At 7:10 PM +0100 8/9/07, Stut wrote:
Rethink things. There's almost certainly a better way but without
knowing why you think you need to do this it's not possible to help
any further.
I think I understand what the OP is asking.
How about this example:
1. User selects items he wants to purchase and is sent to a "buy"
page (with $_POST data).
2. However, the user has not logged in and thus is sent to a log-in page.
3. After the user logs in, the user is returned back to the "buy" page.
Now, in this exchange what's the easiest way to maintain the $_POST data?
For me, I place the data in a $_SESSION array and pull it out if/when
the user returns. As you know, there are all sorts of ways to do this
and I think that was the question of the poster.
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