On 29/07/2009, at 6:47 PM, saed daoud wrote: > Dear all > > Any One can tell me how to make EStdKeyYes(green key )for call and > EStdKeyNo > (red key) for hung up .. > > Regards > Saed Daoud > More of a Nokia question than a pjsip one. http://discussion.forum.nokia.com/forum/showthread.php?t=143800 I'll assume that its whatever is going on in that thread, and you hook them up to something like pjsua_call_make_call and its counterpart hangup call. Have a nosy at the simple pjsua example. Its very easy to follow, then plug that in to the coresponding nokia code from that thread there. You might want to pay a bit of close attention to the symbian example code and pj/compat/os_symbian type stuff for whatever funk and jive you need to get it up with symbian OS.