Linux Netfilter / IP Tables
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Enforce Per User IP Traffic Quota,
[PATCH 0/2] xt_u32 - match arbitrary bits and bytes of a packet,
Jan Engelhardt
Re: How to match protocol 0,
Jan Engelhardt
conntrack-tools fails to compile,
Force use of outgoing IP address,
Neil Russell
Enabling internal connections to transparently connect via external IP address,
Chris Willis
syn DDoS attack solution,
Need to get source and destination IP?, amna bilal
Welcome to the Mailing List., bilal . amna
Confirm your subscription, bilal . amna
Looking for feedback on our GUI, Martin McKeay
NAT rules for VPN only allowing one user?,
Neil Aggarwal
[Announce] NuFW 2.2 is available, Eric Leblond
condition match: incompatible pointer types, Andrew Schulman
time match: build errors with kernel 2.6.21, Andrew Schulman
T1 router and multiple public ips,
jamil egdemir
Port forwarding without masquerading..???,
Newbies questions compiling uClinux-dist-20070130 with m68k-uclinux-tools-20061214, Francisco Perea
-m owner and INPUT chain,
Ernest Davnis
iptables 1.3.7 doesn't properly test for condition patch,
Andrew Schulman
DNAT rule requires extra firewall pinhole,
Jeff Weber
Dynamic kernel module load,
Paul Harlow
[ANNOUNCE] Release conntrack-tools 0.9.3, Pablo Neira Ayuso
Queued packet in user space: network order or host order?, Michael Ransburg
Rules to block traffic form an interface to a netblock,
[ANNOUNCE] Release libnfnetlink_conntrack, Pablo Neira Ayuso
Bridge Transparent Proxy,
Jon Tim
problems applying ipset patch, Andrea
ip_conntrack table full after upgrade from RHEL3 (2.4/1.2.8) to RHEL4U4 (2.6.9/1.2.11),
Alex Tang
URL Logging,
Muzinich, Mike
Conntrack rule timeout problem,
Pat Riehecky
using packet filtering to discover TCP end-to-end latency,
Rohit Grover
Logging NAT Translations,
Craig Bernstein
pptp and iptables, Tiron Adrian
Re: Help with DOS attack,
Jonny K
no connection, William Perry
redirect ->,
Alex Tang
problem when compiling lbnfnetlink,
Filka Michal
[solved?] Re: UDP packets are not being forwarded to pc on the local net., k bah
TCP RST vulnerability - handling question,
Mike C
connection refused trying to bind AF_INET to AF_NETLINK/NETFILTER socket, Sussman, Scott
iptables doesn't keep chain list after reboot,
UDP packets are not being forwarded to pc on the local net., k bah
Match specific netbios flag?,
k bah
Looking for a how-to type battle plan for 2 physical subnets and an openvpn tunnel.,
Bill Ries-Knight
Packets lost,
Vasantha Kumar Puttappa
RE: is it possible to block ip packets that contains experimental tcp options ?,
Marc Cozzi
is it possible to block ip packets that contains experimental tcp options ?, Glenn Terjesen
Unexpected UDP behavior using ipt_recent,
Roger Venable
SPAM(6.2) mini-hack for country-based filter.,
IPSET iptree problem,
Łukasz Nierychło
time /date server, MAPASA Informatica - Assistenza Tecnica
12 interface FTP server - Possible routing problem - Please help, Sumit Malik
netfilter load sharing,
Thomas Fragstein
Questions about DHCP firewall rules,
Nicholas Kline
persistent packet marking for use in VPN creation.,
Sven Agnew
Policy targets...,
Gáspár Lajos
Re: Policy targets..., Petr Pisar
NAT "triangulation" and already opened nat port not reachable, Andres Paglayan
how to return a packet back to netfilter, gcho
[2.6.21 linux kernel] NAT on sparc64, BERTRAND Joël
Filter a TCP stream based on a text appearing in the initial IP packet of the stream,
Michael Ransburg
delete NAT conntrack entry.,
Two internet connection in a gateway server howto.,
Default deny rule,
Problem with connection tracking in IPtables!!,
Ramsurrun Visham
iptables NAT routing issues,
Bas Verhoeven
Two NICs, same network...,
semi linux
'tcpmss' match for ip6tables ?, Pascal Hambourg
IPset and IPv6 support,
husnu demir
Unable to see entries in ip_conntrack file!!, Ramsurrun Visham
Handling queued packets?, Michael Ransburg
DNAT and local hosts,
Pieter De Wit
[ANNOUNCE] Netfilter Workshop 2007 in Karlsruhe, Germany,
Pablo Neira Ayuso
Rules review,
Advanced routing problem,
Jaap Winius
[OT] iptables and 802.1x authenticator,
John A. Sullivan III
Simulating a "bad" connection.,
Tommy W
conntrack: Operation failed: invalid parameters, richard lucassen
SIP and NAT conntrack or RTP streams, cas12
conntrack and SIP,
Ethy H. Brito
Proxy arping,
Andres Paglayan
missing DESTROY events in conntrack -e output?,
Alan Ezust
[ANNOUNCE] new match extension about Port Knocking and SPA,
Question about running nf_queue,
Bahamin Takhtaei
ip_conntrack crashs box with kernel, Michael Heimpold
SIP conntrack question,
Sanjoy Dey
my DNAT not,
Forking inside netfilter queue,
[PATCH] linux 2.4, RPC conntrack (1 of 2), Lee Kok Seng
[PATCH] linux 2.4, RPC conntrack (2 of 2), Lee Kok Seng
Layer (5,6,7) based NAT,
DHCP & remote ssh logins,
Phil Rhoades
