I would like to modify the Theme Switcher Plugin for Wordpress
(http://dev.wp-plugins.org/wiki/ThemeSwitcher). When I currently request
the page to switch the theme (for example:
mydomain.com/?wptheme=My+Theme) I'm redirected to the index.php, but
instead I would like to redirect back to the page where I was before
(for example: mydomain.com/?p=15)
Here is the code which is redirecting the page:
function ts_set_theme_cookie() { $expire = time
<http://www.php.net/time>() + 30000000; if (!empty
<http://www.php.net/empty>($_GET["wptheme"])) { setcookie
<http://www.php.net/setcookie>("wptheme" . COOKIEHASH,
); $redirect = get_settings('home').'/'; if
(function_exists <http://www.php.net/function_exists>('wp_redirect'))
wp_redirect($redirect); else header
<http://www.php.net/header>("Location: ". $redirect); exit
<http://www.php.net/exit>; } }
I've tried to change the $redirect variable to $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']
but it doesn't worked. Then I realized that I should save the current
page URL in the cookies, so I've set a cookie and then I tried redirect
the page to the URL in that cookie. It worked, but not as intended,
there are some situations when it is redirecting in a loop.
Any recommendations how to do it properly?
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