Linux Netfilter / IP Tables
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- Re: Accept DNS Suffix, (continued)
- Multilink + bridge + nat problem,
ArcosCom Linux User
- Specifying more than one IP address per rule,
Dan Purcell
- Rule Optimization for iptables, Arnd-Hendrik Mathias
- forwarding local ports,
Martin Korous
- iptables as DHCPD,
Michael Plourde
- bytes count question,
Michele Petrazzo - Unipex srl
- https on non-standard port,
afshin lamei
- Matching packets by HTTP header "Host",
Giovanni Lovato
- Fwd: Routing to and from an IP on an interface,
Nathan @ Netdigix Systems
- Please help with my bridge/router,
Serge Matovic
- Problem @ SNAT and FTP ...plz help ....., hitesh sharma
- Odd -m state Error Msg,
Rudi Starcevic
- Remote Access Via Mac Address and Unknown IPs,
OTR Comm
- Connlimit problem k2.6.18.2 , ipt1.3.7,
Bc. Miroslav Kopecek
- nfnetlinkf ctnetlink ct-event,
Michael Plourde
- nf-hipac for current kernels?,
Hanno Böck
- [libipq] owner of packet, possible patch,
Jack Bauer
- how to set mark using host bits ?,
Mircea Croitor
- iptables-retore very slow,
Rackage | Randles
- TCP Flags combination,
afshin lamei
- iptables, DNAT, and SMTP,
Brandon Seaver
- Help with Samba using iptables, Nandan Bhat
- iptables: "COMMIT",
- redirect to proxy servere,
- Blocking direct private IP address,
Andrew Kraslavsky
- Alternatives for the condition patch for newer 2.6 kernel?, fed
- PPTP VPN: Unknown GRE version 5, Gustavo Michels
- Balancing two connections,
- Iptables: strange way of blocking UDP traffic, massimo bortolan
- Re IPv6 MARK support,
Boutin Maël
NATing problem / question,
Andres Paglayan
Iptables connection tracking support for Windows RPC ???, Karthikeyan, Sowdambiga (Sowdambiga)** CTR **
iptables <= 1.3.7,
Christopher Wallin
IPv6 MARK support, mael.boutin@xxxxxxxxxxx
Port redirection failover, Chris Nighswonger
FTP Problem,
Vincent Elderkamp
RE: Using SAME target problems, johnpeng
Fw: [RFC][PATCH][IPTABLES]: suppress the error of modprobe, Harvey Muller
debian [testing/etch] redirected broadcasts not working, mabra
"distributed router" question,
Alec Matusis
problems with port forwarding,
Andres Baravalle
need help with libiptc,
Hal Moroff
Iptables 1.3.7 and uClibc,
-s THIS ? (address belongs to one of of interfaces of local machine) ?,
Yakov Lerner
Source port NAT, Jean-Philippe Mignon
Netfilter rule notation and rule parsers,
René Pfeiffer
creating artificial latency,
Abdul-Wahid Paterson
Whats faster? multiple rules vs. multiport match,
Maximilian Wilhelm
iptables/nat and out of window packets, Pedro Abreu
bridge problem,
saravanan chanemouganandam
MAC Address filtering,
Allan Parreno
[ANNOUNCE]: New Coreteam Member Pablo Neira Ayuso,
Yasuyuki KOZAKAI
Need help with iptables and iprange module,
iptables: hide the real web server from users,
Tim Perton
ruby iptables network displayer, Sebastien Tricaud
NAT for heritage iptables-1.2.10, Jeff Weber
Trying to use libiptc, Hal Moroff
Troubleshooting SNAT,
Steve Brueckner
iptables-1.3.7 Requires ip_tables to be built as module,
Harvey Muller
Can iptables or other firewall solutions can do this for me?,
howard chen
