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- windows mobile underflow, (continued)
- Multiple SIP users with same user name,
srikanth R
- beginer question: quiet pjsua,
Gabriel Ortiz Lour
- Cross compiling PJSIP for ARM, Matt Battig
- codec problem,
tanvir ahmed
- RTP recv() error with error code 130054, xutm
- (PJSIP 1.3) Disconnection event.,
Paulo Rogério Panhoto
- how to query extended presence info from presence server, Attila Nyers
- Linking error on PJSIP 1.3,
Paulo Rogério Panhoto
- How to register with SIP server using MJSIP,
- Bug in pjmedia_rtp_decode_rtp, rtp extension, Thomas Falk
- Version 1.3 is out,
Benny Prijono
- APS-Direct,
list mail
- hold music issue, Mirsad Makalic
- One way audio problem,
- calling button editing, kobita krisnamoti
- Editing GUI,
tanvir ahmed
- Call Waiting Beep during Incoming GSM Call,
Bharat Yadav
Question about,
pjsua_media_subsys_init fails on symbian, Smiti Gupta
http://trac.pjsip.org/repos/ticket/687, jay bing
Runtime error with media sdp, Qh guo
Two different proxies for one INVITE transaction when DNS SRV is used,
Alexei Kuznetsov
add custom field to the registration via header, Attila Nyers
Audio Input Quality,
Daniel Rodrigo de Freitas Apolinario
Registration issue when setting reg timeout 3600, Smiti Gupta
symbian pjsip app crashed during ongoing sip call and Incoming Gsm call at the same time !!!, vivek shrivastava
Runtime error -- Is it a defect?, Qh guo
stun server,
nitu dhanurved
call_id in container view, Bharat Yadav
STUN Server Problem???, nitu dhanurved
change from header, N H
Opening sound device problem in 1.x series on a Mac, Alexei Kuznetsov
Red 5 server with pjsip call problem., gokulakrishnan
ipv6 problems with pjproject 1.3,
Klaus Darilion
FW: Account registration callback not getting called,
Smiti Gupta
Set codec priority .,
Adding New Codec for Pjproject-1.0.2 Version..,
Yuvaraj R
Payload Type 13 'Comfort Noise', Bernie B
how to build?, fansq
Weired Scenario- Symbian HTTP tunneling,
How to be notified when TLS (TCP) connection brakes?, Ivan Genov
capturing outgoing call in log, vivek shrivastava
Restart ICE session,
Javier Gálvez Guerrero
SDP in reply to reinvite,
Mark Webster
MEDIA_ACTIVE on receipt of 200/PRACK,
Kishore Annapureddy
Multiple subscriptions support with in the same dialog....(RFC3265),
Wang Eric
Unspecified transport in ACK?,
Giorgio Bongiorni
how to use a TLS transport?, Ponik Supapupa
optimizing bandwidth usage for IVRapplications writtenusing PJSIP, Nguyen Van Minh Danh
Help with custom INVITE, segalion
Register a PJSUA with a TLS SIP server,
Adrián Rejas conde
Transport shutdown and SIP proxy registration, Nikola Tassev
PJSIP on Nokia N810 (Maemon), Minh Nguyen
Working with MWI in pjsip,
Md. Mozaharul Islam
conf_slot is invalid for connected call, Michael Broughton
optimizing bandwidth usage for IVR applications writtenusing PJSIP,
Nguyen Van Minh Danh
run siprtp sample, oussama akir
Restart ICE, Javier Gálvez Guerrero
PJSIP 4 Android Google Project,
Mike van Niekerk
taking input from keyboard,
tanvir ahmed
optimizing bandwidth usage for IVR applications written using PJSIP,
Nguyen Van Minh Danh
How to add Method,
PJSIP Symbian_uaGUI sends registration every second,
manoj at ascenttelecom.com
Compilation Error,
oussama akir
Kishore Annapureddy
SIP Servers,
Rachel Cooper
PJSip: How to modify SIP headers, like From, To and Contact, fields? (Johan Lantz),
Johan Lantz
PJSip: How to modify SIP headers, like From, To and Contact fields?, Muthusamy, Balamurugan
Is it possible to integrate PJSIP(LINUX based) withJava???,
senthil at gotouchpoint.com
Visual Studio 2010 beta 1,
oussama akir
pjsip Digest, Vol 22, Issue 31, Changjin Liu
G.711 with stereo hardware,
David Andrey
pjmedia_snd_port_get_snd_stream, P.Muge Ersoy
Is it possible to integrate PJSIP(LINUX based) with Java???,
Listening to 403 Forbidden Response, Michael Adeyeye
HowTo calculate traffic to estimate data costs?, Konstantin Kletschke
stun/ice error handeling when pjsua used, nir elkayam
