Sending message to other sip client .Urgent!!

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  Hello  Mr srivatsan,

       I am sending the message in  this  format

        TUint8 url[256];
                    TPtr8 aUrl(url, 256);
                    HBufC *bufPter=HBufC::NewL(300);
                    if(bufPter){delete bufPter;}
                    //    if (symbian_ua_makecall((char *)aUrl.PtrZ()) != 0)
                    HBufC *bufTxt=HBufC::NewL(30);
                    bufTxt->Des().Append(_L("Hello Test"));
                    if(bufTxt){delete bufTxt;}
                    //send_im ((char *)aUrl.PtrZ(), (char *)bufTxt);

                    HBufC *domain=HBufC::NewL(300);
                    TBuf<200> regBuf;

                    send_im ((char *)aUrl.PtrZ(), (char *)bufTxt,( char

                    PutMessage(_L("Message Sent..."));


void send_im (const char *chat_dest_add, const char *message,const char
    pj_status_t status;
    pj_str_t * mime_type = NULL; // default type is Text/Plain so set to

    char tmp_id[PJSIP_MAX_URL_SIZE];
    pj_ansi_sprintf (tmp_id, "sip:%s@%s", chat_dest_add, sipdomain );
  //  pj_ansi_sprintf (tmp_id, "sip:%s@%s", chat_dest_add, domain );
    pj_str_t dst = pj_str (tmp_id);
    pj_str_t content = pj_str (( char* ) message);
    status = pjsua_im_send (g_acc_id, &dst, mime_type, &content, NULL, NULL

             Still message is not recived at other end , is the format for
sending the message is right
 or i have to add some thing else
e.g. with "--proxy sip:myproxy;lr;transport=tcp"