in-memory table change,
Július Bemš
NATing Not wotking, sneak
[Fwd: Re: Wireless Login Page],
Kirk Wallace
nating / routing to device or to device's ip?,
Andres Paglayan,
Wireless Login Page,
Kirk Wallace
Masquerade based on skb->mark ?,
Ben Greear
Yet another local nat/port redirecting question,
Henrik Martin
Very strange ip_conntrack_max value with kernel 2.6.20 !!!, Sébastien CRAMATTE
IPMark won't compile on a vanilla 2.6.20 kernel,
Sébastien CRAMATTE
connlimit with fc6,
IPTables NAT: Strange behaviour: bug?,
Pedro Gonçalves
problem related to coustom hook module .....plz help, hitesh sharma
problem related to coustem module .....plz help, hitesh sharma
SYN Proxy for iptables?,
Andrew Kraslavsky
tcp_window_tracking / tcp sequence number tracking ?,
Michael Gale
Conntrack table full freeze my Heavy loaded QoS manager...,
Sébastien CRAMATTE
Geoip patch and its features,
Elvir Kuric
fwsnort-1.0 release, Michael Rash
Iptables rule on span traffic,
Krishnamoorthy (Siva) Sivakumar
Re: Iptables rule on span traffic, Oleg
Re: Iptables rule on span traffic, Oleg
Forwarding packets on iptables firewall,
crux crux
Failed to establish TCP connection when Masqueradeing,
Simon Olofsson
How to filter this packet?,
monty denis
Route Balancers going crazy??,
Michael R. Dilworth
Question on MASQUERADE in virtual-router configuration., Ben Greear
NAT Issue,
Kiran Murari
Async processing using NetFilters,
[HEADS UP] merge of conntrack and conntrackd into conntrack-tools, Pablo Neira Ayuso
Can't change ipt_conntrack hashsize under debian sarge ???,
Sébastien CRAMATTE
ipt_connlimit.c + kernel 2.6.20 = big problem. HELP,
Empty archives?, Patrick Ale
Valid packets blocked as invalid?,
Lars Täuber
Firewall L7,
Stephan Higuti
Setup of different types of NAT,
Pedro Gonçalves
Where has NAT gone?,
ip packet fields modyfications, Bury!
[ANNOUNCE] New Netfilter core team PGP Key, Pablo Neira Ayuso
Trying to understand a performance problem - help please.,
Alan Chandler
Help applying iplimit patch to kernel, Javier Soques
Unable to block ICMP,
Re: Unable to block ICMP, Michael Hissler
i/o stats per inode in /proc/net/tcp,
Robert Hogan
Inspection of Link Layer Packets?,
John Dowling
RELATED connections and the feeling of security,
Hugo Mildenberger
Problem compiling nth match,
Neubauer Christian
two ISP but only one NAT, Ethy H. Brito
No timestamp on log entries.,
Using Netfilter to modify the payload of an IP packet?, Michael Ransburg
IPtables l7 string,
Stephan Higuti
Re: IPtables l7 string, Pablo Neira Ayuso
Time module included in the default Fedora,
Fred Trotter
SIP ALG TOS Marking, allug4me allug4me
Default syslog level from -j LOG,
Oliver Schulze L.
ESTABLISHED makes possible to connect to internal servers,
Anton Sidorov
TCP dynamic redirection, switcher
Error using MARK,
[PATCH] ip_tables.h,
Patrick Ale
WARNING: "ipt_unregister_match",
Patrick Ale
IETF RFC 4787 and NAT behaviour recommendations, Dupond Jean
iptables, multiple hosts, one IP,
blocking all connections,
packets to local addresses,
Does iptables support VLANs,
Elvir Kuric
ipt_error_target in kernel difers from that in user space and causing "ip_tables: ERROR target: invalid size 30 != 32", David Wu
integration with network processor, larytet . 48654039
Iptables - Error: No chain/target/match by that name,
Rafael Dewes
x86_64, Lucas Diaz
--iif unrecognised in ROUTE target,
Andi Reinbrech
About Firewall configuration, edwardspl
snat and narc, richard
only checking if i make correct custom chains,
Configuration of NAT, edwardspl
Band limit without squid,
Debian 2.6.8/bridge/iptables/passive ftp,
POM "--without-kernel" & "--without-iptables",
Denis Kaganovich
[ipset] Minor sleep bugs, Ismaël BALLO
stateful UDP with unknown source port on INPUT?,
noa levy
Does iptables have any certificate?,
Larry Yuma
will --cmd-owner ever return?,
[ipset] Minor non-blocking "sleep" bugs,
Ismaël BALLO
Droping all SYN,
Julian Hagenauer
nubee ++ using iptables to block bit torrent ..,
Gregory Machin
Multi ISP router/firewall ...,
Ray Leach
Seems to be a problem with Livemeeting or the use of <nop, nop, sack>, Kenneth Foster
Netfilter architectural documentation ?, mondgrav-netfilter
Re: Long sessions through LVS DR director terminatedbyicmp-host-prohibited (ICMP type 3 code 10), Klaas Jan Wierenga
Limit connections per IP,
Patrick Ale
bridged firewall wont DNAT http to proxy,
Ricardo Meechan
2.6.8 vs 2.6.18 tcpdump chapture point changed?, Покотиленко Костик
Accept DNS Suffix,
Dominic Caputo
Multilink + bridge + nat problem,
ArcosCom Linux User
Specifying more than one IP address per rule,
Dan Purcell
Rule Optimization for iptables, Arnd-Hendrik Mathias
forwarding local ports,
Martin Korous
iptables as DHCPD,
Michael Plourde
bytes count question,
Michele Petrazzo - Unipex srl
https on non-standard port,
afshin lamei
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