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- Voice is bad when the received RTP packet include extension header.,
Kresten Tolstrup
- CODEC, Nanang Izzuddin
- <Possible follow-ups>
- CODEC, Kresten Tolstrup
- Can't compile /pjmedia/src/test/mips_test.c with MIPS GCC,
Antonio Anton
- fail to transmit PCM frame to peer, Duncan.Lee
- Build failing on Linux,
Moshe Matitya
- Dialog creation failed error in ARM platform, 최승한
- Help needed to build PJSIP, Tulip Neo
- Outgoing Call Transfer, Wong Peter
- VOIP Connection Detection, Wong Peter
- How to map domain name into IP address in IMS registration?,
feiwang ya
- Play Wav File, Wong Peter
- VOIP Call Check, Wong Peter
- Call Hold Play Wav File Strange Error, Wong Peter
- Why main function missing in sample application ??,
sunil sarolkar
- Just added: QoS support (TOS/DSCP, WMM, 802.1p), Benny Prijono
- Just added: Message Summary / MWI (RFC 3842),
Benny Prijono
- Wave File Streaming,
- Unsupported transport error on symbian tls, vish d
- Link error even after including libraries, sunil sarolkar
- Help with voiceage g729 integration in pjsua,
- SRTP with asterisk?,
jay bing
- Linker error compiling simple_pjsua.c,
sunil sarolkar
- Crash in cpool_create_pool when pjsip setup in a worker thread,
Eric Chamberlain
- ZRTP support, Syd Brearley
- stucks on symbian,
nir elkayam
- Unable to open more than 32 ports,
Abdul Khadar
- XCAP client for symbian,
nir elkayam
- streamutil.c, Aamir
- Open source SIP client and SIP Server for Windows Mobile,
- Error building pjsip : ..\src\pjsua\main.c(47) : error C2065: 'CTRL_C_EVENT' : undeclared identifier......,
sunil sarolkar
- link error in 1.4.5 WINCE, fcch2k
- Silence suppression,
Lucas Tehbing
- Teeny Tiny bug.,
John Ridges
- long Notify get cut?,
nir elkayam
- Failed to open busy device on android platform, Duncan.Lee
- Compilation error in revision,
Dan Arrhenius
- How to build icedemo.exe and pass on arguments to it ., amaresh marekar
- Why TURN Connection Type Not Include TLS.,
- too many "samples reduced" in Win6.1,
- How to build pjsip for Blackfin,
towhid islam
- playlist eof_cb support from python pjsua?,
Shawn Smith
- TLS in Symbian_ua_gui,
vish d
- Can we able to run pjProject at console window under Linux Platform, Yuvaraj R
- Should I always call pj_thread_register ?,
Emil Berg
- Segfault on SuSE SLES 9,
Leonardo Secci
- bad sound in WM6.1, fcch2k
- Is there a way to determine that a call had no audio?,
Eric Chamberlain
- VOIP Softphone Implementation Question,
Wong Peter
- Update call Info,
Wong Peter
- How to build pjsip for Blackfin?,
Ponik Supapupa
- pjsip Digest, Vol 26, Issue 32, hlabishi kobo
- MSRP in pjsip,
- pjsip client always populates itself as "controlled" agent in stun connectivity checks for the incoming ice-lite call,
amaresh marekar
- MWI Implementation, Md. Nasir Uddin
- KeyPad Tone Question, Wong Peter
- Call Hold Not Working, Wong Peter
- Approach Store SIP Account and Contact List, Wong Peter
- EC Suspended because of inactivity,
Wong Peter
- Configure Input and Output Sound Device, Wong Peter
- Automatically Log Outgoing VOIP Call, Wong Peter
- VOIP LCall Record Problem,
Wong Peter
- Re :Re: noise in G729 codec,
milky way
- changing symbian pjsip from full-duplex to half-duplex,
hlabishi kobo
- How to Compile Pjsip for Android,
buntee b
- Audio problem: peer is missing.,
Thiago Rondon
- Using SRTP not as the config default value bug?,
Tal Fromm
- PjSUA on Ubuntu 9.04,
Marco Pozzato
- How to play WAV with VAS?,
- Some questions regarding the PJSua., José Martins
- pjsip client always populates itself as "controlled" agent in stun connectivity checks for the incoming ice-lite call,
amaresh marekar
- bug in timer heap symbian + correction,
nir elkayam
- PJSUA uses more than 92% of CPU, how to reduce?,
- enabling RTCP-XR, Rafael Maia
- Replacing the audio backend in pjsua,
Dan Arrhenius
- pjsip-symbian tls Error,
towhid islam
- Generic Application for Symbian Platform - How to reduce the cost,
