2010/8/18 R?gis Montoya <r3gis.3r at gmail.com>: > What is strange is that linphone that has also an android version and use > the same ilbc implementation and it works fine : > The begin is choppy but after 3 seconds things become as fine as it is using > pjsip when it works properly. > > Is that possible that when things are going wrong at the beggining (when CPU > is the more used) it goes in a state where pjsip try to correct things which > consume more cpu and so it goes worse. The only thing I can imagine is the log, which the jitter buffer could write too aggresively on certain circumstances, which may take out precious processing power since writing to file is a blocking operation. Other than that, have a look at config_site_sample.h for suitable settings for mobile devices, and also https://trac.pjsip.org/repos/wiki/FAQ#cpu on optimizing PJSIP in general. > Probably, when things goes wrong, linphone just ignore this (and doesn't try > to restablish things) and as then cpu is less used everything is better > after 2 or 3 seconds of choppy sound. > > I repeat but it is really strange that with pjsip sometimes it works > perfectly (and with a better quality than linphone). > Is there a pjsua method I can test that (while in call) reset the rtp stream > reader/writer? (I tried to stop / restart the stream but doesn't seems to > affect network data processing, just the audio one) > Doing re-INVITE or UPDATE should restart the stream. -benny