Linux TCP/IP Netfilter
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- Re: Help with alias interfaces
- Re: Help with alias interfaces
- From: Paweł Staszewski <pstaszewski@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Help with alias interfaces
- incoming interface confusion question
- From: "Shaun T. Erickson" <ste@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Help with alias interfaces
- From: Paweł Staszewski <pstaszewski@xxxxxxxxx>
- Help with alias interfaces
- From: "Erick Sanz" <esanz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Allow active and passive FTP connections
- From: "Piszcz, Justin Michael" <justin.piszcz@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Allow active and passive FTP connections
- From: Sagara Wijetunga <sagaralists@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Allow active and passive FTP connections
- From: Sagara Wijetunga <sagaralists@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Allow active and passive FTP connections
- From: "Piszcz, Justin Michael" <justin.piszcz@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Allow active and passive FTP connections
- From: Sagara Wijetunga <sagaralists@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: state table not working
- From: "Daniel Wittenberg" <daniel-wittenberg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: DNAT problem solved ! thx to all
- From: "Arnauts, Bert" <Bert.Arnauts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: state table not working
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: state table not working
- From: "Daniel Wittenberg" <daniel-wittenberg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Allow active and passive FTP connections
- From: "Piszcz, Justin Michael" <justin.piszcz@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Allow active and passive FTP connections
- From: Sagara Wijetunga <sagaralists@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Allow active and passive FTP connections
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: state table not working
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: DNAT problem / question (nfcan: addressed to exclusive sender for this address)
- From: "Arnauts, Bert" <Bert.Arnauts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ECN problem?
- From: Pawel Pilat <poster_pl@xxxxxxxxx>
- FW: tcpdump shows lots of UDP traffic and ifconfig reports error on interface.
- From: "Manikandan" <manikandan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: DNAT problem / question (nfcan: addressed to exclusive sender for this address)
- From: Jim Laurino <nfcan.x.jimlaur@xxxxxxxx>
- RE: DNAT problem / question
- From: "Arnauts, Bert" <Bert.Arnauts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: DNAT problem / question
- From: "Arnauts, Bert" <Bert.Arnauts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Transparent Bridge DNAT Strangeness
- From: Michiel Brandenburg <michielb@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: question about -t nat
- From: "Jan Brand \(Postmaster\)" <iptables-pmd0052@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: question about -t nat
- From: "Postmaster" <iptables-pmd0052@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: question about -t nat
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: question about -t nat
- From: "Daniel Wittenberg" <daniel-wittenberg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: question about -t nat
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: question about -t nat
- From: "Postmaster" <iptables-pmd0052@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: question about -t nat
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: question about -t nat
- From: "Postmaster" <iptables-pmd0052@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: question about -t nat
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: About CONNTRACK patch with 2.6.6 kernel
- From: Sheldon Hearn <sheldonh@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- question about -t nat
- From: "Postmaster" <iptables-pmd0052@xxxxxxxxxx>
- About CONNTRACK patch with 2.6.6 kernel
- From: Carlo Pires <carlo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to make 1 I/P look as if from many?
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ADSL Proxy
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- How to make 1 I/P look as if from many?
