hello again :) I used pjmedia_splitcomb and now it working like i want but i think something is wrong because when i create pjmedia_splitcomb in these steps: 1) create split_combo pjmedia_splitcomb_create(d->pool, masterPortInfo.clock_rate, 2, 2 * masterPortInfo.samples_per_frame, masterPortInfo.bits_per_sample, 0, &d->sc ); 2) create media port for left channel pjmedia_splitcomb_create_rev_channel( d->pool, d->sc, 0, 0, &mediaPortLeftChannel); 3) create media port for right channel pjmedia_splitcomb_create_rev_channel( d->pool, d->sc, 1, 0, &mediaPortRightChannel); 4) add to conference bridge splitter port pjmedia_conf_add_port(pjsua_var.mconf, d->pool, d->sc, &splitterName, (unsigned*) &splitterConfPort ); 5) add to conference bridge right channel port pjmedia_conf_add_port(pjsua_var.mconf, d->pool, mediaPortRightChannel, &rightChannelName, (unsigned*) &rightChannelConfPort ); 6) add to conference bridge left channel port pjmedia_conf_add_port(pjsua_var.mconf, d->pool, mediaPortLeftChannel, &leftChannelName, (unsigned*) &leftChannelConfPort ); this not work as i wrote before.. but when i call 2x pjmedia_splitcomb_create_rev_channel for same channel it woirks.. steps: 1) same 2) pjmedia_splitcomb_create_rev_channel( d->pool, d->sc, 0, 0, &mediaPortLeftChannel); pjmedia_splitcomb_create_rev_channel( d->pool, d->sc, 0, 0, &mediaPortLeftChannel); 3). pjmedia_splitcomb_create_rev_channel( d->pool, d->sc, 1, 0, &mediaPortRightChannel); pjmedia_splitcomb_create_rev_channel( d->pool, d->sc, 1, 0, &mediaPortRightChannel); 4) same 5) same 6) same when i am call 2x pjmedia_splitcomb_create_rev_channel method for right and left channel all works like i want...but is this usied good? i think not and something is wrong... ?? thanks