how can i retrive information added to outgoing sip with pjsua_msg_data, jay bing
Caller-ID, N H
[PJNATH] p2p TCP connection, Surki
How to config jitter buffer,
Nicholas Xu
Can PJSIP be used to implement servers?,
Changjin Liu
[PJSIP 1.1] deadlock on high call volume,
Nguyen Van Minh Danh
How do learn Pjsip,
Yuvaraj R
stun on symbian,
jay bing
editing gui in PJ-SIP,
tanvir ahmed
Restart ICE session when issuing a re-INVITE message, Javier Gálvez Guerrero
Pjsip with java, Senthil
Problem while integrating application with Java, senthil at gotouchpoint.com
ICE negotiation results, nir elkayam
Problem with RTP on iPhone, Maelle Saiag
Sample application using RTCP XR, Javier Gálvez Guerrero
Speex basic VBR and ABR support [PATCH],
Roman Imankulov
RTP port in SDP switched by ALG when sending a re-INVITE, Javier Gálvez Guerrero
Issues with ICE media transport, Amit Sharma
Problem in creating conference,
senthil at gotouchpoint.com
error on symbian - io-queue, jay bing
bug on pjsua - panic on pjsua_destroy on symbian, jay bing
SIP registration error: No suitable credential (PJSIP_ENOCREDENTIAL) [status=171101],
ICE?, jay bing
closeing pjsua on symbian,
jay bing
Splitter/Combiner, Klaus Kuehnhammer
conference port buffers not flushed?,
Klaus Kuehnhammer
VoiceAge G729,
Salvatore Balzano
Please, help with pjsua_call_make_call, segalion
Cannot build PJSIP with my application VS2003, Nguyen Duong Du
problem with authentication,
Davide Marrone
pjusa-lib Can i set the sender ptime for G711 codec?,
Early dialog timeout,
Giorgio Bongiorni
jitter buffer - missing frame or zero (empty) frame?,
Anshuman S. Rawat
captured video stream,
mahmut g
Bug on pjsua_call_xfer_replaces,
Luis Antonio Dias de Sá Junior
CPU utilization 100% for clock_threads, M.S.
Calling to pjsua_wince, Mike Kraimer
Strange error while compiling application, senthil at gotouchpoint.com
need nanang help,
rony jak
pj 1.2 on symbian, jay bing
hook on rtp callback - help from expert is needed, jay bing
How to perform conference call, senthil at gotouchpoint.com
Refersub, Luis Antonio Dias de Sá Junior
how to implement ringback for window mobile,
johnson elangbam
How to implement ringback, johnson elangbam
Md. Nasir Uddin
IM on Symbian, S. M. Nazmul Hasan (Opu)
Compressed RTP on pjsip, rony jak
assert on pjsua_init in symbian, nir elkayam
Call Hold/Resume Using pjsip-1.2,
Bharat Yadav
DISCONNECTED in on_state_changed,
David Andrey
Account id for incoming calls (pjsua unlikes pjsua?), Daniel Nanassy
PJSUA to NOKIA S60 3rd Edition, technologyinspired
Problem with Conference Call?,
nitu dhanurved
error building gcce release from pjproject-1.2 in carbide2.0,
zp bappi
desperate cry for pjsip/symbian expert, jay bing
Stuck PJSUA because of audio hardware?,
Javier Gálvez Guerrero
Building application problem: custom Makefile,
Javier Gálvez Guerrero
which WAV format i need to use in pjmedia?,
Ponik Supapupa
registration using pjsip lib (not pjsua), jay bing
Invite with content_type="application/csta+xml", segalion
Problem when frequently register to server, amit tyagi
Performance Issues,
Mike Kraimer
Does PJSIP supports VPN ?,
How to save or clone the received pjsip_rx_data (rdata), Celso Naka
How to integrate PJSIP with JAVA,
senthil at gotouchpoint.com
Remote Party hold Problem, S. M. Nazmul Hasan (Opu)
Echo problem in external speaker, Radha Manogar
Can not Register to a server running in real IP, Mahmudul Hasan
meaning PJ_DEF in function definition,
G.711 encoder does not set up timestamp,
Roman Imankulov
audio problem in pj-sip,
tanvir ahmed
Help needed with Conference Bridge performances on uclinux-nios2,
Fabio Cherchi
disk-space error., tanvir ahmed
Don't invoke callbacks after some times,
Daniel Rodrigo de Freitas Apolinario
new pjsua-python packages, Tóth Csaba
Max calls on Symbian,
Handle INVITE retransmission, Giorgio Bongiorni
pjsua_config.max_calls should be less than PJSUA_MAX_CALLS, Maarten Sander
Is it possible to bind SIP messages belong to a dialog into the same SIP worker thread?,
Gang Liu
conferece signaling,