vishal dharankar
- pjsip tls Error,
towhid islam
- Buffer size adjusted error,
- Generic Application for Symbian Platform - How to reduce the cost,
varun pratapsingh
- Windows Mobile 6.1,
Ricardo Pereira
- linker error about RAPSession,
vish d
- How do I attach the local account to more than one transport?,
Eric Chamberlain
- trouble with PJMEDIA_EAUD_NODEV under windows,
Shawn Smith
- Bug : Impossible to disable g722 and not g7221,
Samuel Vinson
- noise in G729 codec,
milky way
- How to resolve voice breaking & how to add g729 for windows mobile., gokulakrishnan
- Mac OS X 10.6 Universal Binaries - *** missing separator. Stop.,
- VOIP Call History Question,
Wong Peter
- Problem with building pjsip under VS2008,
Michał Mizera
- Bad xml id in file "pjsip\src\pjsip-simple\rpid.c",
Rafael Maia
- Is there any ay to include the g729 and g723 codec in Symbian application in PJProject 1.2,
varun pratapsingh
- Register response message, Madhumitha Subramanian
- Only a single host candidate being added. No srflx, relay, etc.,
- A couple of bug reports.,
John Ridges
- Error uisng the APS- Direct in Symbian S60 3rd Edition FP1,
varun pratapsingh
- simpleua doesn't work on Linux, MK
- crashing with pcm,
Abdul Khadar
- Media, Account Config, Wong Peter
- SIP Presence,
Minh Nguyen
- Inbound audio in case AMR codec on Nokia E52, Vasyl Strutynskyy
- Can PJSIP register with hundreds of VoIP providers at one time?,
Eric Chamberlain
- Pjlib Implementation Question,
Wong Peter
- reinvite causes assertion failure,
Daniel Nanassy
- patch for pjmedia/src/pjmedia/conference.c,
Jens Jorgensen
- Socket bind returns kErrArgument Error,
Suba shini
- Pjsua Sample Application Error From Creating Media Transport,
Wong Peter
- Pjlib Application Compile Error When Define PJ_WIN32 = 1 in project settings In Visual Studio, Wong Peter
- Pjlib Visual Studio Broken Error Compile Bug Help, Wong Peter
- refresher INVITE destroys dialog,
SIP header,
Kresten Tolstrup
Using PJSIP develop the Black Berry dialer,
sunil yadav
Addedum and fix for my previous problem, Shayne O'Neill
Error using pj_pool_create_on_buf,
fabio cherchi
Build Pjlib Library File From Visual Studio, Wong Peter
audio driver thread creation/destruction, Shayne O'Neill
First Program Compile Failed,
Wong Peter
App call 0 state= CONFIRMED, Rachel Baskaran
TCP connection closes itself,
vinay n
Increasing CSEQ in im_callback when proxy authentication is required,
Rafael Maia
Transfer a call,
Rachel Baskaran
Console app to hang-up a number, if not picking,
Rachel Baskaran
How can I quit pjsua app, when I press 'h'?,
Rachel Baskaran
pjturn-srv-i386-win32-vc6-debug.exe exception.,
aec test,
Claudiu-Dan Gheorghe
PjSIP PjSua Visual Studio Compile Error help, Wong Peter
[help]How can pjsip use two tcp transport ports to register server for two accourts?,
Cheng, 成
PJproject version macro, Dan Arrhenius
Audio Quality when using g726 32 CODEC, Kotha, Ravikanth
Payload size change,
Lucas Tehbing
Repeated PUBLISH request,
Help: pjsua Mingw W32 build with G729 ???,
pjsip run on S60 3rd FP2 and s60 5th wrong,
VAS G.729 inband DTMF, mylen
inband DTMF,
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Inband DTMF, dpn at switchvoice.com
Remote location,
Rachel Baskaran
Sending IM/SMS from the command line,
How to use SIP PORT other than 5060?,
Has developer plans to include call control by ua-csta?, segalion
Rruntime error, Haripriya A R
Video Support in PJSIP,
Kchitiz Saxena
crash in pj pool,
Amritha Nambiar
custom XML for presence, Attila Nyers
hold & unhold,
Yuvaraj R
PJSUA replay WAV ?,
Mika Saari
I Found what the problem was."Problem with STUN client", 44072429
Question About STUN client, 44072429
SIP messages,
Paolo Micanti
Bugfix: hold/reinvite can reset the RTP sequence number,
Michele Cicciotti
Bugfix: URL-unescape nameaddr display names,
Michele Cicciotti
Unicode compilation issues and fixes,
Michele Cicciotti
Kresten Tolstrup
