Linux Netfilter / IP Tables
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IPTables not starting with Fedora 6,
P. Harlow
load balacing with https home banking, Marco Berizzi
[ANNOUNCE] Release of iptables-1.3.7,
Netfilter Core Team
Re: [netfilter-core] linux-2.6.19-ge6243863 build #160 failed, Patrick McHardy
Multihoming problem,
Javier A Toledano
How to hide a NAT router?,
Artūras Šlajus
How make virtual interfaces ( subinterfaces ) on linux machine,
Elvir Kuric
NAT & Multihoming Problem,
Re: netfilter Digest, Vol 29, Issue 2, gabrix
Multiple Mac Addresses as Source,
Syed AbuBakr
T/TCP connections not NATed,
Frederik Deweerdt
Traffic auditing per user,
Joris Dobbelsteen
How to block a DNS DoS attack?,
Eduardo Fernández
ROUTE target broken under kernel, ArcosCom Linux User
What do you wish somebody had told you?,
Tim Heagarty
hashlimit not working in iptable chains,
ROUTE target and kernel 2.6.19,
ArcosCom Linux User
how do I set the MAC address in POSTROUTING?,
asus p5b-vm onboard gigabit card problem, Daniel Nogradi
ipt_time doesn't work with new kernels, Fulvio Ricciardi
-i interface filter not working for firewall,
victor oliveira
Transfer, (forward) all traffic bound for PublicIP-A to PublicIP-B. Is iptables the right tool?, Eric J. Marang
Patch for h323 conntack for certain kernels,
ArcosCom Linux User
weird multilink problem, Philippe BRAND
-j SNAT,
strange udp redirect problem, Brane F.Gračnar
would like to use match limit, Brent Clark
NOTRACK not working as expected,
Wilson, Richard E
invalid ACK/RST droped, strange client, apache, Sebastian Ewert
Iptables/Bridge/Passive FTP problem, Gary W. Smith
This is possible?,
Mike S. Matsumoto
iptables binary version vs kernel version?, Shaun
Iptables, squid,
alok pathak
Watched a DDoS attack for hours and couldn't do much :S,
Passive FTP sees remote's _internal_ IP!!??,
Duplicate IPs using proxy_arp, Ing. Rogelio Sevilla Fernandez
ip routing after changing mac address to a virtual one,
first last
iptables MAC problem,
alok pathak
segfault in nfct_conntrack_compare() at libnetfilter_conntrack.c:933, Alan Ezust
Where to get SIP conntrack and nat for pre-2.6.18 kernel?,
Andrew Kraslavsky
can't tunnel through iptables,
Alex Feldman
problems building conntrack w/ uclibc - no output,
Alan Ezust
What happened to ipt_physdev.c ?,
Paul Reilly
RE: Someone is using too much bandwidth???,
[Fwd: Re: load balancing multiple isp], Danny
How to measure CPU usage of netfilter,
Mohammad Farooq
Gary W. Smith
Fwd: multiple DNAT alternative?,
Noman Jamil
[announce] iptables-tutorial 1.2.2 book,
Oskar Andreasson
need advice - research project, Rodrigo Lazo
Dynamic chain alternatives,
Gary W. Smith
ipset: how to run non-root,
Mike Wright
MATCH_PHYSDEV missing from ??, Paul Reilly
inotify in netfilter socket, tom
Multicast route table,
Marcos Gileno
NAT with two external IP numbers,
Mogens Kjaer
iptables promisc mode,
Magnus Månsson
trouble with RTCP dst-address with ip_conntrack_sip, ip_nat_sip and RTCP to non-SIP address, Helge Jensen
Can not run iptables, Vladimir Iskoz
NAPT with loab balance does not work with iptables 1.2.11, RHEL 3,
Mahmoud Aghapour
iptables: Invalid argument Using mac match,
how to change ip source address of incoming packets,
Matevz Langus
About writing my hook function,
Baining Zhu
opening up an ipchain,
Alex Feldman
Mutlicast Routing, Marcos Gileno
maybe a bug in the conntrack ?, Eric Belhomme
cannot find -ldl,
Vladimir Iskoz
QUEUE working, ULOG not, Brian Litzinger
WAN DHCP for machines in LAN, Pedro Werneck
Iptables for load balancing internet traffic,
Wrong addresses passed to warn_if_extra_mangle() ?, Pascal Hambourg
Cannot go out the firewall from internal network (NAT),
Marco Nicoloso
Help with expect : master conntrack not found, Jean-François SMIGIELSKI
Architecture advice for a newbie,
Hal Moroff
CONNMARK target's dependency on MANGLE table, François Barel
connlimit where has it gone?,
John Covici
