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- Trying to pack all the UDP (SIP + RTP ) into a TCP packet before sending, (continued)
- Error when trying to compile the python wrapper with mingw32 at winXP, Emiliano Dalla Verde Marcozzi
- pjsua init stalls, Gabriel Andrade
- Pb with Pjsua,
digist pjlib
- LInk errors while building with pjsip libraries,
Vinod Parameswaran
- Invoking arbitrary script on incomming call., Luka Mrovlje
- two INVITE coming problem when caller come from Mobile telecom carrier / fixed-line telecom carrier, LAN Steven
- thread_cnt in pjsua_config, Jose Suarez
- pjsip activesocket ioqueue issue, Attila Nyers
- Getting PJSUA Error: strm00bcca84 Bad RTP pt 0 (expecting 3), Jim Duffy
- pjzip 1.7 for iphone, cusumbo at email.de
- Welcome to the "pjsip" mailing list, cusumbo at email.de
- left-over audio from previous call if pjsua is terminated unexpectedly, Nguyen Van Minh Danh
- My pjsua do not read recieved sip message, digist pjlib
- A question about rtp/rtcp port configuration, Vinod Parameswaran
- How to slove 'pj_jmp_buf' issue ?,
- pjsip Digest, Vol 34, Issue 18, hassen Hadj amor
- Video support, Mahantesh Bellad
- scripts-sendto python, peter hanshon
- Question regarding using pjsua,
Jim Duffy
- disabling rport handeling programicly from pjsua?, nir elkayam
- symbian_ua_gui how to route calls to loudspeaker from earphone and change volume,
Shrouk Khan
- DTMF player with VAS?, nir elkayam
- High battery consumption on Windows Mobile, Emil Berg
- how to download sample codes siprtp,
tarun sharma
- iPhone method vs pjsip callback method?,
Balázs Antal
- Stateless proxy with tls suport, Douglas Figueiredo
- on_call_state ringing, answer, hangup, Ruddy Gbaguidi
- parse sip messagew c,
peter hanshon
- [python] high level API patch, ktx at matfyz.cz
- Username containing @,
Bradley Sweeney
- Unable to initialize media, Ruddy Gbaguidi
- Thoughts on implementing a tunnel (somewhat!),
Shrouk Khan
- parse message Body, peter hanshon
- syntax error while parsing via field in header,
Mukesh Sharma
- codec g729 with pjsip 1.6 for iphone 4.0,
Maya Zalcberg
- Multicast, St Burcher
- extract message body, peter hanshon
- Getting Session Timer Init Failed from pjsua_call.c, Dustin Breese
- pjmedia_splitcomb how add channels to bridge?,
Peter Lukac
- Help:How to execute multiple ( > 4) pjsipua in server mode, pdjouob at free.fr
- Incoming DTMF not detected in PJSIP version 1.6 (solved), Jose Suarez
- About MOS-LQ QoS parameter calculation in pjsip library,
mosbah abdelkader
- Accepting messages in iPhone OS4 Background mode,
Igor Mameshin
- call queue with pjsip, nir elkayam
- Statically linking with Intel Ipp and Visual Studio 6,
Hasan H
- Incoming DTMF,
Jose Suarez
- Issue in Conference with PJSIP, SIPEKSDK and FreeSWITCH, RAJESH P N
- Error on static building of pjsip application by using intel ipp 5.3 version, sharif islam
- implementation of call waiting using pjsip,
nir elkayam
- Python: Call class,
ktx at matfyz.cz
- send UPDATE message with data, peter hanshon
- Upadate with message data, peter hanshon
- deadlock while calling pjsua_call_hangup(), Durmuş Ali Öztürk
- converting problem: pj_str_t ->NSSrting, Balázs Antal
- the content of o=line, digist pjlib
- Fw: [SPAM] - Re: [SPAM] - Re: incoming DTMF detection failed. PleaseHELP!!!! - Email found in subject - Email found in subject,
Jose Suarez
