endpoint.c: line #124 /* Sound */ status = pjmedia_aud_subsys_init(pf); if (status != PJMEDIA_EAUD_NODEV) // JDC keep runing on this error for NULL AUDIO support. { if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) goto on_error; } I simply added the if to keep it runing for this error. It worked for a pjsua.exe test. Next I try my application. Benny's input always welcome, David Clark At 03:11 AM 4/15/2009, David Clark wrote: >Ok in prior versions up to 1.0-rc1 if you set the --null_audio >option you could do sip without audio hardware present. > >With this version I get this error: >DEBUG: pa_dev.c Sound device count=0 >DEBUG: pa_dev.c PortAudio sound library shutting down.. >TRACE: pa_dev.c PA message: TerminateHostApis in >TRACE: pa_dev.c PA message: TerminateHostApis out >DEBUG: wmme_dev.c WMME found no sound devices >ERROR: pjsua_media.c Media stack initialization has returned error: >Found no audio devices (PJMEDIA_EAUD_NODEV) [status=420005] > >I am using the 1.1 zip file on the download page. > >Any ideas? > >Thanks, > >David Clark >ps. I was successful in setting up FFT analysis of frequency data on >a given call in real time. Let me know if anybody is interested in how this is >done. I did it using a memory capture port so zero mods to the >pjsip library where done. > > >_______________________________________________ >Visit our blog: http://blog.pjsip.org > >pjsip mailing list >pjsip at lists.pjsip.org >http://lists.pjsip.org/mailman/listinfo/pjsip_lists.pjsip.org