- From: "Kevin Robertson" <kevinr@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Iptables-1.2.9/10 compile failure with linux 2.6.7 headers
- From: David Ford <david+challenge-response@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Iptables-1.2.9/10 compile failure with linux 2.6.7 headers
- From: David Ford <david+challenge-response@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Output Chain Problem... (nfcan: addressed to exclusive sender for this address)
- From: Jim Laurino <JimLaur@xxxxxxx>
- Iptables-1.2.9/10 compile failure with linux 2.6.7 headers
- From: Andrew Walrond <andrew@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- ADSL Proxy
- From: "Brent Clark" <bclark@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Allow active and passive FTP connections
- From: Sagara Wijetunga <sagaralists@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: state table not working
- From: "Daniel Wittenberg" <daniel-wittenberg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: state table not working
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- state table not working
- From: "Daniel Wittenberg" <daniel-wittenberg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- [PATCH] iptables cannot be compiled with 2.6.7
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Allow active and passive FTP connections
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- make KERNEL_DIR gives errors kernel 2.6.7
- From: "B. van Ouwerkerk" <bvo@xxxxxx>
- Re: SNAT Problem / Question
- From: Andrew McRory <amcrory@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- How to force an internal IP to use a certain external interface when failover routing is enabled
- From: Mike Nielsen <mike@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Allow active and passive FTP connections
- From: Sagara Wijetunga <sagaralists@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: DNAT problem / question
- From: Patrick Leslie Polzer <leslie.polzer@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Iptables-1.2.9/10 compile failure with linux 2.6.7 headers
- From: Andrew Walrond <andrew@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: DNAT problem / question (nfcan: addressed to exclusive sender for this address)
- From: Jim Laurino <nfcan.x.jimlaur@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: DNAT problem / question
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: DNAT problem / question
- From: "Rob Sterenborg" <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: DNAT problem / question
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: DNAT problem / question
- From: Patrick Leslie Polzer <leslie.polzer@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Output Chain Problem... (nfcan: addressed to exclusive sender for this address)
- From: Jim Laurino <nfcan.x.jimlaur@xxxxxxxx>
- DNAT problem / question
- From: "Arnauts, Bert" <Bert.Arnauts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- iptable could not compile on linux-2.6.5-1.358???
- From: "ying ge" <>
- Iptables-1.2.9/10 compile failure with linux 2.6.7 headers
- From: Andrew Walrond <andrew@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Typo's in ip_conntrack_rpc_tcp.c ....
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Output Chain Problem...
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Typo's in ip_conntrack_rpc_tcp.c ....
- From: Mark Vevers <mark@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Output Chain Problem...
- From: "Eric Poulin" <epoulin@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: icq
- From: Hudson Delbert J Contr 61 CS/SCBN <Delbert.Hudson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Output Chain Problem...
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Output Chain Problem...
- From: "Eric Poulin" <epoulin@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: SNAT Problem / Question
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Redundant netfilter gateway
- From: KOVACS Krisztian <hidden@xxxxxxxxxx>
- SNAT Problem / Question
- From: Andrew McRory <amcrory@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Shaping ingress traffic
- From: Andy Furniss <andy.furniss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Redundant netfilter gateway
- From: Cedric Blancher <blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Redundant netfilter gateway
- From: "Patrick Ahler" <patrick@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Redundant netfilter gateway
- From: "Daniel Chemko" <dchemko@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Redundant netfilter gateway
- From: Günter Zimmermann <guenter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Redundant netfilter gateway
- From: Primero <primero@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Redundant netfilter gateway
- From: "B. McAninch" <bmcaninch@xxxxxxxxxx>
- U32 trouble
- From: "Shannon J. Field" <shannon.field@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Redundant netfilter gateway
- From: "Patrick Ahler" <patrick@xxxxxxxxx>
- Test Message... Please Disregard
- From: "Eric Geater 6/11/04" <egeater@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Allow active and passive FTP connections
- From: "Piszcz, Justin Michael" <justin.piszcz@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Allow active and passive FTP connections
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Allow active and passive FTP connections
- From: Sagara Wijetunga <sagaralists@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Allow active and passive FTP connections
- From: Sagara Wijetunga <sagaralists@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Allow active and passive FTP connections
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Allow active and passive FTP connections
- From: "Piszcz, Justin Michael" <justin.piszcz@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: deleting a conntrack record
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Allow active and passive FTP connections
- From: Sagara Wijetunga <sagaralists@xxxxxxxxx>
- deleting a conntrack record
- From: Tobias DiPasquale <codeslinger@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: The pptp modules
- From: "Alexis" <alexis@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Allow active and passive FTP connections
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Allow active and passive FTP connections
- From: "Piszcz, Justin Michael" <justin.piszcz@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: destination nat onto the same network
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: compile problem with 1.2.10
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Allow active and passive FTP connections
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Allow active and passive FTP connections
- From: "Rob Sterenborg" <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- destination nat onto the same network
- From: ro0ot <ro0ot@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- compile problem with 1.2.10
- From: Jamie Pratt <jamie@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Allow active and passive FTP connections
- From: "Piszcz, Justin Michael" <justin.piszcz@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Allow active and passive FTP connections
- From: Chris Brenton <cbrenton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Allow active and passive FTP connections
- From: Sagara Wijetunga <sagaralists@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Kernel IPSec, routing, iptables and ebtables.
