $_POST[produto] Origem: $_POST[origem] Destino: $_POST[destino] Quantidade: $_POST[quantidade] Peso: $_POST[peso] Comprimento: $_POST[comprimento] Altura: $_POST[altura] Largura: $_POST[largura] Grato. Atenciosamente, $_POST[contato_name] EOB; $contato_name = $_POST['contato_name']; $subjectline = "$websitetitle | Orçamento de empresa"; $notification_message = "Obrigado por nos contatar, $contato_name. Recebemos sua mensagem e entraremos em contato em breve."; $notification_subject = "Obrigado por sua mensagem para $websitetitle."; @mail($contato_email,$subjectline,$body, "From: $contato_email"); @mail($contato_email,$notification_subject,$notification_message, "From: $youremail"); header("Location:$thankyoupage"); } } some html tags error checking: // Print form field errors if present if (count($contacter_form_error)>0){ print '<p id="bottom"><strong>Algo está errado:</strong></p>'."\n"; print '<ul>'."\n"; foreach($contacter_form_error as $form_err) { print "<li class=\"error\">$form_err</li>\n"; } print '</ul>'."\n"; } ?> form: <form method="post" id="contactform" action="<? print $contact_form_action; ?>"> <p>Todos os campos obrigatórios são marcados com asteriscos (<span class="required">*</span>).</p> <fieldset> <legend>Seus Dados</legend> <label for="empresa_name">Empresa <span class="required">*</span></label> <br /> <input type="text" id="empresa_name" name="empresa_name" size="30" value="<? print $empresa_name; ?>" /> <br /> <label for="contato_name">Contato <span class="required">*</span></label> <br /> <input type="text" id="contato_name" name="contato_name" size="30" value="<? print $contato_name; ?>" /> <br /> <label for="fone">Número do telefone <span class="required">*</span></label> <br /> <input type="text" id="fone" name="fone" size="30" value="<? print $fone; ?>" /> <br /> <label for="fax">Fax</label> <br /> <input type="text" id="fax" name="fax" size="30" value="<? print $fax; ?>" /> <br /> <label for="contato_email">E-mail <span class="required">*</span></label> <br /> <input type="text" id="contato_email" name="contato_email" size="30" value="<? print $contato_email; ?>" /> <br /> <label for="produto">Produto <span class="required">*</span></label> <br /> <input type="text" id="produto" name="produto" size="30" value="<? print $produto; ?>" /> <br /> <label for="origem">Origem <span class="required">*</span></label> <br /> <input type="text" id="origem" name="origem" size="30" value="<? print $origem ?>" /> <br /> <label for="destino">Destino <span class="required">*</span></label> <br /> <input type="text" id="destino" name="destino" size="30" value="<? print $destino; ?>" /> <br /> <label for="quantidade">Quantidade <span class="required">*</span></label> <br /> <input type="text" id="quantidade" name="quantidade" size="30" value="<? print $quantidade; ?>" /> <br /> <label for="peso">Peso <span class="required">*</span></label> <br /> <input type="text" id="peso" name="peso" size="30" value="<? print $peso; ?>" /> <br /> <label for="comprimento">Comprimento <span class="required">*</span></label> <br /> <input type="text" id="comprimento" name="comprimento" size="30" value="<? print $comprimento; ?>" /> <br /> <label for="altura">Altura <span class="required">*</span></label> <br /> <input type="text" id="altura" name="altura" size="30" value="<? print $altura; ?>" /> <br /> <label for="largura">Largura <span class="required">*</span></label> <br /> <input type="text" id="largura" name="largura" size="30" value="<? print $largura; ?>" /> <br /> </fieldset> <input type="hidden" name="sendcontact" value="contactsent" /> <input type="submit" value="Enviar" /> </form> Code for the working form: <? // set your own preferences here ############################################################# // Your email address $youremail = 'xxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'; // Your web site title (John Doe's Site) $websitetitle = 'xxxx xxxx xxx'; // Path to "thanks for the message" page $thankyoupage = ''; // Send notification to sender (use false if not required) $sendnotification = true; ############################################################# // Do not edit below this ############################################################# $contact_form_action = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; if ((isset($_POST["sendcontact"])) && ($_POST["sendcontact"] == "contactsent")) { $contacter_form_error = array(); if (empty($_POST['contact_name'])){ $contacter_form_error[] = 'favor preencher seu nome'; } if (empty($_POST['contact_email'])){ $contacter_form_error[] = 'favor preencher seu e-mail'; } if (empty($_POST['contact_comment'])){ $contacter_form_error[] = 'favor preencher seu comentário'; } else { $contact_name = stripslashes($_POST['contact_name']); $contact_email = stripslashes($_POST['contact_email']); $contact_comment = $contact_name." enviou:\n \"".stripslashes($_POST['contact_comment'])."\"\n"; $subjectline = "$websitetitle | Mensagem de $contact_name"; if(!empty($_POST['contact_phone'])) { $contact_comment .= '(Numero de telephone: '.stripslashes($_POST['contact_phone']).')'; } mail($youremail, $subjectline, $contact_comment, "From: $contact_email"); if($sendnotification == true) { $notification_message = "Obrigado por nos contatar, $contact_name. Recebemos sua mensagem e entraremos em contato em breve."; $notification_subject = "Obrigado por sua mensagem para $websitetitle."; mail($contact_email, $notification_subject, $notification_message, "From: $youremail"); } header("Location:$thankyoupage"); } } ?> some html tags error checking: // Print form field errors if present if (count($contacter_form_error)>0){ print '<p id="bottom"><strong>Algo está errado:</strong></p>'."\n"; print '<ul>'."\n"; foreach($contacter_form_error as $form_err) { print "<li class=\"error\">$form_err</li>\n"; } print '</ul>'."\n"; } ?> Form tags..... -- Best regards, Luc ________________________ Powered by The Bat! version 3.99.3 with Windows XP (build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser: Opera. Pussy Galore: "My name is Pussy Galore." - James Bond: "I must be dreaming." - Bond meets Pussy Galore - Goldfinger (film 1964) -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: