Saul., Maybe post your log. Its quite possible your suffering a firewall related problem, which can be tricky to diagnose. I'd also suggest playing around with the ICE firewall negotiation functionality, and STUN. But post the logs and maybe we can recognise the cause from the symptoms. Regards, Shayne. On 19/08/2009, at 4:43 AM, Sa?l Ibarra wrote: > The log just shows the file is being played, so I don't really know > why it's failing for you... hope someone else can help you better, > sorry... > > Just in case stop any application that uses the soundcard, including > your internet browser. > > > -- > /Sa?l > | > > _______________________________________________ > Visit our blog: > > pjsip mailing list > pjsip at > =================================== Shayne O'Neill Development Mobile, Web and Business process integration. shayne.oneill at 0400247091 Ask me about how Alfresco can help your business grow.