Hi, I'm on a Mac using pjsua 1.8.10. I have a bluetooth headset which is paired with the Mac, but is not being used. When I make a call pjsua tries to open an audio device. Nothing happens and pjsua retries to open the device again and again. Then standard dialog box from the OS appears that says that bluetooth audio failed and there is a button "Stop using headset". After pressing the button pjsua prints out the last two lines, and returns to its default state with no active calls. During all this, default sound IO in the OS are Internal Speakers and Internal Microphone. Make call: sip:1 at localhost 02:17:10.833 pjsua_media.c Opening sound device PCM at 16000/1/20ms 02:17:12.912 coreaudio_dev. core audio stream stopped 02:17:12.913 pjsua_media.c Opening sound device PCM at 44100/1/20ms 02:17:14.923 coreaudio_dev. core audio stream stopped 02:17:14.923 pjsua_media.c Opening sound device PCM at 48000/1/20ms 02:17:16.936 coreaudio_dev. core audio stream stopped 02:17:16.936 pjsua_media.c Opening sound device PCM at 32000/1/20ms 02:17:18.949 coreaudio_dev. core audio stream stopped 02:17:18.949 pjsua_media.c Opening sound device PCM at 16000/1/20ms 02:17:20.978 coreaudio_dev. core audio stream stopped 02:17:20.978 pjsua_media.c Opening sound device PCM at 8000/1/20ms 02:17:20.980 ec0x10180f5c0 AEC created, clock_rate=8000, channel=1, samples per frame=160, tail length=200 ms, latency=49 ms 02:17:41.588 coreaudio_dev. core audio stream stopped 02:17:41.588 pjsua_media.c Unable to open sound device: Unknown error 537310186 [status=537310186] Why could pjsua try to open currently unused bluetooth audio device that is also not the default device? Any help is very appreciated. Many Telephone.app users suffer from this behavior. Alexei