Re: Policy targets...

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jwlargent írta:

fw1:~# iptables -t nat -P PREROUTING RETURN
iptables: Bad policy name

So you won !
Maybe someone should fix the manual....
Maybe you should just read the manual, RETURN is not a policy for the
nat table.
Believe me... I read many times... :D
- From the man page:

                  This table is consulted when a packet  that
creates  a  new
                  connection  is encountered.  It consists of three
                  PREROUTING (for altering packets as soon as they
come  in),
                  OUTPUT  (for altering locally-generated packets
before rout-
                  ing), and POSTROUTING (for  altering  packets  as
they  are
                  about to go out).

Yeah... That is right.... But wait a minute... I am talking about DEFAULT POLICY and you are talking about BUILT-IN CHAINS !!!
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -j RETURN != iptables -t nat -P PREROUTING 
The first works, the second not...

I think that it is a bit confusing to use ACCEPT as a policy tartget and a rule target. (In nat/mangle/raw ACCEPT means CONTINUE. In filter it means OK, LET IT THORUGH.)
That is why I tried to use RETURN in the policy.

From the man page:

      -P, --policy chain target
Set the policy for the chain to the given target. See the section TARGETS for the legal targets. Only built-in (non-user-defined) chains can have policies, and neither built-in nor user-defined chains can be policy targets.

A firewall rule specifies criteria for a packet, and a target. If the packet does not match, the next rule in the chain is the examined; if it does match, then the next rule is specified by the value of the target, which can be the name of a user-defined chain or one of the special values ACCEPT,

ACCEPT means to let the packet through. DROP means to drop the packet on the floor. QUEUE means to pass the packet to userspace. (How the packet can be received by a userspace process differs by the particular queue handler. 2.4.x and 2.6.x kernels up to 2.6.13 include the ip_queue queue han- dler. Kernels 2.6.14 and later additionally include the nfnetlink_queue queue handler. Packets with a target of QUEUE will be sent to queue number '0' in this case. Please also see the NFQUEUE target as described later in this man page.) RETURN means stop traversing this chain and resume at the next rule in the previous (calling) chain. If the end of a built-in chain is reached or a rule in a built-in chain with target RETURN is matched, the target specified by the chain policy determines the fate of the packet.
- --
Jeff Largent
System Administrator
Visual Lease Services Inc.
(405) 379-5280
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