            Please guide


> On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 12:39 PM, Srivatsan Deenadayalan <
> srivatsan at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> You no need add anything for symbian. Already it has been implemented in
>> symbian_ua.cpp.
>> The method static void *on_pager(pjsua_call_id call_id, const pj_str_t
>> *from, const pj_str_t *to, const pj_str_t *contact, const pj_str_t
>> *mime_type, const pj_str_t *text) *in symbian_ua.cpp is the call back
>> method called by PjSIP framework upon reception of any incoming messages.
>> Just check the link :
>> , this
>> will give u a better idea.
>>  /* Incoming IM message (i.e. MESSAGE request)!  */
>> static void on_pager(pjsua_call_id call_id, const pj_str_t *from,
>>              const pj_str_t *to, const pj_str_t *contact,
>>              const pj_str_t *mime_type, const pj_str_t *text)
>> {
>>     /* Note: call index may be -1 */
>>     PJ_UNUSED_ARG(call_id);
>>     PJ_UNUSED_ARG(to);
>>     PJ_UNUSED_ARG(contact);
>>     PJ_UNUSED_ARG(mime_type);
>>     PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE,"MESSAGE from %.*s: %.*s",
>>           (int)from->slen, from->ptr,
>>           (int)text->slen, text->ptr));
>> }
>> vivek shrivastava wrote:
>> Thanks
>> srivatsan for your help
>>              regards
>               vivek
>> On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 12:34 PM, amit tyagi <amit.ty83 at> wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> Actually I had implemented this for windows application, so not sure it
>>> will work for
>>> symbian.If you require that code then I'll forward you within one or two
>>> days.
>>> Thanks
>>> Amit
>>> On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 12:18 PM, vivek shrivastava <
>>> vivek.mics at> wrote:
>>>> hi amit ,
>>>> Plsease tell me where and how should i implement it if  u have snippet
>>>> please provide me
>>>> thanks
>>>> vivek
>>>>  On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 11:17 AM, amit tyagi <amit.ty83 at>wrote:
>>>>> Hi
>>>>> For receiving messages you have to implement a callback function that
>>>>> invokes whenever a message come.
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Amit
>>>>> On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 7:11 PM, vivek shrivastava <
>>>>> vivek.mics at> wrote:
>>>>>> hello srivatsan,
>>>>>>  thanks
>>>>>>  for the reply ,i had done exactly as per your guideline . now i am
>>>>>> sending the message from one PJsip client to other but reciver device is not
>>>>>> showing any reciving message ,and also application is not crashing is
>>>>>> we have to right the receiving code also for that or application wil
>>>>>> manage to do so .
>>>>>> The code in symbian_ua.cpp is
>>>>>> void send_im (const char *chat_dest_add, const char *message,const
>>>>>> char *sipdomain)
>>>>>>     {
>>>>>>     pj_status_t status;
>>>>>>     pj_str_t * mime_type = NULL; // default type is Text/Plain so set
>>>>>> to NULL
>>>>>>     char tmp_id[PJSIP_MAX_URL_SIZE];
>>>>>>     pj_ansi_sprintf (tmp_id, "sip:%s@%s", chat_dest_add, sipdomain );
>>>>>>   //  pj_ansi_sprintf (tmp_id, "sip:%s@%s", chat_dest_add, domain );
>>>>>>     pj_str_t dst = pj_str (tmp_id);
>>>>>>     pj_str_t content = pj_str (( char* ) message);
>>>>>>     status = pjsua_im_send (g_acc_id, &dst, mime_type, &content, NULL,
>>>>>> NULL );
>>>>>>     }
>>>>>> where  const char *sipdomain is used to send the Sip domain
>>>>>> dynamically .
>>>>>> and the code in symbian_ua_guiContainerView.cpp is like this
>>>>>>   TUint8 url[256];
>>>>>>   TPtr8 aUrl(url, 256);
>>>>>>   TBuf8<25>ibuf;
>>>>>>   HBufC *bufPter=HBufC::NewL(300);
>>>>>>   bufPter->Des().Append(_L("8889197425"));
>>>>>>   CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8(aUrl, *bufPter);
>>>>>>   if(bufPter){delete bufPter;}
>>>>>>   // if (symbian_ua_makecall((char *)aUrl.PtrZ()) != 0)
>>>>>>   HBufC *bufTxt=HBufC::NewL(30);
>>>>>>   bufTxt->Des().Append(_L("Hello "));
>>>>>>   if(bufTxt){delete bufTxt;}
>>>>>>   PutMessage(_L("Messaging..."));
>>>>>>   //ibuf.Append(aUrl);
>>>>>>   //PutMessage(ibuf);
>>>>>>   //send_im ((char *)aUrl.PtrZ(), (char *)bufTxt);
>>>>>>   HBufC *domain=HBufC::NewL(300);
>>>>>>   TBuf<200> regBuf;
>>>>>>   GetRegisterIDValue(regBuf);
>>>>>>   regBuf.Trim();
>>>>>>   domain->Des().Append(regBuf);
>>>>>>   send_im ((char *)aUrl.PtrZ(), (char *)bufTxt,( char *)domain);
>>>>>>  PutMessage(_L("Messaging.Done"));
>>>>>>  i dont feel there is any error in coding but not able to diplay
>>>>>> message on other side Please guide
>>>>>>  Thankyou very much
>>>>>>  Regards
>>>>>>  vivek
>>>>>>  On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 4:20 PM, Srivatsan Deenadayalan <
>>>>>> srivatsan at> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> Just add a line in symbian_ua.cpp
>>>>>>> #define SIP_DOMAIN    ""
>>>>>>> For example:
>>>>>>> #define SIP_DOMAIN <18004664411 at> "
>>>>>>>" <18004664411 at>
>>>>>>> Also u need not send full sip address (<18004664411 at>
>>>>>>> 18004664411 at ) <18004664411 at> of
