Hello, Syed AbuBakr a écrit :
I am new to linux and need some guidance.
PROBLEM: FTP is not working. My internal users can not connect external ftp and vice versa.
See the NAT HOWTO section, § "7. Special Protocols". Try to load the FTP connection tracking and NAT helper modules : # modprobe ip_conntrack_ftp # modprobe ip_nat_ftp If it still does not work, you'll have to give more details. What exactly in FTP does not work and how do you see it does not work ? - Establish a control connection ? - Download files (including directory listing) ? - Upload files ? - Passive mode, active mode ? Are you internal users set up explicitly to use the proxy for FTP ?
SCENARIO: 1. I am using SQUID for proxy services.
Which services ? HTTP only or also FTP ?
2. OS is FedoraCore 5 3. Using transparent proxy
Squid will do transparent proxy only for HTTP, so that should not concern FTP.
4. Masquerading my out bound traffic. 5. All packages including kernel are same as they come with the standard distro of FC-5 6. Install time Firewall is disabled, so i have only a couple of rules in my ip tables.
Which rules ? You can list them with the command 'iptables-save'.
I dont know how to recompile kernel or insert modules, So please do me a favour and give me a step by step how to of it.
Hopefully you don't need to recompile anything. And there is no step by step procedure unless you give *full* information about your setup.