Hi, I'm currently implementing a deamon that will stay resident on my device until somone / something decide to call using this deamon. So at the deamon initialisation, I initialise pjsua with all parameters needed and I don't understand why, while IDLE my deamon take 25% of my atom n270 cpu... On my core 2 duo, it's about 1 to 4 % of my cpu ... Is there a setting that I need to set to tell to pjsua/pjsip to idle more... Or.. After some invetigating the "worker" thread of pjsip is using 23.7 % of the cpu... FYI, here is my initialisation code pj_status_t retcode; retcode = pjsua_create(); if (retcode != PJ_SUCCESS) error_exit("Cannot Create pjsua", retcode); pj_status_t status; { pjsua_config cfg; pjsua_logging_config log_cfg; pjsua_media_config mcfg; pjsua_config_default(&cfg); // cfg.cb.on_incoming_call = &on_incoming_call; cfg.cb.on_call_media_state = &c_on_call_media_state; cfg.cb.on_call_state = &c_on_call_state; pjsua_logging_config_default(&log_cfg); log_cfg.cb = &c_log_callback; log_cfg.console_level = 3; pjsua_media_config_default(&mcfg); status = pjsua_init(&cfg, &log_cfg, &mcfg); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) error_exit("Error in pjsua_init()", status); pjmedia_aud_dev_info snd_info[255]; unsigned int heh = 255; pjsua_enum_aud_devs(snd_info, &heh); qDebug() << "===== Listing the Audio Devices... "; for (int i = 0; i < heh; i++) { qDebug() << snd_info[i].name << snd_info[i].default_samples_per_sec << snd_info[i].driver << snd_info[i].input_count << snd_info[i].output_count; } pjsua_set_snd_dev(5,5); } /* Add UDP transport. */ { pjsua_transport_config cfg; pjsua_transport_config_default(&cfg); status = pjsua_transport_create(PJSIP_TRANSPORT_UDP, &cfg, NULL); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) error_exit("Error creating transport", status); } /* Initialization is done, now start pjsua */ status = pjsua_start(); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) error_exit("Error starting pjsua", status); /* account registration here... */ I hope somone will have an idea ! Thanks a lot, Xavier LaRue