- From: Gavin Hamill <gdh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE : Log Files
- From: "zze-KHOURY Jad FTRD/DMI/CAE" <jad.khoury@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Log Files
- From: Marc Haber <mh+netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Kernel IPSec, routing, iptables and ebtables.
- From: Gavin Hamill <gdh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Log Files
- From: Patrick Nelson <pnelson@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Relay to DNS Server ?
- From: Akao <technique@xxxxxxx>
- [ANNOUNCE] Release of iptables-1.2.10
- From: Netfilter Core Team <coreteam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- The pptp modules
- From: MDelBUSTO@xxxxxxxxxxx
- Problems during Compilation
- From: Günter Zimmermann <guenter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: icq
- From: Alistair Tonner <Alistair@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Slackware 10RC1 + Kernel 2.6.7 + iptables 1.2.10
- From: Jeronimo de A Barros <jero@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: icq
- From: Hudson Delbert J Contr 61 CS/SCBN <Delbert.Hudson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: Luis GUSTAVO <lgpcf@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: icq
- From: "Rob Sterenborg" <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: Luis GUSTAVO <lgpcf@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: Luis GUSTAVO <lgpcf@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: patch-o-matic and kernel-2.6.5?
- From: Cedric Blancher <blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: problem with VPN and iptables redirect
- From: Primero <primero@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: icq
- From: Florian Boelstler <euphoria@xxxxxx>
- RE: icq
- From: "Alexis" <alexis@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Relay to DNS Server ?
- From: Mark Anacker <manacker@xxxxxxxxx>
- Problems during Compilation
- From: Günter Zimmermann <guenter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- icq
- From: "Peter Marshall" <peter.marshall@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Relay to DNS Server ?
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: NAT Box
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Relay to DNS Server ?
- From: Patrick Leslie Polzer <leslie.polzer@xxxxxxx>
- patch-o-matic and kernel-2.6.5?
- From: Ishwar Rattan <ishwar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Relay to DNS Server ?
- From: Akao <technique@xxxxxxx>
- NAT Box
- From: Simone Sestini <simone.sestini@xxxxxxxxxx>
- ip_connlimit problem
- Re: blocking all traffic in port 137/137
- From: Frank Gruellich <frank@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: blocking all traffic in port 137/137
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- blocking all traffic in port 137/137
- From: "david" <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- problem with VPN and iptables redirect
- From: sandra hernandez <sandra@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Status of the patch
- From: chin chin <cool_talk_cafe@xxxxxxxxx>
- Status of the patch.
- From: persaie persaie <persaie77@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: allow range syntax - perplexed
- From: "Jonathan Villa" <jvilla@xxxxxxx>
- Re: allow range syntax - perplexed
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: allow range syntax - perplexed
- From: "Jonathan Villa" <jvilla@xxxxxxx>
- Re: allow range syntax - perplexed
- From: "Jonathan Villa" <jvilla@xxxxxxx>
- Re: allow range syntax - perplexed
- From: "Jonathan Villa" <jvilla@xxxxxxx>
- Re: allow range syntax - perplexed
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: allow range syntax - perplexed
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: allow range syntax - perplexed
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: allow range syntax - perplexed
- From: "Jonathan Villa" <jvilla@xxxxxxx>
- Re: allow range syntax - perplexed
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: allow range syntax - perplexed
- From: "Jonathan Villa" <jvilla@xxxxxxx>
- Re: allow range syntax - perplexed
- From: "Jonathan Villa" <jvilla@xxxxxxx>
- Re: allow range syntax - perplexed
- From: Cedric Blancher <blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- allow range syntax - perplexed
- From: "Jonathan Villa" <jvilla@xxxxxxx>
- Re: ftp again
- From: "Peter Marshall" <peter.marshall@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ftp again
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ftp again
- From: "Peter Marshall" <peter.marshall@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: DNAT question
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: DNAT question [updated]
- From: "Arnauts, Bert" <Bert.Arnauts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Iptables rule for multiple Ip addresses.
