It might also be worth looking at the OPAL suite if you need a standards based video solution. OPAL , imho, isn't nearly a complete a SIP implementation as PJSip, which is very acomplished, audio-wise, but it does have video support for H323 , and probably SIP. Its also a lot more work, but if your developing apps, thems the breaks. If you want to port to a mobile app, you'll need to port PTLib which looks to be bit of a task. On 10/08/2009, at 5:35 PM, SIDIMOULAY wrote: > Hi, > > I am a new user of SIP applications, I'm working on a matter of > course that is aimed at adding a video codec to PJSIP (H264), I did > the rounds of the Internet for over a month, I managed to add the > audio codecs but no video. > I'm waiting for all your suggestions and advices > > Regards > > > __________ Information provenant d'ESET Smart Security, version de > la base des signatures de virus 4321 (20090810) __________ > > Le message a ?t? v?rifi? par ESET Smart Security. > > > _______________________________________________ > Visit our blog: > > pjsip mailing list > pjsip at > =================================== Shayne O'Neill Development Mobile, Web and Business process integration. shayne.oneill at 0400247091 Ask me about how Alfresco can help your business grow.