- DTMF in Symbian VAS build,
Jerry Monteiro
- compiling and running the PJSIP sample on Symbian SDK S60 5th edition, Danny
- Receive with Streamutil.c,
St Burcher
- Jitter buffer discard,
André Abrantes
- Fix to strltrim was undone.,
John Ridges
- debug server/rtp proxy problem,
nir elkayam
- incoming DTMF detection failed. Please HELP!!!!,
Jose Suarez
- is there support of sip stack in the latest released BREW MP, susheel tickoo
- Compiling pjsip with openssl support - symbols not found,
- Audio Configuration in PJSIP,
- timeout problem?pjsipv1.5.5,tls connection, Saturday
- Bug in version pj-1.6?,
Jose Suarez
- modify route on the sip header, digist pjlib
- Segfault in "on_rx_notify" callback, Gabriel Andrade
- encapsualtion of xml in message sip invite,
peter hanshon
- add or remove a route in the registar sip message,
digist pjlib
- STUN issue,
Attila Nyers
- symbian 5th edition + VAS + G729? working?, jay bing
- PJSIP based dialer, Sevana Oy
- PJSIP 1.7,
peter hanshon
- PJSIP syntax error exception when parsing 'Contact' header,
Bharat Yadav
- Guide for using pjsip on Windows CE, Kabil Akpınar
- Codecs,
Jose Suarez
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Codecs, Jose Suarez
- Codecs, Carlos Yamamoto
- XML in Sip Invite,
Johan Lantz
- XML in SIP-INVITE, peter hanshon
- select codec from client list,
Peter Lukac
- rinstance value, digist pjlib
Sebastian Hübner
- G729 passthrough codec on E72, Ijaz Akhter
- Job openings - OpenSIPS/PJSIP related, Adrian Georgescu
- xcap-diff events, Gabriel Andrade
- PJSUA - incoming message and on_pager problem on iPhone, Balázs Antal
- cant find pjsua,
tarun sharma
- my problem...,
- Error segmentation,
peter hanshon
- Error segmentation, peter hanshon
- Error segmentation, peter hanshon
Compile pjsip to work for iphone simulator,
Compile pjsip to work for iphone simulator, Pablo Nuñez
modify the content of the call->session in the acquire_call function, digist pjlib
TLS on Symbain, Salahuddin Ahmed
modify the content of the sdp, hassen hadj amor
searching pjsip iphone contractor/consultant, Tim Meade
erreur segmentation, peter hanshon
High load after upgrade to release 1.5.5 (and 1.6),
Arie Velthoen
WAV file player EOF callback (python ...again),
Andreas Wehrmann
pb with header Route,
hassen Hadj amor
socket problem, select(), Saturday
symbian_ua in QtCreator, Tine Uršič
How do I detect if early media ringtone should be used or not?, Ken Fish
Unable to get SDP from media Endpoint Object is busy, hassen Hadj amor
Retrieving SIP Message from an Incoming Message, peter hanshon
pjsip Digest, Vol 34, Issue 22, vinay kumar
voice issue in incoming call on iphone,
vinay kumar
Find message body,
mamy mamy
installation Pjsip mobile, mamy mamy
RTP/RTCP Send/Receive, amr at ntstel.com
RTP Send/Receive, amr at ntstel.com
BUG: iPhone and bluetooth,
rukshanf at optusnet.com.au
Issue with clipping in G711 codec, Rob Wilkes
two pjsip stack on the same computer, Hadj Amor Hassen
two pjsip stack on the same computer,
Hadj Amor Hassen
Hello, all! I am new here, can I ask some question about pjsip on iphone OS 4, Saturday
bluetooth and iphone,
rukshanf at optusnet.com.au
add data in message boddy,
mamy mamy
VIDEO over sip, Vivekraj Rastogi
pjsip Digest, Vol 34, Issue 13,
Shrouk Khan
pjsip on symbian losing wifi connection, Re Mo
pjSip with VPN on Symbian,
Shrouk Khan
pjsip Digest, Vol 34, Issue 11, Shrouk Khan
