Hello, I have found that destroying a sound port using pjmedia_snd_port_destroy takes quite a long time: up to 2 seconds. I'm using the portaudio interface and ALSA. Can this time be reduced? The delay is caused in the file pa_dev.c in the function strm_destroy (Line 1207ff): > stream->quit_flag = 1; > for (i=0; !stream->rec_thread_exited && i<100; ++i) > pj_thread_sleep(10); > for (i=0; !stream->play_thread_exited && i<100; ++i) > pj_thread_sleep(10); The quit_flag is evaluated in the callback function PaPlayerCallback und PaRecorderCallback. They will set the flags *_thread_exited. In my case, the audio is stopped when calling strm_destroy, which may be the cause that the callback functions are never called, causing the whole delay in the above loops. My questions are: what are the risks by reducing the time in the above loops? Is there any better (faster) way to destroy the stream? Some background to the problem: I have to restart the stream because the codec is changed during streaimg and with it all parameters like frame sizes, sample rates etc. I don't see any way to restart a stream with changed parameters without destroying it and creating new. Maybe there is, I would welcome any hint. Best regards, Thomas Falk