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- APS in PjSIP 1.1 APS Direct, (continued)
FW: APS in PjSIP 1.1 APS Direct, Bharat Yadav
PJSIP 1.1 and IPP 6.0.2 on Visual studio 2005 (Trying to include G729 codec).,
Salvatore Balzano
enable VAD on pjsip1.1, spider
Messaging from Sip client to an normal number !,
vivek shrivastava
Audio drop out on caller site after running pjsua several hours,
Add a new codec, Elias AC
access violation wince, Attila Nyers
Win Mobile: Play & Save a WAV file,
Elias AC
pjsip linux 1.02,
Linking to PJSIP libraries trigger a lot of warnings.,
Peter Cai
How to signalize EOF from PJMEDIA source port (get_frame())?,
Marek Peca
Linking Error while compiling PJSUA for Windows Mobile 5.0,
vasant dacha
Linking Error while compiling for Windows Mobile 5.0, vasant dacha
Regarding Pjsip Win32 GUI client For IMS, suresh jaiswal
Regarding Pjsip Win32 GUI client, suresh jaiswal
Pjsip with video,
P.Muge Ersoy
getting Underflow, buf_cnt=0, will generate 1 frame continuessly, suresh jaiswal
pjsip Digest, Vol 20, Issue 91, johnson elangbam
Mutex Leak in Delay Buffer on WINCE,
Ringback tone and disconnect-event,
Stefan Buschmann
Regarding lock and unlock a particular buddy using pjsip, amit tyagi
Audio stutters while streaming audio,
Ramesh D
How to use call status PJSIP_INV_STATE_CONFIRMED,
Bharat Yadav
unregister external thread,
Ilya Kalinin
No voice in g729 for win mobile,
johnson elangbam
supported phone for pjsip 1.1, spider
Error installing symbian_ua.sisx on 6650,
Does PJNATH support normal ice mode other than the aggressive one,
Is the developer's guide up to date?,
Giorgio Bongiorni
Infite loop(?) when calling pjsua_call_make_call() after receiving 480 Temporary Unavailable,
Maarten Sander
Question about ICE_demo,
Hung Mark
VS stucks while loading pjproject-vs8.sln (r2462),
jboss43 at hushmail.com
Sending message to other sip client .Urgent!!,
vivek shrivastava
How can i use SRTP in a right way?, Ponik Supapupa
Can not update user status on Main dialog,
doren ah
Log file in Symbian emulator,
How to add username in STUN response, frogsir
create a simple conference, Aurélien Debrock
PJSIP on Android,
Mike van Niekerk
More then 32 Pjmedia_Stream creation issue,
Different codec priorities in 1xx and 200,
Alexei Kuznetsov
unable to run Console Symbian_ua.exe on Emulator in PJSIP 1.1, varun pratapsingh
Can not update user status onmain dialog, doren ah
Need help in integrating g729 for windows mobile.,
johnson elangbam
Is the SVN down?, logan
WinCE VS WinXP: RTP Payload Size!!!, Elias AC
Streaming Multi-Channel PCM, Fabio Cherchi
Frame Size of various PJSip Codecs?, Elias AC
Bug in int_parse_status_line (sip_parser.c),
Tomáš Valenta
carry boolean data, P.Muge Ersoy
TLS in Symbian S60,
Srivatsan Deenadayalan
call Hangup problem !!, vasant dacha
retriving user data from pjsua_call_make_call/pjsua_call_answer, nir elkayam
Need Makefile template,
senthil at gotouchpoint.com
problem with PJSIP-ua to PJSIP-ua calling, vasant dacha
Qjsimple .pro file for windows mobile.,, gokulakrishnan
Qjsimple build problem.,
QjSimple with Qt.,, gokulakrishnan
Fwd: Need help to run Qjsimple application on Mac OS, Yuvaraj R
pjsip, Qt, QjSimple,
Perry Ismangil
pjsip Digest, Vol 20, Issue 50, gokulakrishnan
How to build pjsip for Qt.,,
submitting and fetching media into another process how to,
Tzury Bar Yochay
Building windows pjsip with Intel IPP in Debug mode, Rafael Maia
How to detect NAT type with just PJLIB and PJLIB-UTIL, girish_kumar
IMS audio call doesnt hangup in PJSUA, Amit Kumar
pjmedia_snd_aps_activate_loudspeaker, Mohammad Bashir Ullah
distortion in the background on G729 using APS-DIRECT, Mohammad Bashir Ullah
creating rtp channel, jay bing
streaming and sip,
