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- iPhone coreaudio,
Joseph Rukshan Fonseka
- Installing PJSIP for Python, Dmitry Mugtasimov
- Event synchronization between worker thread and application thread., Chris Moore
- Deadlock while resolving STUN, Marcin Gozdalik
- PJSUA - Mistake in manual, MatzeMuc86
- conference: which code/function is mixing the sources?, MatzeMuc86
- Read compact headers, jow fct
- trouble building with IPP for OS X, David Artman
- Bug in pjsua "Keep Alive" mechanism, Ken Fish
- Pjsip 2.0 -> Compiling error, Jorge
- compilation error building 1.8.10 (latest trunk) for iphone simulator SDK 4.2,
Thomas Martin
- pjsip 2.0, Jorge
- Other bug in sip_regc, Philippe Leuba
- SDP negotiation done, message body is ignored,
matthias at infinatic.de
- RFC 3326,
s.marek at avm.de
- ARM9 problem with playback audio, leonopulos
- Reference Implementation of a SIP Server,
- Bug in sip_regc,
Philippe Leuba
- Running PJSUA in separate thread., Rostyslav Drutsky
- Problems playback resampled audio(AC97) on ARM(linux),
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2010,
- Sip stereo B2BUA conference server, MatzeMuc86
- PJSIP 2.0 video problems. Vstreamutil.c, Jorge
- Answer bug in pjsua, Mark Murawski
- Pjsua commands,
Mark Murawski
- [patch] Remove headers by name,
Saúl Ibarra Corretgé
- Reg bandwidth!, Abhishek Bhattacharya
- Complete URI SIP with port in the From fields, lazzerini remy
- Problem opening Audio Device after AudioCategory change on iPhone,
Tony Million
- timeout bug in pjusa acquire_call(), Matt DiMeo
- Simultaneous sip calls, each wired to a different audio device, Chiang Kang Tan
- Problems while sending DTMF from Symbian, Javed Ahmed
- QT for Symbian, PJSIP - How to assign connection to pj_symbianos_params ->rconnection & rsocketserv, Farooq Hameed
- Bug report and patch: race condition for setting thread ID in unix implementation [pj_thread_create],
Peter Lukac
- Multi-channel test questions, Sergey Olevsky
- Strange error, giorgio9 at libero.it
- pjsip audio device on ARM,
Gideon Spreeth
- How tu run pjsip_ua.exe pjsip_ua_gui.exe, pjlib_test.exe on Symbian Emulator, nghidn at elcom.com.vn
- TLS Problem, mozuffer hago
- Bug report:Tonegen clears tone count only once all tones played out,
Steve King
- Default audio unit (iOS); was: iOS, remote audio lost after interruption by an alarm, Ming
- Help required regarding audio recording!, Abhishek Bhattacharya
- Linker Error when trying to compile 2.0-dev, Frederic-Philippe Metz
- iOS, remote audio lost after interruption by an alarm,
- ALSA soundcard sharing with 1.x branch seems broken, Igor Kravets
- iOS background support in pjsip 1.8.10,
Matthias Meß
- Randomly stuck after RTCP PORT 4007, †ஐû●чƃцίш† Goh
- How to recover remote sdp, giorgio9 at libero.it
- Crash when unplug headphones mac.,
Mr. Gecko
- reg:call disconnected after 20 sec, ragu pathy
- Problems Understanding the code,
john smith
- How to work with raw stream?, Alexander Komarnitsky
- symbian_ua_gui play ring tone voip call,
Anamul Kabir
- ALSA soundcard sharing with 1.x branch seems broken,
Igor Kravets
- Looking for outsourcing work related to PJSIP, Avi Fisher
- PjSIP and Proxy, Claudio Rossi
- Crash in coreaudio_dev on iphone,
Tony Million
- Bug in XML parser (xml.c), Philippe Leuba
- pjsip_inv_session: asynchronous responses to inbound INFO requests, JJM
- music on hold,
Thomas Martin
- Audio problem, sipsharper
- pjsip_resolve function does not handle resolving hostname to IPv6 address?, Deven Parekh
- cross compile to ARM, Leonid
- Error during making connection, sipsharper
- Ec_option of pjsua not taken into account, Régis Montoya
- B2BUA questions, Apostolos Pantsiopoulos
- Proxy Register timeout. Implementation practice?, Ken Fish
- Retry-After header parser issue, Gang Liu
