Daniel made a really helpful suggestion on #iptables to solve my problem:
iptables -N CENTAPKT; iptables -A INPUT -m random --average 1 -j
CENTAPKT; iptables -A CENTAPKT -m random --average 1 -j DROP
yey, 0.01% packet loss :)
George P Nychis wrote:
I need a very high precision loss model, and right now it seems as though --average can only accept integer numbers
I would for example like to introduce .01% packet loss, .1% packet loss, 1% packet loss, 1.5% packet loss ... except it seemas though out of that set, i would only be able to do 1% packet loss
lanthanum-ini ~ # iptables -A FORWARD -p all -m random --average .25 -j DROP
iptables v1.3.5: bad --average `.25', must be between 1 and 99
Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
is there any way i can get higher precision?