Hartman Mario Andres
does pjsip python application run on symbian?,
Juha Heinanen
RTP loss period statistics assume always 1 channel,
Possible problem with pjmedia_aud_dev_lookup() and devices of the same name, Ruud Klaver
Problem in building the application,
senthil at gotouchpoint.com
Assertion failure on new audio device,
Adrian Georgescu
import pjsua error on windows2003,
Message not available
Background Noise with APS- DIRECT,
Karthik Babu
How to adding Call Forward..., 김공현
SIP Packets priority, Filipe Cardeal P. Santos
how to wait that un-publish is complete?,
Juha Heinanen
How to Disable VAD?, Elias AC
Address already in use (WSAEADDRINUSE) [status=130048],
Mohit Kumar
global variables declaration in stateless proxy file, vip
B2BUA Hold problem,
publish without register?, Juha Heinanen
need help in g729 integration for windows mobile, johnson elangbam
Change timeout with register when server down., Wanlop Runsiyangkul
pjsua_wince > Error starting SIP transport; Received no response from STUN server,
Amit Kumar
Multi modal support, IMS extension, and video capability, Amit Kumar
Error in symbian,
Mohit Kumar
How to pause current stream?,
Kevin Gong
pjsua help please,
Jerry Monteiro
cannot connect player and rec to session,
David Andrey
Problem in registering PJSIP with Asterisk server,
senthil at gotouchpoint.com
Problem in building PJSUA Project,
sdp data accessing problem,
vipula nandipati
Media Flow & Assymetry, Elias AC
pjsip support for N96 (Symbian 3.2), Xia Zhang
Building PJSip in Eclipse on Linux,
Athar Shiraz Siddiqui
GUI PJSIP under windows,
anass kartit
DNS SRV resolver,
Need to compile additional codec, Ramesh D
How to Build Under Windows,
Athar Shiraz Siddiqui
Ring Tone and Ringback Tones -- symbian APS-Direct,
manoj at ascenttelecom.com
creating NAT and testing, anass kartit
how to integrate intel ipp for windows mobile into pjsip,
johnson elangbam
Problem in Instant Messaging using pjsip,
amit tyagi
send data from bluetooth,
Hartman Mario Andres
Smallest FootPrint Instructions,
Athar Shiraz Siddiqui
crash APS-Direct,
mohamed hassan
Calling pjmedia_endpt_create() fails when there are no audio cards,
Ruud Klaver
How to convert ANSI values to u8 char value and Authentication vectors(AV)?, Sanjay Nayak
Strange audio noise when using new sound device API,
Ruud Klaver
'make dep' fails on FreeBSD 6.2,
wince_demos not building in pjproject-1.1,
Jacob Holmgaard
PJUSA: Call summary,
Sebastian Mellmann
Error parsing Contact like user@domain@x.x.x.x,
Alexei Kuznetsov
G.722 codec distortion,
Alexei Kuznetsov
transport_udp on_rx_rtcp problem,
Michael Broughton
converting pjsua to mfc application: static function problem, doren ah
Debian packages,
Emmanuel Milou
Volume Control in APS-Direct,
mohamed hassan
How to establish multicast communication using pjmedia functions?, ljmscsq
Tutorial Making VOIP Call Using SIP,
Athar Shiraz Siddiqui
Threads question,
Question about PJSIP,
Athar Shiraz Siddiqui
Possible race conditions when destroying wav_player port,
Ruud Klaver
iLBC + PJSUA on TI DaVinci,
Kapil Pendse
Can anyone help with problem of PJSUA unregister?, Soh Wei Sin
Regarding porting PJSIP to a platform with builtin HW codec,
Wang Eric
Problem with pjsua in Ubuntu & WM6, Ignacio Sánchez
PJProject1.1 Error,
Unable to debug the test application,
ayesha shahab
Memory Full,
mohamed hassan
transport_send_rtcp() segfault issue (Johan Lantz),
Johan Lantz
re-INVITE tsx takes very long to reach TERMINATED state on negative reply in sip_inv.c,
Ruud Klaver
error occur when compiling pjsua python module,
full SDP in 200 ok, asymmetric codecs,
Klaus Darilion
transport_send_rtcp() segfault issue, manjeet
Pjsip in symbian S60,
Mohit Kumar
How to handle caller get BYE when on early dialog,