- python API build error,
Jakob Hirsch
- cancel processing,
Peter Darvasi
- Ticket #1194 (closed defect: fixed),
Alejandro Orellana
- Bug in acquire_call() in pjsua_call.c, birger gang
- pjsua "add new accnt" get error pjsua_acc.c SIP registration failed, status=405 (Method Not Allowed), topcoolzaitopcoolzai
- VAS direct Build problem in Symbian s60 5th edition SDK, Jaguar Paw
- New version for ZRTP support with enhanced features, Werner Dittmann
- Pjsua lib configuration question, Jacopo Corzani
- OnComing Bye messages checking, Sergey Olevsky
- Symbian dialer needed, Tahir Almas
- NO RTP after 487, Arun Chinnachamy
- OS-X coreaudio resample crash,
- how to enable TLS in pjsip 1.6...., satish gupta
- Copy of RTP Packet, Hemant Deshpande
- Building DLLs, Ahmed Wafeek
- Usage of PJMEDIA for RTP/RTCP Stack, chandu
- Getting rid of Un-used Library's,
dileep r
Problem about emergency call, Bill Fans
Echo cancellation on speaker phone, Jarle Aase
"b" line to SDP ?, Sunil Khatri
timestamp resolution requirement in pjsip, bo shi
pjsua is trying to open inactive bluetooth headset,
Alexei Kuznetsov
ZORG, new C++ and Java ZRTP implementation public release, mosbah abdelkader
DNS Lookup issue with pjsua_create(),
Tony Million
ZORG, new C++ and Java ZRTP implementation public release, Fabio Pietrosanti (naif)
Problems with sending RFC2833 DTMF,
Alexei Kuznetsov
Any sip proxy/server project is using pjsip,
Jerry Yin
pjsua : Contact header and escape characters, Régis Montoya
Do pjsua/pjsip follow redirection to other servers?,
Question/clarification on digest authentication, ambert ho
Media Transport, Hemsley Bien-aise
TURN server of pjSIP, Claudio Rossi
Wrap PjMedia into XPCOM,
Forrest79 at seznam.cz
Change codec priorities on incoming call,
Aleksandar Vasilev
anonymus calling number,
Antolik László
How to destroy the pjsua player? Help., tonioann
Pjsip outgoing calls without registration,
Javed Ahmed
Ring back and VAS not working together, Liron Ma
pjsua_start() very slow,
Joe Meade
Searching for ALGORITHM, john smith
intermittent assertion using TURN, Tony Million
SILK codec for pjmedia, Régis Montoya
How to destroy the pjsua player?,
Speex EC?, Ken Laberteaux
python: ../src/pjsua-lib/pjsua_acc.c:367: pjsua_acc_add: Assertion `pjsua_var.acc_cnt < (sizeof(pjsua_var.acc)/sizeof(pjsua_var.acc[0]))' failed, Neff, Bryan
sending 200 NOTIFY to server, David Artman
reduce network trafic,
Manuel Quinteiro
difference between registering and updating registration?,
David Artman
by-pass dns, M.Ali VARDAR
pj_pool_t, Kabil Akpınar
Speech quality (simple_pjsua),
Third party folder makefile problem, Rafael Rodriguez
.Net client freeze after hold,
Antolik László
building PJSIP for mac osx 10.6.5 / iphone,
intentional feedback?,
Ken Laberteaux
Target request failed: TRKProtocolPlugin : Can't connect to TRK, Jakir Hosen Khan
msrp and pjsip,
Johan Lantz
[Freelance] pjsip Symbian + Qt, Johan Lantz
PjSip_Multipart, dileep r
how to add ring back for sip to sip calling at caller side..., satish gupta
how to handle authenticate response on register request,
problem in latest core audio updates in trunk,
Tony Million
UDP or TCP for pjsip on iOS Multitasking, Pai Peng
VAS in PJSIP 1.8.10, Phạm Huy
compressed file support in file player?,
David Artman
From field not having complete information,
rohit negi
video device for iOS,
Eugene Goldfarb
crash with gcc and -Os on iOS,
s.marek at avm.de
pjsip does mismatch RFC 3264?,
Dzmitry Yablonski
Conditional compilation according to version of PJSIP, Tomáš Valenta
release-2.0-dev pjsua,
Kabil Akpınar
Building with pjsua_lib as DLL,
Tomáš Valenta
Weird pjsua_acc_add behavior, Gabriel Ortiz Lour
how can I select codec,
Jakir Hosen Khan
SIP auth credential, Gabriel Ortiz Lour
Plugging or unplugging headphones on a Mac,
Alexei Kuznetsov