Brent Clark
https permit/deny,
Classify target, Franck Joncourt
Assistance required marking packets for access to l2tp, Sven Agnew
Filternig/logging by the exe name ?,
Yakov Lerner
How to loop back internal traffic?,
Jorge Canas
Route aggregaton/deaggregation from eth to g.703 and vica versa,
Elvir Kuric
How to mangle source packet source ports to a fixed range,
throttling an internal IP's upstream bandwidth,
Scott van Looy
Iptables proxy to a different network,
Andrus, Mr. Brian (Contractor)
Drop random 20% of packets on port?,
Michael B Allen
How to get trace of rules traversed by a packet?,
Jorge Canas
a whitelist for outgoing syn port 80, 443 traffic for hosting,
Ken A
IPTables and different types of NAT,
Pedro Gonçalves
IPTABLES and Multicast, Jeremy
ip_conntrack hashsize problem,
Sergey Alexanov
How to filter packets resulting from hosts with dynamic IP-address,
Frank Petran
nat localhost, Alan Krasiński
H.323 or E.164 Extension,
Tom Schemaitat
DNAT to ALL addresses in a range (at once),
James Shewey
static build of iptables 1.3.7 modules question, Mike Boyer
Trouble compiling on iptables 1.3.7 with kernel, Steve Wilson
iptables 1.3.7 - match multiport requiring module ip_tables -built in- in kernel, Freitas Freitas
Duplicate TCP ACKs being dropped, Erik Carlseen
Wrong ips,
Alexander Pyhalov
SSHBrute Force: False Postives,
Dominic Caputo
Re: SSHBrute Force: False Postives, fender
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: SSHBrute Force: False Postives, Lpct
nfnl_listen: recvmsg overrun: No buffer space available" in nfct_event_conntrack() call,
Павел Коколемин
Minimal network setup: Nano HOWTO, Shakthi Kannan
RFC 1323, dhottinger
advanced routing policies, Matteo Cisilino
Connect to localhost bound port from outside?,
Re: [2.6 patch] NF_CONNTRACK_H323 must depend on (IPV6 || IPV6=n), Patrick McHardy
SNAT seems to "miss" some packets,
Fabio Muzzi
port forwarding through localhost,
Andy B.
Thiago Lucas está ausente do escritório., thiago
owner-Match in 2.6.20-rc5,
Sebastian Claßen
ULOG with hashlimit not working as expected, Retesh
Dropped fin acks (iptables + lvs),
Patrik Karén
iptables time module on postRouting chain, Sébastien CRAMATTE
Pid owner module,
IPtables does not save it's settings,
Any book for natting and wan simulation in freebsd, rajesh singh
netfilter_queue: how to obtain address info from queued packet,
Michal Martinek
iptables rules disappearing!!!, Покотиленко Костик
determine internet connection duration, Ming-Ching Tiew
what I am doing wrong?, Carlos Eduardo R. L. de Miranda
problem with hostB wifi0 -> aDSL modem wifi0 -> hostA wifi0 -> hostA eth0 -> hostA ppp0 -> aDSL modem bridge --- Not MASQUERADEing...,
What is wrong ???,
Gáspár Lajos
Re: What is wrong ???, Jorge Davila
Routing packets via a C program,
Luca Bedogni
DMZ problems,
Bill Tangren
redirecting on a local machine,
where psd match gone ?,
Paweł Piłat
IPSec Protocol 4 (ipcomp) traffic dropped,
Andrew J. Millar
Problem for nfq_set_queue_maxlen of libnetfilter_queue,
Arthur Liew
Filtering in PREROUTING,
Problems with the ROUTE extension on a 2.6.18 or 2.6.19 Kernel,
Feighery, Patrick D.