Gang Liu
ICE connectivity check via TURN,
RTP source port doesn't match SDP info with STUN enabled,
Eric Chamberlain
A question about broadcast,
Encryption the RTP (voice) payload,
Elias AC
can not build using PJSIP in my own application, Dajun Qin
Anyone Installed PJSIP on Micro COS II?, Athar Shiraz Siddiqui
François Roseberry
Run pjsua in Background,
Lloyd Wittebol
A few questions.., Martin Fiala
Problem adding IPv6 account for pjsua,
Soh Wei Sin
Segmentation fault on pjsip, spider
Problem during pjsua_create() on iPhone, Maelle Saiag
Resolving SRV Record, spider
SOS from newbie -- about PJSUA,
Dajun Qin
How to use streamutil.exe,
pjproject 1.1 building aps direct, S. M. Nazmul Hasan (Opu)
Version 1.0.2 is out,
Benny Prijono
re-registration problem,
mohamed hassan
Problem with ICE in pjanth.,
configure --disable-sound, Ming-Ching Tiew
SDP question,
François Roseberry
Cancel request,
Rozentzvaig Tomer
PJ_LOG in msec,
Johan Lantz
video on iPhone ?, David Andrey
Have you build Pjsip 1.1 for Windows CE,
varun pratapsingh
ThreadX, Christopher Richard Dobbs
Port not allowed in from and to header?,
Amit Sharma
[python] nameserver option in UAConfig causes crash, Saúl Ibarra
Allow header missing in REGISTER,
Saúl Ibarra
[python] send_request not working when headers are None or empty, Saúl Ibarra
encrypt sip and rtp packets,
Karthik Babu
SIP server,
Christopher Richard Dobbs
debugging RTP Packets,
anass kartit
pjsip beginner with 2 questions,
Ming-Ching Tiew
req for help - Calling pjlib from unknown/external thread..., Michael
pjsip Digest, Vol 19, Issue 72,
Yolguly Allaberdiyev
Registering period, mohamed hassan
FW: Pjsua with more than 32 calls - could someone please help???, Noga Yehudai
python-pjsua 1.0.1 windows builds available,
Tóth Csaba
how to make conference???, nitu dhanurved
Optimizing voice latency,
Kimberly Gibbs
Version 1.1 is released,
Benny Prijono
Assertion : Can't call PJSIP function with an external thread.,
cedric leveque
how to do tcp connection reused for pjsip,
Compilation errors using PJSIP on IPhone,
[python] When should I call set_snd_dev?,
Saúl Ibarra
Change nameservers on the fly, Alexei Kuznetsov
Problem with PJMEDIA's play callback,
Jurij Smakov
Infinite loop in jbuf causing deadlock,
Michael Broughton
is payload type of g726 correct?,
Rafael Maia
Sorry for too many emails like "Help me",
Assertion failed: output_buf_len,
Diego Barreiro
PJSIP and REGISTER request,
Paweł Stawicki
Compilation error on make for pjsip library source code.,
cedric leveque
Register a thread every once in a while,
Alexei Kuznetsov
no sound,
ask for help,
help me !a confused problem!, ljmscsq
help help, ljmscsq
Early media,
iajdani at provati.com
- <Possible follow-ups>
- early media, iajdani at provati.com
streamutil wrapper verification, anass kartit
Problem with CANCEL,
Michael Broughton
Pjlib on Symbian,
George Evi
pjmedia port issues behind NAT for wince,
anass kartit
Build project .sisx file issue, Ramu
pjsua unregister upon register for ipv6 client,
Soh Wei Sin
long delay in processing (re-)invite,
Klaus Kuehnhammer
how to specify local-ip?,
Joe Joe Shmoe
Decoding in play thread,
Nicholas Xu
Registration failed for TCP connection in symbian (carbide C++ 1.3) emulator.,
vinay n
correcting samples_per_frame in pjmedia clock_thread,
How to DTMF using Symbian_ua,
S. M. Nazmul Hasan (Opu)
How to DTMF using Symbian_ua, Bharat Yadav
Is PJSUA have support for IPv6 instant massage?, Soh Wei Sin
Doc for using pjsua,
Prokash Sinha
TCP connection problem in Symbian, vinay n
How to configure User name and authorisation user name in pjsip?,
after sudo make install,header file unaccesseable., Soh Wei Sin
help me,
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