[snip] We all knew that AJAX is an achronym of Asynchronous Javascript And XML. When I use another data format like YAML or CSV, will it still be called as AJAX? Or just "yet another asynchronous method"? [/snip] AJAX makes a good catch-all term since the API is called XMLHttpRequest and the API can be used with all sorts of text data. The asynchronous method is still JavaScript (or is it ECMAScript?). Its original intent was XML data (just text with mark-up). Besides, AJAP (Asynchronous JavaScript and PHP) just doesn't sound right somehow. AJAH - and HTML AJAA - and ASP AJA.N - and .NET AJAC - and CSV AJAT - and TXT AJACF - and Cold Fusion AJAPL - and PERL And so on..... -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php