Hi, all. I ported pjsip-1.4 on ARM platform. When calling by pjsip, pjsip logged the following messages. Account list: [ 0] <sip:>: does not register Online status: Online *[ 1] <sip:;transport=TCP>: does not register Online status: Online ... 09:53:49.880 pjsua_call.c Making call with acc #1 to <sip:toto at> 09:53:49.881 pjsua_call.c Dialog creation failed: Invalid URI (PJSIP_EINVALIDURI) [status=171039] When operating pjsip-1.4 in Window-XP, There is no problem. Only there is problem on ARM platform. I traced pjsip code, so I found that it happened in Init-local-contact in sip_dialog.c What's wrong? Thanks in advance. Seunghan.