Hi guys,
this might be a noob- question, but I simply do not care anymore. After a
few hours of fiddling with this @/**&%$ (screaming "AAaaaaahhhh"), I would
like to ask you.
So what I have is this: I have a search engine for a car market, which has
about 30 $_POST- vars. Now when the user clicks on a result link, it takes
him to the car details page. Now when he hits the back button, he either
gets the "Page has expired" (IE) or the "Wanna send the form data again"
message box (FF).
Now I would like to have kind of a "back-button", so the user will see the
reusult list again without having to deal with this.
I guess what I'm asking for is a one-click re-submission of POST data... Do
you have a clue on how to do this?
Cheers for any answers!
My baby's first words will be
"Hello World"
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