QUEUE vs ULOG, Brian Litzinger
Re: Conntrack timeout,
Pablo Neira Ayuso
iptables + ROUTE,
Mato Vidovic
[announce] pyctd 0.1, a connection tracking XML-RPC server,
Eric Leblond
DNS Manipulation via IPTables?,
Dan Bogda
drop by mac address, but only to packets to other interface,
Branko Kokanovic
iplog X ulogd, Allan Spagnol Comar
How to configure firewall rules through a website,
Satvika Bejai
Small doubt from a newbie :),
nfq_get_timestamp fails, Ury Segal
"beep" on match,
Erik Alberti
[ANNOUNCE] conntrackd-0.9.1 released, Pablo Neira Ayuso problems, Alan Ezust
HowTo: Intercept every packet sent to TCP layer by IP layer and logging them in user space., will_u_tellmemore will_u_tellmemore
Why the network is unreable?,
LVS breaking ip_nat_ftp (??), Antonio Forster
Allow few workstation to access internet but deny others by Mac address, Lawrence - Daltron
RE: Blocking Yahoo, lubasi
hashlimit bucket,
REF: Blocking Yahoo,
Transparent splitting,
lee nookx
odd issues with connections to external websites,
Scott van Looy
iptables performance and Dual CPU, Monty Ree
conntrack -E -i not allowed?,
Alan Ezust
Explicit source port mapping,
Andreas Micklei
Fwd: using netfilter for implementing ft-fcp, will_u_tellmemore will_u_tellmemore
Writing a POSTROUTING SNAT rule, Frank Bulk
INPUT and PORTS, /dev/null
cooperation between connection tracking and traffic shaping,
Yakov Lerner
Re: Does anyone have the tool which could be used for protocol,
Re: Does anyone have the tool which could be used for protocol transmission?, G.W. Haywood
Does anyone have the tool which could be used for protocol transmission?,
Some packets leaving Ethernet interface include a source port value of 1, Frank Bulk
Change Source,
Nathaniel Hall
Packet mangle and re-directing, Marc Cozzi
How to apply iptables patches..., Kaleb D. Tuimala
2.4 vs 2.6 in linux routers ?,
Yakov Lerner
ethernet mac filter configuration (fwd), netdev
Brent Clark
my script !,
Block smtp traffic,
Allan Spagnol Comar
how to filter on applications?,
IPTables script problem...,
Don Gould
NATing on a single interface?,
Philip Pemberton
multiple uplinks masquerading,
Balazs Fulop
Cannot go out the firewall,
Marco Nicoloso
firewall configuration, tarak
[ADMINISTRATIVE] service downtime, Harald Welte
Blocking SMTP Worm,
Juan Carlos Peláez Mendoza
Re: Blocking SMTP Worm, R. DuFresne
Daily svn snapshots now working again (was Re: patch-o-matic-ng stopped ?), Harald Welte
how to filter on application? (cmd-owner), vwf
Howto access modem behind router,
Victor Toni
Fwd UDP packets to multiple destinations, Scot Harkins
understanding how conntrack works,
Alan Ezust
time match for kernel 2.6, afshin lamei
Yakov Lerner
Per Jessen
mac match and FORWARD chain,
Wakko Warner
installing ipsets,
Some simulator ?,
Bo Yang
Why is my 443 port blocked,
Adhi Laksono
Problem With reading data through JNetFilter, Alexander Hachmann
Need help !,
Bo Yang
Check-List, TechSafe Seguranca
[rfc][update]iptables-tutorial 1.2.2,
Oskar Andreasson
Netbios over NAT,
Managed proxy between private network,
Gabor Szokoli
recent match and DNAT.,
Wakko Warner
Ipt_random module questions,
Thomas Sandquist
IPtables and bridge interface,
Robert LeBlanc
Teste, TechSafe Seguranca
outgoing skype ports,
Joshua, C.S. Chen
Ip_conntrack enhancement idea,
Wilson, Richard E
Kphone not opening a secondary SIP direct connection,
Ashutosh Naik
How to know inside a match which chain is calling,
looking for the developer of webcbq or help .., Gregory Machin
work on ip%ip ipset,
performance impact by increasing number of ipsets,
Iptables & ftp (no natting or forwarding),
Shaun T. Erickson
trying different TCP flags for extra protections (probally false sense of security), Brent Clark
Two identical ips connected,
Julian Hagenauer
Conntrack entry removal with an iptables delete, Andrew Hall
How to disable ip_conntrack function?, Monty Ree
query regarding hashlimit using ipset src,dst tuple,
Manish Jain
hi all,