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Iptables rule for multiple Ip addresses.
- From: Patrick Leslie Polzer <leslie.polzer@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Iptables rule for multiple Ip addresses.
- From: Cedric Blancher <blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Iptables rule for multiple Ip addresses.
- From: ads nat <adsnat@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: XP DNS requests
- From: Chris Brenton <cbrenton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: SNAT multiple address allocation, connection tracking
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: XP DNS requests (nfcan: addressed to exclusive sender for this address)
- From: Jim Laurino <nfcan.x.jimlaur@xxxxxxxx>
- XP DNS requests
- From: "Wyburn, Marc Anil" <Marc.Wyburn@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- SNAT multiple address allocation, connection tracking
- From: Andrew Dunstan <andrew@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: range of ip´s
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: range of ipīs
- From: Luis GUSTAVO <lgpcf@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: range of ip´s
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: range of ipīs
- From: Luis GUSTAVO <lgpcf@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: range of ip´s
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: DNAT question
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: What is the protocol number of NETBIOS over IEEE 802.2 ethernet?
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to DNAT the only NetBios broadcast traffic (03:00:00:00:00:01)??
- From: Chris Brenton <cbrenton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: DNAT question
- From: "Arnauts, Bert" <Bert.Arnauts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- pptp-conntrack in 2.4.26
- From: "Alexis" <alexis@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- range of ipīs
- From: Luis GUSTAVO <lgpcf@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Shaping ingress traffic
- From: Patrick Leslie Polzer <leslie.polzer@xxxxxxx>
- Re: deleting specific rule ...
- From: Damjan <gdamjan@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IPs blocked still able to connect
- From: Michael Gale <michael.gale@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: deleting specific rule ...
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: deleting specific rule ...
- From: Damjan <gdamjan@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: DNAT question
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to DNAT the only NetBios broadcast traffic (03:00:00:00:00:01)??
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: What is the protocol number of NETBIOS over IEEE 802.2 ethernet?
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- DNAT question
- From: "Arnauts, Bert" <Bert.Arnauts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- What is the protocol number of NETBIOS over IEEE 802.2 ethernet?
- From: "Bassam A. Al-Khaffaf" <bassam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- How to DNAT the only NetBios broadcast traffic (03:00:00:00:00:01)??
- From: "Bassam A. Al-Khaffaf" <bassam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: table "mangling" is missing, but she shouldn' t
- From: Akao <technique@xxxxxxx>
- Re: netfilter CPU usage
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: table "mangling" is missing, but she shouldn' t
- From: Akao <technique@xxxxxxx>
- RE: table "mangling" is missing, but she shouldn' t
- From: CPD - David Cardeñosa Rubio <dcardenosa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Strange behavior
- From: "Spiro Azkoul" <spiro@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- table "mangling" is missing, but she shouldn' t
- From: Akao <technique@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Strange behavior
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Strange behavior
- From: "Spiro Azkoul" <spiro@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables for backup connection
- From: "bino_oetomo" <bino@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: IPs blocked still able to connect
- From: "Spiro Azkoul" <spiro@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables for backup connection
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- filter rpc pgm#
- From: Juerg.Oehler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- iptables for backup connection
- From: <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IPs blocked still able to connect
- From: "Alexis" <alexis@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: IPs blocked still able to connect
- From: "Spiro Azkoul" <spiro@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IPs blocked still able to connect
- From: Michael Gale <michael.gale@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: IPs blocked still able to connect
- From: "Spiro Azkoul" <spiro@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IPs blocked still able to connect
- From: Michael Gale <michael.gale@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: netfilter CPU usage
- Re: netfilter CPU usage
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: traceroute
- From: Cedric Blancher <blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- traceroute
- From: Prash <prashk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- netfilter CPU usage
- Re: blocking by domain
- From: Chris Brenton <cbrenton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: blocking by domain
- From: Cedric Blancher <blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- blocking by domain
- From: "Spiro Azkoul" <spiro@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: IPs blocked still able to connect
- From: "Spiro Azkoul" <spiro@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IPs blocked still able to connect
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- IPs blocked still able to connect
- From: "Spiro Azkoul" <spiro@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- ACK being dropped
- From: David Magda <dmagda+netfilter@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: off topic - hope somebody can help
- From: Damjan <gdamjan@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: deleting specific rule ...