re-invite packet problem, rohit negi
Ringtone not hear able on External speaker on Incoming call, dharamvir machra
Bug-report: mips_test.c lack ifdefs for codecs, Денис Дыдычкин
Application crash while using pjsip with G711 ulaw and alaw codec, Javed Ahmed
iOS4: no local-audio on incoming call - depending on provider,
Thomas Martin
ice_demo never initiates a session - char *role = strtok(NULL, SEP) -> role == 0, Gabriele Kahlout
OpenSL ES audio-dev,
Régis Montoya
"on_incoming_call" called twice for the same accountID issuing distinct callIDs,
Thomas Martin
Possible issue with From an To headers,
Rafael Maia
Pseudo ICE feature request for GTalk XMPP interop,
Aaron Clauson
TCP transport issue (port in contact not same as the source/Via port) v1.8.10-trunk,
Anshuman S. Rawat
How can I get the time from the server, lcl987512
VIA Header, yeffri z
Filter mic audio from sound device to conf bridge/call, Rick Smith
outgoing call ringing, media stream not created in response to 180 Ringing,
David Artman
how to integrate IM with pjsip for symbian application...., satish gupta
Hearing second conversations, john smith
Can we do pjSIP OPUS (16khz to 48khz) or CELT (48khz) or Vorbis 96khz till 192 khz,
Shamun toha md
Peers behind HTTP Proxy, Telmo Sa
"Error in MaiscRecordComplete(): error code -14" again, Lorenzo Maiani
PJSIP 1.8.10 is released with SIP outbound support, Benny Prijono
How we handle Incoming Call,
dharamvir machra
hold call during incomming GSM call - resume works?, nir elkayam
simple_pjsua tls message server url issue,
pjsip and mips24kec,
Chul Kim
Building for several architectures on a Mac, Alexei Kuznetsov
ICE problem, mozuffer hago
GNU ZRTP for pjproject,
Werner Dittmann
TLS issues in simple_pjsua,
Video calling with PJSIP on an iphone,
Rob Wilkes
SUPPORT for SIP-I internetworking.,
john smith
DTMF Bad Detected - Nobody had been that problem????,
Jose Suarez
Issue of DTMF calls, vinay kumar
plugin for mobile environment,
Anil T
symbian_ua + TLS, martin myth
DTMF Bad Detected, Jose Suarez
pjsip doesn't retransmit the 180,
pjsip - symbian media packets, ragu pathy
Announcing SIP outbound support (RFC 5626), Benny Prijono
SIP registration failed,
abhishek sahu
Adding codec to PJMEDIA,
john smith
Re-INVITE other issue,
Régis Montoya
Re-INVITE from UA & Server at the same time,
Régis Montoya
contact params are not copied during account duplication,
Roman Grachev
how to use the pjsua.exe,
Shrouk Khan
send INVITE with tcp, but send ACK with udp,
pjsip Digest, Vol 39, Issue 38, vinay kumar
SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY messages handle support, Celso Naka
pjmedia_, Matt DiMeo
"TCP re-registration fails in keepAliveFunction - PJSIP_EBUSY",
Thomas Martin
sendmsg and recvmsg portability, Kabil Akpınar
[pjsip-Symbian] how to send the RTP packets through the proxy server.,
ragu pathy
Reg how to send the RTP packets through the proxy server.,
ragu pathy
Issue Of LoudSpeaker,
vinay kumar
Reading destination IP address from incoming message, Omar Hussein
Ticket #1060,
Mark Smit
pjsip Digest, Vol 39, Issue 33,
vinay kumar
TCP connect() error: Connection refused [code=120061],
Thomas Martin
LUA and pjSIP, Shamun toha md
Proposal to implement the ZRTP enhancement,
Werner Dittmann
Issue of Mute the Audio,
vinay kumar
contributions on configurable SDP-sessionname, new callbacks and configurable DTMF payload type,,
Arie Velthoen
Bug in multipart creation,
Dan Price
Does PJSIP ever worked in linux?,
Shamun toha md
LNK4248 - unresolved typeref token on managed c++, Denis
PjSip Cisco + windows,
Carlos Yamamoto
Flow after pjsua_call_make_call,
Raja Rokkam
help audio, Martha Patricia Sagahon Azua
voip re-registration problem,
Peter Lukac
Carlos Yamamoto
keepalive packet is disabled when registration failed, Peter Lukac
