system: windows xp sp 2 apache: apache_2.2.4-win32-x86-no_ssl PHP: php-5.2.3-win32-installer.msi i try to install php on my computer so that i can finish my homework, but after download these files nightmare begins. Install apache with default settings, install php with default settings. Restart apache server .While I modify index.html add <?php phpinfo(); ?> , open , apache server default page pops up with no change. Creat a new file named as phpinfo.php, modify httpd.conf , add line AddType application/x-httpd-php .php then restart apache. open broswer key in address ,it show me nothing. is there anyone can help ? PS. I have reinstall my windows system, nothing change.( Now I am using Appserv to finish my homewhere.) one thing, after install php 5.2.3 on apache server, when I stop apache server ,windows system show my two error message.