Linux Netfilter / IP Tables
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- RE: Strange NAT Behavior, (continued)
- uid-owner,
Fabio S. Silva
- transparent proxy and mutiple links / lines, Brent Clark
- allowing yahoo messenger even if blocked by firewall, manish Jamwal
- Problems with target ROUTE,
- Short questions about NAT and FTP,
- What's need to use netfilter statistic match ?, Ming-Ching Tiew
- "stand-alone" web server,
- need assistence for PREROUTING,
Jochen Kaechelin
- net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_proto_sctp.c:206: undefined reference to `local_bh_disable',
Toralf Förster
- iptables rule doesn't work,
Antonio Di Bacco
- is this possible (multiple sources, replies go to proper source),
David Lang
- do_IRQ: stack overflow,
Rene Mayrhofer
- browser based analyser/grapher recommendation, Jochen Kaechelin
- Changing destination in postrouting,
Antonio Di Bacco
- [ANNOUNCE] article in USENIX's :LOGIN; on the connection tracking system,
Pablo Neira Ayuso
- patch-o-matic-ng random patch, Ming-Ching Tiew
- Compile error rtsp, Rob Sterenborg
- cant connect to behind firewall,
Dwayne Hottinger
- how to by pass yahoo mail and hotmail,
Askar Ali
- How can i use Linux as a router,
Ali Ozaltin
- TCP connection timeout problem,
Arno van Amersfoort
Preventing login scripts with recent module,
Stephen Gray
Need help in duplicating the SNMP trap packets, Ramamurthy S
unable to connect to,
Dwayne Hottinger
Rsync PortRedirection,
Bruno Nunes
Netfilters for Beginners,
Kaushal Shriyan
private to public IP,
Wennie V. Lagmay
- <Possible follow-ups>
- hello, Rita Spencer
Andrea Bencini
per machine SNAT, Ramen Sen
Help for some Rules, Michael Novelo
Tool for monitoring, graphs, but more detailed,
Rafael Marangoni
Cannot find CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_STATE in kernel config,
James Naples
CLUSTERIP does not work, Julian Hagenauer
patch-o-matic-ng - wtf happened?,
Dave Strydom
Packet Mirroring,
conn itnel
troublesome load balancing and iptables to the rescue...maybe,
Equalize routing, Kevin Withnall
ipset updated in svn, Jozsef Kadlecsik
repeated failed logons and ignoring them,
Please Review My Rules,
Chris Miller
VPN (off-topic) - Summary, zottmann
TOS packet marking can be cancelled by IPTables?, André Marques
Status open , filtered,
Fabio S. Silva
Strange problem with iptables 2.6.11 -- Only allowing packets that have TCP flah "PSH" set, Mike
VPN (off-topic),
Could policy routing with fwmark be applied to locally generated packet ?,
dog daemon
Pom patch error,
Ali Ozaltin
iptables -L command,
David Alexandre M. de Carvalho
Question concerning tunnels, Giacomo Succi
Invalid Argument in MASQUERADE, Bruno Moreira Guedes
complex nat setup, frey
conntrack patch--o-matic error,
Tosho Yankov
same prob again...cannot ping,
Diana Asnani
Proposed patch for --limit argument for ipset hash and tree sets, Andrew Kraslavsky
conntrack utility,
Vincent Regnard
Problem with UDP Connection Tracking Entry & ICMP Port Unreachable, nishit
iptables-restore of rules with inverted set match fails,
Andrew Kraslavsky
configuring iptables for masquerading,
Angel Tsankov
random and ipt_random.h, Mike Lancaster
Ip Address Identification, Wennie V. Lagmay
Arptables before Iptables, to route other gateways Ip´s traffic?,
PREROUTING:To update Source and destination IP field (plz reply)], Vasantha Kumar Puttappa
Odd problem with conntrack, Jimmy Hedman
iptables & grsecurity: iptables not logging to syslog anymore, Kilian
DNAT Question & ULOG Question,
Brett Curtis
Scriptable Network Testing Environment, Kelvin Proctor
Re: can i have boolean OR between multiple addresses in, Andrew Kraslavsky
NAT problems forwarding from a routed subnet.,
Henning Wangerin
more rules, Javier Miguel Martín
How to configure Firewall/router without aliasing,
Raghu Ni
LARTC mailing list,
Igor Belikov
repeated port 21 attempts, Jacob Wu
libiptc linking problem under AMD64, Tommy W
FTP and Masquerading,
Syed AbuBakr
iptables/nat/others problem,
marc pascual
Missing shared object,
Brian Atkins
target ACCEPT in maccheck chain, forward chain is still used?,
Transparent proxy errors,
can i have boolean OR between multiple addresses in iptables expression?,
a question about netfilter/ipt matcher, Feng Xian
L7 compile, Hari Hendaryanto
GRE tunnel freeze after adding "bad" route (2.4.32 kernel), Jan Molič
newbie at routing,
Diana Asnani
