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- NOTIFY with status terminated AND reason 'deactivated'., (continued)
- pjsip audio problems - alsa,
Brock Denson
- strange IP fragmentation problem,
Klaus Darilion
- STUN changes in pjsip 1.4,
Klaus Darilion
- Can't access pjsua through xmlrpc in python, Somnuk Wongkhan
- SRTP problem,
Klaus Darilion
- Re-Registration after Registraion Failed, Hasan H
- how to add g729 for windows desktop ..,
- presence bandwidth,
nir elkayam
- subscribe to sip server with diffrent port then 5060,
nir elkayam
- (Python) SIP conference bot, anyone? ;-),
Benny Prijono
- via header and TLS on a Freeswitch PBX,
Pierre-Luc Bacon
- [Patch] Show status text also when the status is Offline,
Saúl Ibarra
- How to use g729 codec for windows desktop..,
- SIP call with 3 streams,
Kresten Tolstrup
- XOR Method,
Mukesh Srivastav
- _id atthibute in python pjsua,
Saúl Ibarra
- painfully slow loading of PCM@44100/1/20ms,
Arthur Elksnis
- Accessing NOTIFY body from python,
Saúl Ibarra
- Two minor bugs and a request., John Ridges
- Session Timer Too Small,
Bharat Yadav
pjsua_app.c, youssef azzouzi
Possible bug in PJNATH,
John Ridges
Testing ICE demo across WAN, Priyadarshini MS
Something very much annoying after INVITE request sent,
Hasan H
The documentation - where and how to find them,
Benny Prijono
Bug in pjmedia_rtp_decode_rtp (rtp.c)?,
Thomas Falk
Third Party Integration,
Haripriya A R
Audio to soundcard,
Kresten Tolstrup
How to display connected time in Symbian GUI PJSIP Application, varun pratapsingh
have somebody played a wave file on concurrent 60 calls,
varun pratapsingh
Time between consecutive rtp packets,
Filipe Cardeal P. Santos
presence issue - http://trac.pjsip.org/repos/ticket/411,
nir elkayam
Step by step to send video in PJSIP, SIDIMOULAY
to play a wav file on 60 simultaneous calls, varun pratapsingh
TCP transport in symbian?!,
nir elkayam
Adding video to PJSIP by libvlc,
youssef azzouzi
Version 1.4 is released with SIP Session Timer and Nokia VAS, Benny Prijono
NOTIFY with status=terminated handling,
Saúl Ibarra
SMS like functionality (store & forward - IM),
jay bing
Program crash when hungup,
Somnuk Wongkhan
question about changing interface in the middle of session,
Internet (WLAN/GPRS) disconnection symbian_ua_gui , Application hang, prtsrv panic,
Hasan H
How to install python-pjsua with MinGW, Somnuk Wongkhan
having no SDP in SIP 183 Session Progress cause a ringback problem in PJSIP - if it is then it is a BUG in PJSIP,
varun pratapsingh
TCP transport problem,
third party codec integration,
Haripriya A R
Compile python-pjsua fail, Somnuk Wongkhan
G729 mix,
Job vacancy: superiors on PJSIP required,
Donghui Gao (高东辉)
Play audio file as a ring tone for Second incoming call, Md. Nasir Uddin
pjsua dns wierdness with pennytel.,
Shayne O'Neill
PJNATH problem,
yaron natan
What looks like a bug in pjnath, John Ridges
SIP client with TLS/TCP,
nir elkayam
Python and ActiveX,
P.Muge Ersoy
pjsip Digest, Vol 24, Issue 30, SIDIMOULAY
IPP licensing question,
Saúl Ibarra
a few questions,
Tiago Ferreira
XCAP client in PJSIP,
configure can't see alsa headers, Peter Hartmann
TCP Transport problem: via should be Via: SIP/2.0/TCP and not Via: SIP/2.0/tcp,
Tzury Bar Yochay
TCP transport on symbian?,
jay bing
how to run two pjsua with dynamic port in one pc, zhang zhilong
Add video's codec to PJSIP, youssef azzouzi
How to receive the stateless request?,
Qh guo
DTMF inputs sent are not getting detected,
