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Any help?


El Vie, 12 de Enero de 2007, 22:00, ArcosCom Linux User escribió:
> Another question, this time is about CONNMARK and MARK.
> I stand that when CONNMARK put a mark, this mark will be applied for every
> related traffic (I supose conntrack modules do it) after CONNMARK put the
> mark. Am I in truth?
> Analogous with MARK, that only applies to the frame. Is it?
> Fine, using the above, when 1 client start TCP connection, that has not
> any specific conntrack module for it, and I use something as this:
> iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING ${condition} -m state --state NEW -j
> CONNMARK --set-mark 0x1
> Then:
> iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j
> CONNMARK --save-mark
> iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -m
> connmark ! --mark 0x0 -j RETURN
> Can I supose that when the connection is in state RELATED or ESTABLISHED
> the core netfilter will automaticaly mark the response frame (ACK) with
> the same mark? or I must be more accurate using MARK/mark?
> Explain a bit the question:
>    1) The frame should be TCP or UDP and is marked as 0x1 when go out from
> (or forwading) the box.
>    2) The frame is responsed (TCP with ACK or UDP with another frame to
> the same source port).
>    3) How netfilter will mark the connection if it has not handled by a
> conntrack module? Will it mark the connection? or I have to control the
> answered frame too?.
> I'm a bit confuse with the iptables help/man text about this question:
> MARK target v1.3.7 options:
>   --set-mark value                   Set nfmark value
>   --and-mark value                   Binary AND the nfmark with value
>   --or-mark  value                   Binary OR  the nfmark with value
> CONNMARK target v1.3.7 options:
>   --set-mark value[/mask]       Set conntrack mark value
>   --save-mark [--mask mask]     Save the packet nfmark in the connection
>   --restore-mark [--mask mask]  Restore saved nfmark value
> CONNMARK match v1.3.7 options:
> [!] --mark value[/mask]         Match nfmark value with optional mask
> MARK match v1.3.7 options:
> [!] --mark value[/mask]         Match nfmark value with optional mask
> And, sometimes, I think that there are two fields for the mark, one for
> the whole connection and another for the frame.
> Anyone more experienced could explain this a bit?
> Thanks!!

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