Forward data from one interface to another with actually exit through one interface, New User
newbie at routing !!,
Diana Asnani
iptables - resource temporary unavailable,
netfilter .. (openswan) nat problem ..,
Lars Nixdorf
used wiki rules: still no azureus connection, sean
Is ip_conntrack_ftp needed for 1:1 nat?,
Robert LeBlanc
BUG: soft lockup detected on CPU#0!, robee
IPID modfied by netgear, Joubert Berger
Can't get libipq program to forward packets., Eric Soneson
libipt_u32.c Question,
Avahi problem,
Nicolas Mailhot
Disntiguish between ACK packets in a TCP connection!!, ramsurrunv
Egress port/packet filtering for Hotels/Hotspots, Shane R. Spencer
Redirecting traffic from a non-existent IP,
Julian Hagenauer
Transparent proxy setup with apache on the nat gateway,
Nicolas Mailhot
How stop DoS and SYN attack..,
Alberto Ferrer
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: How stop DoS and SYN attack.., Sietse van Zanen
Iptables statistics and management,
Bi-directional packet classification with ACK prioritization,
Eliot, Wireless and Server Administrator, Great Lakes Internet
NFC_ALTERED packet for localhost not being re-routed, Horton, Dave
netfilter execution time, Guillaume Laurens
Possible conntrack problem,
Prob with hook reg in iptables,
Urgent help with firewall packet forwarding!!,
Hello - problem with iptables out of memory : process killed, Vasant Kumar
Perfomance problem on MIPS,
Re: nf_conntrack_proto_sctp.c:(.text+0x2e660): undefined reference to `local_bh_disable',
Yasuyuki KOZAKAI
MSAQ and SHAPING: A million dollar question,
Enigma Psi
packet filter rules updating,
NAT not being kind... Any ideas?, JPP
Problems with Routing and masquerading,
Vinod Chandran
block dhcp service based on mac,
System Admin
Packets that shouldn´t be dropped (conntrack?), zottmann
Question about QUEUE userspace examples and documentation, René Pfeiffer
Can netfilter bypass routing table?,
Linux D-Link router/bridge/access connection question, martinh
Linux box to D-Link router/bridge/access connection question,
Netfilter and SMP, Majid Khan
"bad argument" trouble with iptables-restore (ipt v.1.3.4 + gentoo 2.6.16),
Eric White
ftp.ssh, David theobald
User space firewall,
Blocking HTTP source port from an IP,
Feris Thia
Connection tracking looses packets?,
Justin Schoeman
Question about ROUTE --tee, Ramen Sen
Problem with arptables!!, ramsurrunv
netfilter files in a case-insensitive filesystem,
Carlos O'Donell
[Announce] NuFW 2.0 is available, Eric Leblond
Load Balancer Trouble, are "Routes with Memory" Possible?,
precedence and redundancy questions re ACCEPT vs NEW,
Padraig Houlahan
New extension: CRYPT target, Gervasio Bernal
Wierd black hole,
Klaubert Herr da Silveira
Matching IPv6 packets by the flowlabel, Paul Fleischer
(Fwd) RE: (Fwd) transparent proxying using Dansguardian,
Jawed Ahmed
(Fwd) transparent proxying using Dansguardian,
Jawed Ahmed
Controlling an iptables-match from userspace,
Manfred Stock
David theobald
veera kumar
Configuring netfilter for pptp connections,
Harold Pritchett
Iptables util,
Fabio Silva
Re: Abwesenheitsnotiz: Transparent proxy using squid, redirect all ss l/https ... ?,
Elijah Alcantara
tunnel, bridge and iptables on linux 2.6, tom
(Fwd) (Fwd) Transparent proxy using squid, redirect all ssl/ht, Jawed Ahmed
Transparent proxy using squid, redirect all ssl/https ... ?,
Elijah Alcantara
Re: Transparent proxy using squid, redirect all ssl/https ... ?, martijn
Re: Transparent proxy using squid, redirect all ssl/https ... ?, Boryan Yotov
error compiling nfqnl_test.c,
Frank Abel Cancio Bello
Port Redirection with Load balancing,
IPTABLES and passwords, David Theobald
Passwords and user names,
David Theobald
Iptables load balancing,
Vladimir S. Petukhov
PtP not working,
Antonio Di Bacco
iptables v1.2.11 error in enabling SNAT of unknown argument --to, malvika joshi
source address next hop?, David Smith
patch-o-matic problem, Tosho Yankov
Why doesn't MASQUERADE handle local packets?,
Andrew Kraslavsky
libnetfilter_queue, Rodrigo Montoro
Reserving bandwidth with iptables,
How install nth extension?, Frank Abel Cancio Bello
Duplicating packets and NATting dup'd packet, Ramen Sen
iptables and pop3 lockup,
Bowie Bailey
Iptables SNAT for pkt generated by internal process,
Is there a module to detect RTP/RTCP packets?, Sagara Wijetunga
setting up a firewall from scratch,
Mansour Al-Aqeel
ip forwarding and iptables,
Angel Tsankov
Wierd output in netstat-nat, Asfand Yar Qazi
REDIRECT to different interfaces.,