Bug-report: Unable to create local SDP at reinvite with SRTP,
Arie Velthoen
How to make the connection reliable,
Kabil Akpınar
pjsip Digest, Vol 39, Issue 4 G722 or L16, Shamun toha md
How to send audio to USB speaker?, kelly Lam
white noise, kelly Lam
Problems with portaudio compilation - solved, Werner Dittmann
Problems with portaudio compilation, Werner Dittmann
Echo problem!, Abhishek Bhattacharya
Ticket #1049 (new enhancement), S. M. Nazmul Hasan (Opu)
extract media attribute from sdp,
Peter Darvasi
PJSIP for symbian crashed when called pjsua_destroy() ?,
Bill Fans
tls w/pjsip, t
How to make DTMF audible on iPhone & how to play vibrate?, cg_vanderbent at mail.com
Is it possible to log into file in PjSIP on iOS?, Pai Peng
Click2dial with PjSIP, Pai Peng
Qt (mobility on s60), Tine Uršič
Help, play_cb not reading frames quick enough, Chiang Kang Tan
auth username, Martha Patricia Sagahon Azua
Compiling PJSIP 1.8.5 for use on iOS 3.x and 4.x,
Bradley Sweeney
iOS/MacOS PJSip socklen_t conflict with socket.h, Tony Million
AnyFirewall Engine and PJSIP Stack Integration,
Raja Rokkam
How to catch 402 Payment Required?,
cg_vanderbent at mail.com
iOS 4.2 GM and pjsip sloooow registration,
Even André Fiskvik
Reg audio capture!, Abhishek Bhattacharya
PJSIP Invited Auto Answer - NOTIFY Event: talk,
John Poseidon
Strange behaviour of ICE, Marcin Nagy
Connecting over HTTPS, Rebecca McFarland
pjsip source code can be used in COM based application, rohit negi
Problem getting frame from delay_buf, Chiang Kang Tan
[iOS] Best way of dealing with network interface changes., Tony Million
some problem of sending IMS using pjsip1.8 in iphone SDK 4.0, 祥晏 黃
(symbian)The pjsip crash when calling pjsua_destroy();,
Bill Fans
PJSIP 1.8.5 multipart bodies - body len = 0 and crashes, peteryzwei
ICE port creation code part, Kabil Akpınar
Compile pjsip for ios 4.1 device and simulator,
Amit Mangal
Bug in pjsip,
Rostyslav Drutsky
Choppy audio, possibly related to out of order timestamps ?, Vikram Ragukumar
Another outgoing voice problem, Józef Jagła
Does stdio.h exists in every OS??,
star young
G722 or L16, Shamun toha md
Problem:Bugs of pjproject for Symbian?, Bill Fans
Auto Gain Control - PJSIP, Raja Rokkam
symbian_ua.sisx file installation fails, Senthil Kumar Velayutham
simpleua.c .. wav file don't have sounds,, Chandrakant Solanki
Problem (and fix) with thread creation in Windows., John Ridges
PJSIP Test Suite and other questions,
Raja Rokkam
[PJSip] simpleua + record audio file, Chandrakant Solanki
Another voice problem., Józef Jagła
sending BYE afer receiving 200 OK, Sebastian Hübner
how to develop cti application, rohit negi
[Fwd: No sound is heard at local/remote end!],
Abhishek Bhattacharya
Access violation in pj_ioqueue_poll() - anybody see what I might be missing?, Rebecca McFarland
PJSIP 1.7 iphone port - Echo issue with speaker Phone,
vinay kumar
Polling for events problem, Józef Jagła
tonegen to output tones when not on call?, David Artman
Release2-0, Dario Santomaso
TCP NAT traversal with PJSIP,
Claudio Rossi
Unsupported transport (PJSIP_EUNSUPTRANSPORT) on pjsua_call_hangup_all(), David Artman
simpleua running on 2 different machines generate a loop detected, Pat Cappelaere
Audio fading out and back in, Brad Radaker
pjsua_codec_set_param looses dec_fmtp parameter,
Arie Velthoen
unable to build pjsip with TLS support,
David Artman
pjsua in xcode, missing include files?, David Artman
ice lost connection detection?,
bo shi
iPhone 4 pjsua app EXC_BAD_ACCESS,
floda 0
Multiple conference bridge (http://trac.pjsip.org/repos/wiki/FAQ#high-perf), Anshuman S. Rawat
help porting pjsip1.8 in arm9, tapas
Fix for Python binding,
Beau Gunderson
pjsip unable to make call, Jason Benedict Low
How to compile pjsip for ARM,
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