Hi all, On 5/16/07, Nicholas Kline <kakster7@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Questions about DHCP firewall rules Greetings, I am in the process of learning Netfilter/IPtables. I plan on using Netfilter/IPtables to protect my Linux desktop computers and servers. We're talking host-based firewalls, not one firewall protecting all of the desktops and servers. I have a basic question I am hoping someone on this mailing list can answer. I am a little confused about configuring Netfilter/IPtables on a Linux desktop computer. Specifically, this situation: a linux desktop computer that is configured to use DHCP and configured to use the following rule: $IPTABLES -A INPUT -s $IP_LOCAL -j LOG --log-prefix "Spoofed source IP" $IPTABLES -A INPUT -s $IP_LOCAL -j DROP I would like to include the previous rule as part of a standard rule set. >From how I understand this situation, the firewall would have to be able to automatically detect when the computers IP address changes, right? Manually inputting the computers IP address each time it changes would get really old. I'm using several books as references for learning Netfilter/IPtables and they discuss implementing "dynamic firewall scripts". In this case, a dynamic firewall script that recognizes when the computers IP address changes. So, my questions are: 1.) If I am using a computer that is configured to obtain its IP address through DHCP, what firewall rules do I need to setup?
So, you need to allow DHCP ports that use clinet to send an request to server and server to sent an offer to client. I do not what is configuation of your network but in case you are implementing iptables firewall on client then it should look like iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 68 -j ACCEPT This will accept all messages in INPUT chain that are destinated to port 67 ( the port that is used by dhcp server to send replays to clinets ) DHCP uses udp as transport protocol. In OUTPUT chain you probably will not have any restriction, but in case you have, server accepts dhcp requests on port 67.
2.) Additionally, how do I configure the firewall to automatically detect changes in the computers network configuration (IP address change, etc.)?
for this I think you can take that information from DHCP server or, make some kind of logging on iptables firewall, ... take a look at http://iptables-tutorial.frozentux.net/iptables-tutorial.html Regards Elvir Kuric
Thank you for your time, *Nick*