Hi, Me again with another issue on re-INVITEs from server. This one is different from my previous mail. To sum up this problem : seems that if configured to use TCP, if server send a OK with multiple codecs, pjsip replies the ACK to 200 OK using UDP !!! :S Quick overview of what is observed in logs (tested on a fresh and clean built from the latest trunk using pjsua-app ... and reproduced also on my project) : > INVITE to <sip:*43 at pbxes.org> using tcp (sip proxy for this account has the ;transport=tcp) < 407 Proxy Authentication Required (TCP) > ACK (TCP) > INVITE (TCP) < 100 Trying (TCP) < 200 OK (TCP) // multiple codecs here > ACK (UDP !!!!!) < 200 OK (TCP) .... //// the server didn't take our request into account since it doesn't know that we also can do UDP I think > ACK (UDP).... [and looping ...] Same thing if I try to send BYE... pjsip send over UDP and server ignore that ! If I do a previous test with UDP enabled everything will go fine and the server will continue using UDP... But if no UDP were done before server doesn't take our ACK into account. You could argue that server should not ignore our request using UDP however.... however I don't think that anyway that's correct to send the ACK using TCP while : * We are receiving from TCP * Account is configured to use sip proxy with ;transport=tcp.... I did try to attach the account to the TCP transport but no more luck (and there is strange behavior with TCP + account attach transport + contact rewriting, but I think that's another thing and as this method is never used by pjsip-apps, I don't think that's a good idea anyway). So let me know if I can provide you more detailed logs. But that's quietly easy to reproduce using a pbxes.org account, trying to register on TCP. Even if you tried on UDP before, you'll get the ACK sent over UDP - you'll not notice any "visible" bad behavior since in this case server doesn't ignore UDP requests, but I think that replying on UDP is not what is expected, isn't it? Regards, R?gis