>>>>>>> destination to the method . Just send 18004664411<18004664411 at>alone to the method, it will form the full sip address. The line,
>>>>>>> pj_ansi_sprintf (tmp_id, "sip:%s@%s", chat_dest_add, SIP_DOMAIN );
>>>>>>> in the method forms the  full sip address based on the SIP_DOMAIN specified.
>>>>>>> You can change the method as your wish.
>>>>>>> This is the important line in sending the message, according to this
>>>>>>> u can change the method.
>>>>>>> pjsua_im_send (g_acc_id, &dst, mime_type, &content, NULL, NULL );
>>>>>>> vivek shrivastava wrote:
>>>>>>> srivatsan
>>>>>>> Thanks , for your valuable support and responce
>>>>>>> i had implemented
>>>>>>> void send_im (const char *chat_dest_add, const char *message) in
>>>>>>> symbian_ua.cpp and called that method in symbian_ua_guiContainerView.cpp in
>>>>>>> HandleCommandL()
>>>>>>> for testing purpose
>>>>>>> HBufC *bufPter=HBufC::NewL(300);
>>>>>>> bufPter->Des().Append(_L("18004664411 at"));
>>>>>>> CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8(aUrl, *bufPter);
>>>>>>> if(bufPter){delete bufPter;}
>>>>>>> // if (symbian_ua_makecall((char *)aUrl.PtrZ()) != 0)
>>>>>>> HBufC *bufTxt=HBufC::NewL(30);
>>>>>>> bufTxt->Des().Append(_L("Hello "));
>>>>>>> if(bufTxt){delete bufTxt;}
>>>>>>> PutMessage(_L("Messaging..."));
>>>>>>> send_im ((char *)aUrl.PtrZ(), (char *)bufTxt);
>>>>>>> PutMessage(_L("Messaging.Done"));
>>>>>>> am i typing the address in the correct format ie,
>>>>>>> 18004664411 at or will the format  be different
>>>>>>> in void send_im () function  at line
>>>>>>> pj_ansi_sprintf (tmp_id, "sip:%s@%s", chat_dest_add, SIP_DOMAIN );
>>>>>>>  what is  SIP_DOMAIN and where should i declear it .
>>>>>>>  Thankyou once again for your help
>>>>>>> Best Regards
>>>>>>>   vivek
>>>>>>> On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 11:57 AM, Srivatsan Deenadayalan <
>>>>>>> srivatsan at> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Yes of course. But i suggest to add the messaging method in *symbian_ua.cpp
>>>>>>>> *class and declare the method in *symbian_ua.h *header. Now its
>>>>>>>> easy for you to access the method in symbian_ua_guiContainerView. I always
>>>>>>>> suggest to split UI from functional engines. And don't  hesitate to ask your
>>>>>>>> doubts. Mailing list is for helping each other.
>>>>>>>> vivek shrivastava wrote:
>>>>>>>> Thanks srivatsan,
>>>>>>>>      For your Support ,So can i use this function directly in the
>>>>>>>> symbian_ua_guiContainerView including the
>>>>>>>>      pjsua.h header in the file .
>>>>>>>>      Sorry again for asking ,just had started PJsip and the task was
>>>>>>>> urgent
>>>>>>>>     Thanks again
>>>>>>>>   Regard's
>>>>>>>>   vivek
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 9:46 PM, Srivatsan Deenadayalan <
>>>>>>>> srivatsan at> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> This how i send instant message using pjsip in my application. Hope
>>>>>>>>> this will help you.
>>>>>>>>> /* Method to send instant message */
>>>>>>>>> void send_im (const char *chat_dest_add, const char *message)
>>>>>>>>>     {
>>>>>>>>>     pj_status_t status;
>>>>>>>>>     pj_str_t * mime_type = NULL; // default type is Text/Plain so
>>>>>>>>> set to NULL
>>>>>>>>>     char tmp_id[PJSIP_MAX_URL_SIZE];
>>>>>>>>>     pj_ansi_sprintf (tmp_id, "sip:%s@%s", chat_dest_add,
>>>>>>>>> SIP_DOMAIN );
>>>>>>>>>     pj_str_t dst = pj_str (tmp_id);
>>>>>>>>>     pj_str_t content = pj_str (( char* ) message);
>>>>>>>>>     status = pjsua_im_send (g_acc_id, &dst, mime_type, &content,
>>>>>>>>> NULL, NULL );
>>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>>> vivek shrivastava wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>   Just new to Pjsip  compiled and executed the Calling module
>>>>>>>>> successfully for s60 Symbian , thanks to rich documentation and forum
>>>>>>>>> Support
>>>>>>>>>   I need to send Sip message to other sip Agent client i had seen
>>>>>>>>> Symbian_ua.cpp and
>>>>>>>>> *static void on_pager(pjsua_call_id call_id, const pj_str_t *from,
>>>>>>>>>   const pj_str_t *to, const pj_str_t *contact, const pj_str_t *mime_type,
>>>>>>>>> const pj_str_t *text)*
>>>>>>>>> function  meant for
>>>>>>>>> /* Incoming IM message (i.e. MESSAGE request)!  */
>>>>>>>>> Please suggest me the method /function from where i can make direct
>>>>>>>>> message to any other Sip agent please also suggest how to initiate it in
>>>>>>>>> symbian_ua_guiContainerView as i am referring the gui part from there .
>>>>>>>>> please let me know it is some urgent for me with little knowledge
>>>>>>>>> of Pjsip
>>>>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>>>>> Vivek
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>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>> Srivatsan.D,
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>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Srivatsan.D,
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>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Srivatsan.D,
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