Forcing g729 to be used on symbian pjsip in place of g711,
Shrouk Khan
UI for PJSIP in Symbian,
Balaji Sivasubramanian
remplace SDP with XML description,
mamy mamy
decrypt SRTP: Assertion `endpt && tp && p_tp' failed., excelsio at gmx.com
python auto hangup,
ktx at matfyz.cz
481 subscription does not exist, Ferguen Adel
Mix audio on Symbian VAS, Ken Fish
pjsip Digest, Vol 34, Issue 4, Vivekraj Rastogi
conference call on symbian with VAS/APS and G.729, jay bing
How to increase volume,
Łukasz Wróblewski
one channel audio,
Peter Lukac
need some example for pjsip,
Mital Vora
Wi-Fi vs 3G connection, Joe Meade
Error while playing Media using pjsua, shivani singh
iPhone OS 4.0 always on handling, Fabio Pietrosanti (naif)
Adding pjsip libraries in xcode,
pjsip Digest, Vol 33, Issue 44,
Vivekraj Rastogi
Disabling session refresh after 60 seconds, Emil Berg
PJSIP on X64,
Nguyen Van Minh Danh
pjsip comilation error for iPhone,
sushil kumar
VIdeo calls over symbian,
Vivekraj Rastogi
pjsip symbian negative testing, milky way
Instant Messaging Display,
Wong Peter
How to automatically make pjsua quite after call disconnected?,
Sevana Oy
in the pjmedia_wav_player_port_set_pos function, there is a bug!, han rui
entity attribute in PIDF, Peter Darvasi
Hi!, Mauricio Villaescusa
Crash with contact header,
Mikko Hännikäinen
clock rate and sound clock rate crash - improve sound quality, Joseph Rukshan Fonseka
cem ergen
- ptt, Klaus Darilion
- ptt, Jeff Brower
clock rate and sound clock rate crash - improve sound quality, rukshanf at optusnet.com.au
error log, Lawrence
echo cancellation,
PUBLISH arbitrary presence body with pjsua-lib,
Klaus Darilion
pjsip 1.6.5 and iPhone, Alejandro Orellana
pjsua_acc_get_info bad info.state ? - How to specify "Endgerätetyp" ?,
Thomas Martin
STUN server, NULL int pointer, exc_bad_access,
Joe Meade
refresh the list of sound devices, Łukasz Wróblewski
add P-asserted Identity headers,
WWDC and iPhone 4,
Darald Trinka
Unfavorable definition of pjmedia_frame_ext, proposal,
Thomas Falk
DTMF inband is not working on Symbian, Jonne Kodu
Turnning Of RTCP, abbas abdolali pour
Using Nokia SIP Profile,
symbian_ua: Long delay until audio starts for outgoing call. Using default config.site, Ken Fish
unresolved external symbol _pjsua_create referenced in function "public: ",
mark hoppus
one way call without rtp, Peter Lukac
PJSIP on Cortex-M3,
sip transfer question,
carlos calvo
pjsip 1.6 and the iphone,
Bradley Sweeney
Passthrough codec and speex?, Thomas Falk
multiple audio device for multiple call at the same time,
Peter Lukac
StreamUtil Problem in adhoc Network, abbas abdolali pour
Convite para se conectar no LinkedIn, Juan Basso
iPhone branch: no audio over 3G,
Joe Meade
pjsua-lib callbacks, Klaus Darilion
Compiling for iPhone OS,
Maunil Sanghavi
Version 1.6 is out, Benny Prijono
pcaputil: SRTP Decryption failing with "err=authentication failure", Mandeep Singh
Split sound to left/righ, CAVAILLES Philippe
Can we get the function definition of functions like pjsip_endpt_create_request(() ?,
ashok.pitambar at wipro.com
pjsip Digest, Vol 33, Issue 13, marcus julius
RTP over TCP in pjsip,
abbas abdolali pour
Check out my photos on Facebook, Junjun Chai
Turn your free SIP softphone into a voice quality monitoring instrument with Sevana’s NIQA application,
Sevana Oy
CC environment variable not honored,
Saúl Ibarra Corretgé
