problem with hostB wifi0 -> aDSL modem wifi0 -> hostA wifi0 -> hostA eth0 -> hostA ppp0 -> aDSL modem bridge --- Not MASQUERADEing...

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	I am trying to figure out why my current MASQUERADEing is not working.  It may not even be related to netfilter, but that's why I'm asking.  I might just have missed something (can't think of anything though).  The setup is as follows:

There are 2 switches involved in this network.

Switch1 is a typical netgear 10/100 switch.
Switch2 is built into the wireless aDSL modem.
aDSL modem has 1 wireless interface (

hostA is running linux 2.6.17.
hostA has 1 ethernet interface (eth0) via Switch1 (
hostA has a psuedo interface for pppoe via eth0.
hostA has 1 wireless interface (ath0) via aDSL modem wifi0 (
hostA is the router for all networks.
hostA is the firewall for all network.

hostB is running linux 2.6.17.
hostB has 1 wireless interface (eth1) via aDSL modem wifi0 (

hostC is running linux 2.6.17.
hostC has 1 ethernet interface (eth0) via Switch1 (

Now to explain the problem.  All traffic from anywhere to anywhere is ACCEPTed (for testing purposes), all traffic out ppp0 is MASQUERADEd.
If I am coming from any to anywhere MASQUERADING works just fine.
If I am coming from any to the connections work just fine.
If I am coming from any to anything through ppp0 to anywhere !,! (eg: external internet site) it does not MASQUERADE.

I can send my rules if need be.  I'll sanitize them with the above IP address layout to make it easier.  I'm not sure if attachments are allowed.  Anyway do I need to do something special (inside or outside) with netfilter / iptables in order to allow traffic from a wifi interface to an ethernet interface (bridge?)?  I can't even run on hostA:
ping -I ath0 <external internet site>
as that fails.



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