I'm trying to use the PJSIP-JNI port for (http://sourceforge.net/projects/pjsip-jni/) and am getting an error when trying to initiate a call before anything is put on the wire. The error is: pjsua_call.c Session Timer init failed: Size is too short (PJ_ETOOSMALL) [status=70019] I can't seem to figure out where or how to configure this? (or where to go to troubleshoot it?) I'm able to successfully register with the server, but as soon as I attempt the call, the library immediately throws this exception and never tries to put anything on the wire. My Java code to initiate the call via pjsua is as follows: pj_str_t uri = pjsua.pj_str_copy("tel:18005551212 at sip.ribbit.com"); int accountId = pjsua.acc_find_for_outgoing(uri); byte[] user_data = new byte[1]; pjsua_msg_data msg = new pjsua_msg_data(); int[] call_id = new int[1]; int status = pjsua.call_make_call(accountId, uri, 0, user_data, msg, call_id); The status is always PJ_ETOOSMALL at this point. During the registration with the server, I never see Min-SE, or Session-Expires headers at all. Not sure how to proceed here. Sorry in advance for any SIP ignorance. Thanks for any help, Dustin