Questions on pjsip registration,
Rob Wilkes
Big Problem SIP traffic Blocking.. Is thre any great solution,
Varun Singh
symbian_ua_gui with TLS, VAS and G729 protocol via SRTP proxy,
Dmitry SJ
Voice Distorted on 2G iPhones,
Re Mo
Voice Distorted on 2G iPhones, Klaus Darilion
PocketPj exit every time on Windows Mobile 6.0 every time without any prompt message, doolin wu
ustom audio device & pjsua, Ota Herm
pjsip on FreeRTOS?, Todd Krein
2 seconds of Initial jitter on 3g connection,
Bradley Sweeney
Pb with callback on_rx_notify, Ferguen Adel
Specify sound device before a call,
Desvignes Germain
Ticket #985 in 1.0.x branch, Tomáš Valenta
making a call with different accounts, marcus julius
sched_get_priority_max() on OpenBSD, David Coppa
Send Text to Caller After Call has been Established, Wong Peter
PJMEDIA_EAUD_NODEFDEV on chumby, tintar
[patch] Incoming RFC 2833 DTMF detection, Bram Kuijvenhoven
make uninstall target, John Wimer
DNS termination sending to multiple IP addresses in a single call,
Moshe Matitya
Send number to an active call,
Bjoern Meier
transaction retransmit timer event,
johntu at 4dk.com
custom ringtone and siphon, Joseph Rukshan Fonseka
Sybmain UA GUI gives "the project has not been configured for use with UI designer", Shrouk Khan
skipped build project,
mark hoppus
using pjsua with multiple calls,
Noga Yehudai
Buffer problem,
Bugra Cakir
High CPU Usage,
Xavier LaRue
stephanie erdal, Knight Tiger
Issue in accessing the Port value in Sip_Transport .cpp (symbian ),
vivek shrivastava
Sound quality in Symbian S60,
Ken Fish
unwanted loop during call,
bugra HASBEK
FMTP attribute value is not shown in pjmedia_session object,
Gurinder Singh
streamutil problem with play-file,
abbas abdolali pour
RTP payload type of G726-32 codec,
Bram Kuijvenhoven
enumerate audio devices,
Gino Maffeo
Media transport config in Python module, Bram Kuijvenhoven
Master-Port and sigle threads,
Riemer, Bjoern
pjsip right solution for comfort noise generation?,
Philipp Wagner
Assigining Multiple RTP Stream to signle snd device, abbas abdolali pour
Change Sample size for symbian application while using APS,
Jaguar Paw
Set Domain name different than server url,
Alexandre Savard
Pjsip build with Qt4,
Mohit Kumar
conference bridge _ Loopback > PJ_EINVAL code=70004,
Saeed Abbassi
- undefined reference to...,
play_strm.hEvent and rec_strm.hEvent,
Haizhi Qi
How can I instantiate multiple PJSIP stacks in my application?,
One way call,
Peter Lukac
Telephone Events,
Rozentzvaig Tomer
sip server failure, Ravi Kanth
pjsip 1.5.5 and iPhone SDK 3.21,
Alejandro Orellana
Siphon - No SDP in initial INVITE causes no voice path,
Joseph Rukshan Fonseka
Alfonso Ortega
RTP connection without SIP and SDP between 2 endopoint,
abbas abdolali pour
Forwarding rtp packets without decoding and reencoding, bugra HASBEK
ALSA audio sharing,
Damir Arbula
Effects of jitter buffer under run,
Vikram Ragukumar
Intel IPP & GPL compatibility, Frans Oilinki
TLS support in python,
Sebastian Hübner
SIP Call Parameters,
Re Mo
How to implement a multicast paging agent using PJSIP,
Gao Li Yang
Multiple register requests at the same time when detect NAT address, Régis Montoya
CSipSimple : Pjsip port + Application for Android,
Régis Montoya
icedemo app,
Send RTP packets Indefinitely, Ravi Kanth
mutual calling and disconnecting it,
marcus julius
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