Stan Prescott
getsockopt failed strangely: No such file or directory, Aras Vaichas
ip_queue problem, afshin lamei
bridged with dhcpd on one interface only, how?, Aras Vaichas
Cannot route through an if without ip,
restoring iptables configuration at system startup,
Angel Tsankov
Questions re iproute2, netfilter, and locally sourced packets,
Ian Batterbee
- Re: Questions re iproute2, netfilter, and locally sourced packets, Pascal Hambourg
- Re: Questions re iproute2, netfilter, and locally sourced packets, Menno Smits
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Questions re iproute2, netfilter, and locally sourced packets, Ian Batterbee
- Re: Questions re iproute2, netfilter, and locally sourced packets, Ian Batterbee
Routing through PtP and iptables,
Antonio Di Bacco
Enabling the TTL target in your linux kernel,
Angel Tsankov
queue order and conntrack callback, Valerio Bruno
conntrack delete problem, Thomas Reinhold
unknown error, Angel Tsankov
IPv6 state match in kernel 2.6.15 and iptables 1.3.5,
Wolfram Schlich
requires help,
Linux linux
Time matching support,
William Bohannan
Cannot compile connlimit: structure has no member named `proto', Stephane Bortzmeyer down? (Cannot CVS Patch-o-matic), Stephane Bortzmeyer
Policy routing with mark not working.,
Andre Kalamandeen
Problems with ip_conntrack_sip in kernel 2.6.16,
Joseph Yannaccone
testing iptables with tcpdump trace, Marcos
Problem with ip_conntrack_sip in kernel 2.6.16, Joseph Yannaccone
log entries from primary dns, Bill Tangren
Cant get iptables string match and ROUTE to work., Andre Kalamandeen
iptables 1.3.5: Unknown error 4294967295, Angel Tsankov
libiptc build as shared library, Jason Sigurdur
[ANNOUNCE] ipset-2.2.9 released,
Jozsef Kadlecsik
allowing mac address list, S t i n g r a y
Cant get iptables with string match and ROUTE to work., Andre Kalamandeen
Schedule while atomic, Andreas Gaupmann
h323 + netfilter on linux 2.6 kernel, Gabriel Sousa
current iptables/netfilter in kernel 2.4.17?, Dirk
iptables empty ipset matches on address of,
Andrew Kraslavsky
libiptc, Jason Sigurdur
RES: New rule impact, Filipe Mordhorst
connbytes patch eliminated,
Michael McCallister
New rule impact,
Filipe Mordhorst
programicly inserting rules, Jason Sigurdur
Bruno Nunes
problem using iptables with multicasting, Deepesh Nambiar
conntrack and bridge, Bastian Blank
Fwd: about conntrack application,
Marius-Iulian Corici
Obtain original address from redirected connection,
Pedro Werneck
Tracking down the source of proxy problem,
David Leangen
Is there a way....,
David Sims
Redirecting web traffic out of eth1, Tony
interruption in natted return http traffic, cmould
fc4 iptables blocking yum and smtp (postfix),
Re: linux/iptables + smp question, Harald Welte
getting random and average to accept decimals?,
George P Nychis
to SMP or not to SMP?, Juan Pablo Abuyeres
iptablet DNAT rule, Sergey Dorofeev
IP drop question,
Philip Rhoades
SNAT or MASQ or both?,
asymmetric port translation?, Antanas Masevicius
IP port over 65535 ?!,
Jesse Gordon
unwanted rule showing in various chains, Tom Hurst
Login load balancing,
Drew Leske
Re: Login load balancing, Carl-Daniel Hailfinger
Re: Login load balancing, Drew Leske
How to re-send out the packets captured by my hook function at NF_IP_PRE_ROUTING, Real Oneone
Why is this not working???,
Stratos Margaritis
FORWARD-chain packets go through INPUT-chain ?,
Philip Westphal
Iptables and ActiveX,
Alex 'LaoTseu' DE DOMMELIN
How do I get off the list,
Joshua C. Clark
problems with accouting via ULOG, Torsten Luettgert
Netfilter journey of a locally generated packet?,
Pierre-Marie Wecowski
IPTABLES and outlook express,
Ravi Kumar
Use case NetFilter,
Rerouting remote users to VPN channel,
Ivan Gustin
condition patch with kernel 2.6.16,
Andrew Schulman
about dettecting different TTL value,
howto monitor marked packets, Jorge Salamero Sanz
ip_conntrack_sip, LinuXKiD
Not NATed packets,
fin flood, I Wayan Marta S
how to filter, john decot
Adaptive stealthing/unstealthing of port 113,
Asfand Yar Qazi
DHCP-Daemon bypasses Linux iptables,
Joerg Pommnitz
one rule to create per IP connlimits?,
rabbtux rabbtux
Allow traffic through a server using iptables.,
Check my firewall please?,
Asfand Yar Qazi
iptables throttle via tc cont.,
Casey Scott
ipsec policy match support, Matthieu N
iptables throttle via tc, Casey Scott
packets loging,
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