[ANNOUNCE] conntrackd-0.9.2 released,
Pablo Neira Ayuso
PPTP Problem with 2.6.20-rc1 >=,
Jorge Bastos
tcp conn tracking,
Anil Gunturu
QUEUE - ipq_set_verdict overridden?,
how to configure a router/firewall with no nat,
Carlos Rotenberg
iptables to redir subdomain to certain ports,
Andras Izsof
ArcosCom Linux User
Example on using fwmark with masks. Please help!!,
ArcosCom Linux User
fine tuning, Paulo Andre
Need to solve a NAT problem, any takers.,
Gary W. Smith
[ANNOUNCE] Release of libnfnetlink, libnfnetlink_conntrack and libnetfilter_queue,
Pablo Neira Ayuso
simple usage Q on setting sysctl opts in fw script, snowcrash+netfilter
dst cache overflow (bridged wan interfaces),
ArcosCom Linux User
Q about netfilter and packet modifications, Snyder, Brian
REDIRECT ports in forward chain,
Re: 2.6.20-rc4: regression: iptables failed to load rules,
Patrick McHardy
[ADMINISTRATIVE] IPv6 renumbering of servers, Harald Welte
Connection reset problem,
Brian McNally
Natted packets,
Lucas Diaz
max number of connection,
Carlos Eduardo R. L. de Miranda
Limit IP,
Determine the netfilter load,
Rajkumar S
hi.. problems with DNAT,
Juan Pablo Ramirez
[announce] chaostables 0.4, Jan Engelhardt
Hermidio A. Rodriguez Chavez
Does anyone know how to solve this issue?, Dave Durkee
Looking for automation scripts,
Tim Heagarty
Destination NAT from an LKM,
Tom Blane
layer 7,
Brent Clark
GRE Packet in IPSec not Inbound?,
Joshua Perry
Removal from list,
SNAT on the loopback interface, Pascal Hambourg
Re: dst cache overflow,
ArcosCom Linux User
Re: dst cache overflow, ArcosCom Linux User
Different routes,
Arthur Kerpician
POP, SMTP forward question,
Chris Nighswonger
Does netfilter fragments packect exceeding MTU,
Luca Bedogni
Fwd: Ted Phelps: issue with 2.6.20rc3 and nf_nat, Ted Phelps
2 Internet connection and one local network,
Techside Security
xtables monitoring via NETLINK (or similar), epankala@xxxxxxxxx
ways to modify iptables inside C/C++ aplication, Vitek
Re: chaostables-0.2 &,
Jan Engelhardt
chaostables 0.2, Jan Engelhardt
Distro Choice for iptables as Enterprise Firewall,
Rackage | Randles
libnetfilter queue reference guide, Stéphane Persyn
ip_tables init broken,
Jan Engelhardt
Catching un-DNAT'ed packets,
Покотиленко Костик
[ADMINISTRATIVE] running again, Harald Welte
Port forwarding - what's wrong with my setup?,
Nandan Bhat
"iptables: No chain/target/match by that name",
Brian McNally
Iptables logging problem, wlagmay
ip6tables problem,
Asfand Yar Qazi
Why is my nat pre chain being bypassed by streaming udp?,
Jeremy Freeman
SNAT and iChat,
Dennis Taylor
Filtering a web site returned from a Proxy, Tolga Onbay
Generating pseudo-packets with netfilter,
dev->hard_start_xmit() and dev->poll(), Adhiraj
Altering connection tracking state with ICMP..., Grant Taylor
Interesting article about punching holes in firewalls...,
Grant Taylor
ipsec on 2.6.16+ question,
Gary W. Smith
re: Dos and DDoS, wlagmay
Question about iptables and bridging,
Snyder, Brian
looking for a tool to handle initial configuration of a firewall,
Bill Ries-Knight
Allowing hosts to bypass transparent proxy (squid+netfilter) to port 80 for a specific netmask,
Bernardo Vieira
Shouldn't this rule catch all packets,
ipq_set_verdict(), Luca Bedogni
Install questions,
Ken Arany
Unable to use MARK target with iptables-1.3.7, Andrew Beverley
Re: Arkeia Software Information, Grant Taylor
require netfilter time patch for kernel ... mine not works : time match: invalid size 0 != 16, Sébastien CRAMATTE
A word about bridgeing to the wise..., Grant Taylor
problem with (incorrectly?) INVALID packets,
Mike Williams
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