Bug: Missing dependency in makefile for pjmedia,
Thomas Falk
TCP transport published name & port, Tal Fromm
Fwd: Buddy presence issue,
Yuvaraj R
Activex with pjsip,
P.Muge Ersoy
Lag in a call,
Tiago Ferreira
"Sample format not supported" on DM355, Matteo Pucci
Patch for svn trunk: legacy device doesn't work (pjmedia-audiodev),
Samuel Vinson
Patch for mips_test.c, Samuel Vinson
Add extra header in INVITE messages.,
Thiago Rondon
Does anybody compile PJLIB PJmedia on Vxworks?, 李巍海
[Fwd: PjSIP Hangs in During Active Call - Symbian.], Srivatsan Deenadayalan
PjSIP Hangs in During Active Call - Symbian., Srivatsan Deenadayalan
Playing WAV File to Sound Device,
Md. Mozaharul Islam sujon
wav file end does not stop playback from port (w/ patch), Jens Jorgensen
callback for notify package, xutm
Segfault using streams with conference bridge,
John Graham
STUN padding problem with pjsip 1.4, John Ridges
sip_auth_clien- unable to set auth for tdta0x.....:can not find credential for asterisk/Digest,
Rachel Baskaran
Can I hear the ring?, Rachel Baskaran
SineWave, Kresten Tolstrup
Compiling pjsip for armv7,
How to enable APS-Direct?,
ltquang at tma.com.vn
STUN msg_decode() error: Invalid STUN message length (PJNATH_EINSTUNMSGLEN), Srikanth Rajagopalan
undefined reference to 'WinMain@16',
Rachel Baskaran
pjsip and iPhone. problems with audio.,
Nikolay Popok
pjsua_call_make_call acc_id late setting bug?,
Tal Fromm
configure script with --prefix=/path/to/install/to doesn't "work", John Graham
Md. Nasir Uddin
pjsua_vc6 make Multiple call,
Sen Heng
To answer a call- pjsua,
Rachel Baskaran
How to set url for *agrv[]?,
Rachel Baskaran
Connect pjmedia_stream through conference bridge on ARM,
John Graham
Cannot connect pjmedia_ports through pjsua_conf, John Graham
HowTo add transport=UDP to Contact header,
Johan Lantz
undefined reference to 'input' && undefined reference to 'pjsua_invite', Rachel Baskaran
Registers but doesn't call the specified URL, Rachel Baskaran
How do reduce the noise and echo, Yuvaraj R
PJProject 1.4 & Visual C++ Express, Paulo Rogério Panhoto
presence issue?,
jay bing
RFC 3857 + 3858, Samuel Vinson
PJSIP gives up re-registering when REGISTER expires,
Erlend Knutsen
Assertion in 64-bit version on Snow Leopard, Alexei Kuznetsov
build error for iPhone, Angel Of Retributioin
pjsip connect switchboard,
Ricardo Rodriguez
Couldn't compile sample program,
Rachel Baskaran
No default audio device, Matt Battig
fmtp: problem, Haripriya A R
video & VLC lib, fcch2k
NTP timestamp relation, Richard Davies
Port of g729 codec on iPhone.,
Samuel Vinson
Echo cancel consumes too much cpu on ARM,
lcj.liu at gmail.com
Run the simple-pjsua.c file, Rachel Baskaran
Long delays while deinitialising audio, Thomas Falk
First registered acc_id re registration problem, Yuvaraj R
pjsip training centre,
Mac OS 10.6 build problems, Daniel Corbe
Assertion on Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard,
Alexei Kuznetsov
file transfer?,
jay bing
Regarding using Turnserver with Pjsip, Srikanth Rajagopalan
hanging when running .sisx file on symnbian emulator,
Syed Imran Ali
Peter Hartmann
how to logout the SIP acount,
Sudhakar Singh
problem with alsa,
Tiago Ferreira
How to build IPP with MinGW tool.,
enable TURN and ICE,
Hasan H
Visual Studio Express Solution, Meftah Tayeb
using 5060 source port for both stun(UDP) and SIP(UDP) transport,
vinay n
DNS bug, Klaus Darilion
REGISTER timeout on arm,
lcj.liu at gmail.com
Sazzad Parvej
Embed VLC in C, youssef azzouzi
Help needed in getting 100 Trying or 200 OK to be sent out in INVITE messages., Muthusamy, Balamurugan
symbian - putting pjsip into DLL, nir elkayam
on_pager callback calling 'order',
Saúl Ibarra
Adding video streaming to PJSIP by VLC, youssef azzouzi
build question,
Klaus Darilion
Registration state?, nir elkayam
using pjsip in c#,
Arul Mohanraj
NOTIFY with status terminated AND reason 'deactivated'.,
Saúl Ibarra
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