Benny Prijono wrote: > > The rtp_src_addr is registered to pj_ioqueue_recvfrom(), so it will be > filled up by the ioqueue when it calls on_rx_rtp() callback. So > theoretically in the callback the value is always valid. > > Unless if this is that ugly race condition thing, where attach() is > being called while a packet is being received... I recall you reported > a similar case Michael ( > Hi Benny, That is actually what I was thinking. I have been trying to figure out if it is possible that transport_attach() in transport_udp.c is being called at the same time as an rtp/rtcp packet is arriving. Basically, I am getting an assertion failure in on_rx_rtcp() in transport_udp.c, when it calls: pj_sockaddr_print(&udp->rtcp_src_addr, ...); This comes right after this call: pj_memcpy(&udp->rem_rtcp_addr, &udp->rtcp_src_addr, ...); When I debug the coredump, udp->rtcp_src_addr is all zero's (hence the assertion failure in pj_sockaddr_print), but udp->rem_rtcp_addr is a valid/correct address. I don't see how this could happen unless another thread is overwriting that memory location. -- Michael Broughton, Advanis Unintended Recipient & Unauthorized Use of E-Mail: This message and attachments may contain confidential or privileged information that is intended only for the named recipient of this e-mail. Any unauthorized use or distribution is not permitted. If you have received this e-mail in error, deleting the e-mail and notifying the sender would be appreciated. Thank you.