Hi, INL development team is proud to announce the availability of pynetfilter_conntrack. pynetfilter_conntrack is a Python binding of libnetfilter_conntrack. The binding is the file pynetfilter_conntrack.py and you have also a clone of conntrack program: conntrack.py. It provides a high level API for libnetfilter_conntrack. For example, you can display all TCP connections with destination port 22 by doing something like : nf = NetfilterConntrack(CONNTRACK) table = nf.create_table(IPV4) table = table.filter(6,dport=22) table.display() The current release of pynetfilter_conntrack supports listing, modification and deletion of conntrack entries. pynetfilter_conntrack has been developped by Victor Stinner aka Haypo. It is released under GPL by INL. pynetfilter_conntrack : http://software.inl.fr/trac/trac.cgi/wiki/pynetfilter_conntrack INL : http://www.inl.fr/ BR, -- Eric Leblond INL : http://www.inl.fr NuFW, Now User Filtering Works (http://www.nufw.org)