Amritha Nambiar
Interesting question: How to make a message be sent to a specific IP/Port, even if the Request URI has an UNRESOLVABLE domain name?,
Muthusamy, Balamurugan
pjsua not responding correctly when hold is rejected,
Rafael Maia
Build Error on MacOS,
Lucas Rosa Galêgo
BUG in PJSUA when i have two NIC,
Ricky Wu
pjsip Digest, Vol 24, Issue 20, youssef azzouzi
pjsip Digest, Vol 24, Issue 18, SIDIMOULAY
PATCH: sily bug in send_request (Python), Saúl Ibarra
PATCH: send_pager from account object in Python,
Saúl Ibarra
Tone detection,
Jose Suarez
Wav to wav file,
Angelica Grace Tanchico
TCP/TLS transport,
jay bing
Add video to PJSIP,
iLBC fix point implementation?, Attila Nyers
Not Receiving Audio Events., kalyan kumar
Detecting DTMF,
Jose Suarez
Voicage g729 for windows mobile vs Windows PC,
Lucas Tehbing
NULL Sound,
Jose Suarez
detect nat with stun before pjsua_start, jay bing
Jose Suarez
automated response, Ameed Jamous
pjsip over app protocol?,
Richard Langly
convert the libraries form .a to .so,
Arul Mohanraj
quastion about TLS,
jay bing
TLS on symbian,
jay bing
How to make pjsip 1.3 run on iphone 3.0?, Cheric Chen
Compliling pjsip on Ubuntu.,
Ameed Imad
pjsip Digest, Vol 24, Issue 5,
Lucas Rosa Galêgo
Ringback issue with pjsua,
amit tyagi
the Distortion problem of VoiceAge G729 integrated in PJSUA, Ricky Wu
Small bug in pjsua.c,
Wolfgang Fritz
updated iphone build script.,
Shayne O'Neill
How to make multible calls., gokulakrishnan
problem with TLS,
Tzury Bar Yochay
caller ID,
jay bing
- <Possible follow-ups>
- caller id, Gian Lorenzo Meocci
How to increase max calls support in PJSIP to 60 calls, varun pratapsingh
Ability to create tickets on Trac,
Marcin Zajączkowski
G729 or AMR codecs for Windows Mobile,
Attila Nyers
Segfault with pjsua_set_snd_dev (concurrency problem), Wolfgang Fritz
pjsua_acc_add return value, Tal Fromm
PocketPJ incoming call problem, Tal Fromm
Using PJSIP as server side,
Rozentzvaig Tomer
Calling an Asterisk extension,
Jose Suarez
User-to-User Authentication, Ignacio Sánchez
Getting Error when creating sis file,
Md. Mozaharul Islam
add new tab, nadia.t at tetouch.com
button handling,
saed daoud
pjsip Digest, Vol 23, Issue 70, saed daoud
-fshort_enums sort of works,..... except it doesnt,
Shayne O'Neill
vista code doesnt work on ubuntu, tony tang
unable to use TLS with PJSIP and FreeSwitch,
Tzury Bar Yochay
Filter calls, Ignacio Sánchez
subscribe to watcher info, P.Muge Ersoy
display name,
Siliquini Tonino
AGC in conference, Mehdi Karimi
Sound slows down then system freezes., Shayne O'Neill
Bug in SIP URI parser,
Saúl Ibarra
vpn connection using IPSec, zp bappi
Need a .net wrapper for pjmedia,
pjsip 64bit error, tony tang
AMR's VAD support on Nokia S60 devices?,
Fabio Pietrosanti (naif)
voip over 3G, jay bing
iPhone hard crash + some build instructions for the sake of google, Shayne O'Neill
ICE with rtpproxy, can they live together?,
jay bing
how to handle symetric nat when using public SIP like gizmo5?, nir elkayam
Unable to change PREFIX in a build process,
Marcin Zajączkowski
pjsip error when making call on iphone 3.0, Cheric Chen
[OT] Pjsip based Python + Qt softphone released opensource, Saúl Ibarra
jitter buffeer - reimplementation,
nir elkayam
thread hijacking, Klaus Darilion
Registered but Unable to make a call using pjsua,
amit tyagi
SIP blocked countries issue. Do any body have the solution?,
varun pratapsingh
