this might be a noob- question, but I simply do not care anymore. After
a few hours of fiddling with this @/**&%$ (screaming "AAaaaaahhhh"), I
would like to ask you.
So what I have is this: I have a search engine for a car market, which
has about 30 $_POST- vars. Now when the user clicks on a result link, it
takes him to the car details page. Now when he hits the back button, he
either gets the "Page has expired" (IE) or the "Wanna send the form data
again" message box (FF).
Now I would like to have kind of a "back-button", so the user will see
the reusult list again without having to deal with this.
I guess what I'm asking for is a one-click re-submission of POST data...
Do you have a clue on how to do this?
The "resubmit" page is being displayed because the results page is the
result of a form POST. You can do one of two things:
1. Change your search form to a GET request.
2. Stuff the existing POST data into the session and have your results
page use that before looking to the POST data.
Richard Heyes
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