jay bing
How to set the From header in messagin,
david Rivas
Is 100 Trying not automatic?,
Giorgio Bongiorni
Register failed in symbian using TLS transport,
ami.patel at fusioninformatics.com
GUI not starts,
tanvir ahmed
one way voice between public ip and private ip,
Sound problems on HTC pocket PCs,
Mike Kraimer
wm5 smartphone build problem,
stoian stefan
do i need to call pjmedia_transport_close() when i use SDP based SRTP transport?, Ponik Supapupa
pjsip registration problem in vista..,
Still getting problem at make file, Yuvaraj R
How to replace real-time voice with (e.g.) a mp3 file in PJSIP samples,
Javier Gálvez Guerrero
Problem in getting associated account with incoming call,
jaspreet madan
End to End KeepAlive,
make file probelem, Yuvaraj R
The PJSIP 1.2 encountered "Datatype Misalignment" exception., list mail
Can not call pjsip_tcp_transport_start2 twice?,
Peter Cai
Any pjsip users in Tokyo?,
Benny Prijono
concatenate problem,
Call identifier,
Daniel Rodrigo de Freitas Apolinario
Pjsip for vista.,
Problems in using PJSIP library as a DLL in Symbian,
Chitra Annapoorni P. S
pjsip consulting, jay bing
Sending and Receiving Message for symbian, Md. Nasir Uddin
PJMEDIA based network emulator,
Roman Imankulov
1.2 detects my NAT as Blocked,
Alexei Kuznetsov
Problem with audio,
senthil at gotouchpoint.com
Recall:, Nijaling_Khot
Integrating video streaming with pjsip for mobile, Nijaling_Khot
Integrating Video with pjsip, Nijaling_Khot
using pjsip without pjmedia,
jay bing
About media initialisation without sound device installed on board,
Ponik Supapupa
SDP encoding issue with SRTP,
Ponik Supapupa
Audio drop out on caller site after running pjsua several hours,
unrecognized in-band DTMF,
Version 1.2 configure on arm, M.S.
pjsip version 1.1 gotcha #2 with work around.,
David Clark
dll_xferCallWithReplaces, Luis Antonio Dias de Sá Junior
Registration loop,
Nuno Costa
HowTo add mic level amplification to simple_pjsua?, Konstantin Kletschke
about codec !!!,
rony jak
Problem linking python_pjsua project,
Ricardo O. Souza
Send ring message,
Luis Antonio Dias de Sá Junior
Adjusting Signal Level,
Paul Mungai
setting socket options PJ_SOL_IP,
Codec frame_out.size on Win Mobile!!!, Elias AC
Version 1.2 is released,
Benny Prijono
What could be the best option for pjsip!,
Alberto Lavariega
Push To Talk Implementation,
Paul Mungai
aps-direct Codec !!!, spider
using custom codec on top of pjsua,
nir elkayam
implement internet radio with pjsip stack, Nijaling_Khot
pjsip Digest, Vol 21, Issue 32,
Compiling pjsip and pjsua for Win32!,
Alberto Lavariega
Daily Report - 11/05/09,
Compile pjsip for iPhone, Maelle Saiag
Problem found in 1.2 release, Uri Shtand
Potential bug in on_rx_rtp(transport_udp.c),
Peter Cai
error ! Not Acceptable Media APS calling, vivek shrivastava
Holding first call then answering second call for Aps Direct,
S. M. Nazmul Hasan (Opu)
How to receive PUBLISH outside a dialog?,
Peter Cai
Second DTMF with IVR, ljmscsq
I can't call linksys without registering to sip server, why?, Valenta Tomáš
pjsip voice problem on iphone,
P.Muge Ersoy
I can't call linksys without registering to sip server, why?, ljmscsq
: Error while calling PJSUA API,
senthil at gotouchpoint.com
Problem with encodec-i686-pc-linux-gnu,
pj_caching_pool_destory - infinite loop, Avijit Senmazumder
Conference Bridge in pjsua,
Error while calling PJSUA API,
senthil at gotouchpoint.com
automatic call, qwertas at centrum.cz
pjnath interoperability problems,
Miika Komu
Making a sip call on emulator,
Jai Byron
conference.c bug?,
Fabio Cherchi
How to Enable IMS settings in wince_demos for windows mobile, vasant dacha
100rel retransmit timer,
Gang Liu
IMS registration in windows mobile....HOW??, vasant dacha
vivek shrivastava
Strange audio on calling !!!, spider
PJSUA codecs, Sebastian Mellmann
pjsip build error in visual studio 2005,
Ricci Oduor
can the IP of local host change?,
Steven Beck
APS in PjSIP 1.1 APS Direct,
Srivatsan Deenadayalan
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