SIP blocked countries issue. Do any body have the solution?, Fabio Pietrosanti (naif)
TCP IPv6 bug,
Klaus Darilion
new version of QjSimple,
Klaus Darilion
Recording Unicode files in PJSUA, Rafael Maia
voice mail nitification, Md. Mozaharul Islam
multiple calls using pjsip,
Need .Net wrapper for Pjsipmedia library,
ipodsound.c compatibility,
Shayne O'Neill
How to get response from server for incoming voice massage, Md. Mozaharul Islam
Help with pjsua_acc_set_online_status2, Srikanth Rajagopalan
Pjsip ActiveX Wrapper,
Meftah Tayeb
ICE on local network,
nir elkayam
ipodsound.c , is this still a valid audiodevice?, Shayne O'Neill
DNS SRV lookup not working properly,
Brocha Strous
Modifying SDP in tx_request, Tamer Zoubi
add video in pjsip,
proposed patch: getaddrinfo() fallback in pj_dns_srv_resolve, Pierre-Luc Bacon
Allow-Events header does not actually get parsed (patch included), Ruud Klaver
evsub.c: Server timeout only gets set on first refreshing SUBSCRIBE in UAS case, Ruud Klaver
TCP problem: pjsip opens new TCP connection for every REGISTER transaction,
Klaus Darilion
simple_pjsua and vpn,
Aurélien Debrock
possible bug: REGISTER and DNS SRV/DNS A, 407 proxy unauthorized,
Pierre-Luc Bacon
[Fwd: Issue with HOLD call], Senthil
Arm & sound,
Jean Carpentier
How to configure the PJNATH TURN server as STUN server, Suganthi Arthanari
407 Proxy Authentication in pjsip,
amit tyagi
Regarding pjsua_acc_set_online_status,
Srikanth Rajagopalan
Running pjsua on Windows Mobile connected with ActiveSync,
Emil Berg
Issue with HOLD call, Senthil
Define Audio Volume at max, Bharat Yadav
[Fwd: Issue in HOLD call], Senthil
Issue in HOLD call, Senthil
APS-Direct / VAS-Direct with "software codec",
Fabio Pietrosanti (naif)
APS and VAS in the same Symbian binary?,
Fabio Pietrosanti (naif)
How to play WAV file when call is in hold,
Audio gain,
rony jak
problem connecting to vpn,
zp bappi
Regarding Xcap server,
srikanth R
Maximum number of stale,
Pierre-Luc Bacon
Who can tell some PjSIP support for large message transfer using TCP,
Qh guo
What kind of NATs does PJNATH STUN support?,
Suganthi Arthanari
Visual studio Just in time Debugger Error.,
Yuvaraj R
_oss_ioctl compile error, Richard Davies
symbian build problems,
Klaus Darilion
Query about events to be received under the application, Senthil
peer to peer audio, Hasan H
When to set the sound device,
Saúl Ibarra
RFC3388 Grouping of Media Lines in the Session Description Protocol (SDP), Viktor Varallyay
Two INVITE problem and ethereal shows PC receive INVITE packages while PJSIP doesnt receive the packages at all,
PJSIP as a web-phone,
Fabio Pietrosanti (naif)
Conference with g.723, Abdul Khadar
Attended Transfer,
Bjoern Meier
windows mobile underflow - lg ks20 vs hp ipaq hw6915, Attila Nyers
--config-file bug fix, yyy
Reg running bulk calls using PJSUA, Padmaja
Code clarification on how to calculate NTP time, liu yang
vpn connection setup, tanvir ahmed
No Voice Flow,
Smiti Gupta
Error compiling python pjsua in 64bit Linux,
Saúl Ibarra
Help: Pjsip for iPhone Simulator, pritesh gajjar
Near real time Recorder WAV processing,
tony tang
Add G729 to PJSUA,
Audio fade issue,
Hi, does anyone know how to integrate pjsip 1.3 to iphone 3.0,
Cheric Chen
Call Record?,
nitu dhanurved
PJSIP without RTCP,
Fabio Pietrosanti (naif)
PJSIP for Blackberry Do anybody know,
varun pratapsingh
Metallic sound on Windows Mobile, Johan Lantz
windows mobile underflow,
Attila Nyers
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