Re: load balancing multiple isp
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ArioS wrote:
anyone have experience bout load balancing on multiple isp ? i have 3
connection from different isp (A = 64kb , B = 128kb , C = 128kb). howto
mix these 3 isp into 1 virtually.. so if bw on ISP A is lacked then the
connection will move to ISP B. currently i did manual route for specific
network to specific ISP... it really hard to balance it with manual
route. any clue ?
Look in to the "--next-hop" "ip route" command option. I think you will
find what you are looking for in the fact that you can have multiple next hops.
Something to keep in mind is that if you are NATing each ISP connection, you
can not have a stream migrate from one ISP to another b/c you will break
connection state on your end, or even if your end could handle it, the
server you are connecting to would flip out. From the server's point of
view, it would be talking to Bob and Bob would stop mid sentence and Tom
would start where Bob left of with out the ability to correlate what Bob and
Tom were saying in to one coherent stream.
Grant. . . .
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