Alberto Negri
Confusion about MAC address in FORWARD chain (iptables), Wakko Warner
Can't get access remote LAN through firewall,
use of -m limit for Syn Flood protection,
Brent Clark
Iptables and rate limiting per ip address,
Brendan S (Scratch User)
Ultima vez que se uso una cadena??,
Pablo Proaño
Can't get access to local servers using external IP,
Patrick Cummings
-j ROUTE vs marking and then forwarding, Brent Clark
Something like next hop match, Markus Marquardt
iptables XOR patch, Noman Jamil
Recurring ip_conntrack table overflow,
Wilson, Richard E
iptables psd with kernel 2.6.18, info
Fwd: Critque of IPTables Firewall,
Re: [netfilter-core] linux-2.6.19-rc1 (commit ebf7a227) build failed, Patrick McHardy
Redirecting incoming packets to other port,
Holger Kinkelin
Pleeeeeeeease help: question about ip_queue,
Mohammad Farooq
More question about ipset - protocol ?,
Ming-Ching Tiew
How to create a transparent proxy with iptables and redirect incoming packets to another port?, Holger Kinkelin
Is timestamp_sec in ipq_packet_msg_t used?, Mohammad Farooq
[Announce] pynetfilter_conntrack, a Python binding of libnetfilter_conntrack, Eric Leblond
What time stamp represents in the ipq_packet_msg structure, Mohammad Farooq
How to find out packet latency?,
Mohammad Farooq kernel & pptp-conntrack-nat,
Blake Patton
ulogd IP extension?, Colin Madere
Compiling 1.3.6,
Jorge Bastos
POM-NG missing patchlets, kiraly laszlo
Layer 7 Filter, Adhi Laksono
patch o matic modules, gabrix
Netfilter Hooks with Queue, Andrzej Palczewski
getting original destination after UDP REDIRECT, Danny Sung
Packet change in OUTPUT mangle table and not being rerouted, aoliva
Patch o matic,
POM, random, unclean, psd match and other, Thomas
iptables and hostnames.,
change routes for a transparenty proxy, Brent Clark
redirect all HTTP traffic,
Brent Clark
STRING module : Invalid argument,
Gáspár Lajos
GRE tunnel bound to bridged interface, David Fletcher
Pleeeeeeeeeeease help me with u32 module,
Mohammad Farooq
Cant get transparent proxy to route out new ISP., Brent Clark
ipset loading to/from file, Ming-Ching Tiew
Jason Neurohr
newbie - load balancing with iptables,
interaction of iptables userspace tool with kernel, malvika joshi
forget my last mail, Stefan Friedel
[ANNOUNCE] administrative downtime of all boxes, Harald Welte
ip_nat_h323/h323 module nat problem, Noman Jamil
Help with NAT and port translation,
AkiL Mussá
P-O-M: connrate for 2.6.14-4,
Pablo Sanchez
how to unblock connections coming from a NAT boxB,
Vidya Ravipati
Redirecting ssh requests from external world to internal server., Elvir Kuric
Forward Specific Ports to Different Host/IP,
Ranjith Kumar
[announce] iptables-tutorial 1.2.1 released, Oskar Andreasson
ipset-2.2.9 + kernel 2.6.18,
Gabriel Sousa
NAT with marked packets,
Lucas Diaz
can iptables block ARPS,
Ralph Blach
Re: Multiport Module, Patrick McHardy
Debian packages for libnfnellink related libraries, Eric Leblond
Traffic Accounting on Small System and User Limits.,
Don Gould
[ANNOUNCE] Release of iptables-1.3.6,
Netfilter Core Team
default drop on prerouting,
how to write different ip sources on a single rule,
Burak Ozgoren
ip_nat_h323/h323 module nat problem!, Noman Jamil
Marks set in PREROUTING got lost,
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Marks set in PREROUTING got lost, Bo Yang
ftp passive ports and their state,
port forwarding AND local application consumption...,
Lucas Diaz
NAT with CONNMARK, Lucas Diaz
iptables REJECT NAT Internal -> External Portrange,
Ryan Belcher
Using the "recent" module to stop ssh/ftp attacks, Alan Garrison
tos or dscp match with a mask, Ming-Ching Tiew
Martin Feinstein
Accepting Forwaded Packets,
Ranjith Kumar
DNAT doesn't work,
Holger Kinkelin
Re: DNAT doesn't work, Pascal Hambourg
Countermeasures for SYN flood and DDoS attacks,
Andrew Kraslavsky
Question related to DROP target?,
Elvir Kuric
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