ok, I have a solution issue... We just had a server cracked (fc4, built by my predecessor) The server acts as a firewall, VPN Server, content filtering system, samba server for files and ssh tunnel to the network. There are 3 nics covering 2 physical subnets , school administration/teachers and computer lab for the sudents, each with thier own NIC and the gateway to the internet on the third. Openvpn provides a tun interface with a third subnet to manage. Software we are running is iptables for the firewall, Openvpn for the vpn tunnel between physical sites, samba and clamav/squid/dansguardian for content filtering and openssh for remote access. I am using Debia Etch for the server. Is there anyone with a reference on how to manage this one? I can get the old firewall rules into place, but adding ipmasq munges it all up. Without ipmasq there is no name based browsing at all. At various times I can get the vpn happy, but no browsing. if I try to bring both physical subnets into play, it munges. I have issues with name based internet browsing, or a few minutes later, I have issues with the ip address based access. Ie: I can ping out, but not name browse.. a bit later I cannot even ping out. I am really lost here. Help! Please. -- -- Bill Ries-Knight Stockton, CA Respect the process, Vote.