- From: Alistair Tonner <Alistair@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: spyware
- From: "Kevin W. Gagel" <gagel@xxxxxxxxx>
- deleting specific rule ...
- From: "Syed Faisal Gillani" <faisal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- spyware
- From: Luis GUSTAVO <lgpcf@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: off topic - hope somebody can help
- From: "Alexis" <alexis@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Trasparent Proxy problem
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Trasparent Proxy problem
- From: Antonio Alvarez <aramirez@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: off topic - hope somebody can help
- From: "Alexis" <alexis@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: off topic - hope somebody can help
- From: Hudson Delbert J Contr 61 CS/SCBN <Delbert.Hudson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is this firewall good enough?
- From: Sagara Wijetunga <sagaralists@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: unclean rule
- From: Luis Miguel Cruz <luismi@xxxxxxx>
- Re: unclean rule
- From: Luis Miguel Cruz <luismi@xxxxxxx>
- Re: off topic - hope somebody can help
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: unclean rule
- From: Raileanu Grigore <grisha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: off topic - hope somebody can help
- From: Gavin Hamill <gdh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: unclean rule
- From: Luis Miguel Cruz <luismi@xxxxxxx>
- Re: off topic - hope somebody can help
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: unclean rule
- From: Raileanu Grigore <grisha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- unclean rule
- From: Luis Miguel Cruz <luismi@xxxxxxx>
- ACK being dropped
- From: David Magda <dmagda+netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Allow only certain ip addresses
- From: ads nat <adsnat@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: off topic - hope somebody can help
- From: Jason <jason@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- off topic - hope somebody can help
- From: "Alexis" <alexis@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Blocking Streaming Media (Was: Re: (no subject)..)
- From: SBlaze <dagent.geo@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Blocking Streaming Media (Was: Re: (no subject)..)
- From: Michael Gale <michael.gale@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Blocking Streaming Media (Was: Re: (no subject)..)
- From: SBlaze <dagent.geo@xxxxxxxxx>
- Why I can not logon to a DC through my Linux box gateway?
- From: "Bassam A. Al-Khaffaf" <bassam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Traffic accounting over ULOG inefficient?
- From: Marc Haber <mh+netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Traffic accounting over ULOG inefficient?
- From: KOVACS Krisztian <piglet@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Allow only certain ip addresses
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Traffic accounting over ULOG inefficient?
- From: Thilo Schulz <arny@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Traffic accounting over ULOG inefficient?
- From: Chris Green <cmg@xxxxxxx>
- Re: wireless security
- From: "Peter Marshall" <peter.marshall@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: wireless security
- From: Ranjeet Shetye <ranjeet.shetye2@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Traffic accounting over ULOG inefficient?
- From: Thilo Schulz <arny@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Allow only certain ip addresses
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: wireless security
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <jsullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Allow only certain ip addresses
- From: "Jonathan Villa" <jvilla@xxxxxxx>
- RE: wireless security
- From: Hudson Delbert J Contr 61 CS/SCBN <Delbert.Hudson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: wireless security < and an utterly OT response.
- From: Alistair Tonner <Alistair@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: wireless security
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: wireless security
- From: "Peter Marshall" <peter.marshall@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: wireless security
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: wireless security
- From: Hudson Delbert J Contr 61 CS/SCBN <Delbert.Hudson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: wireless security
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <jsullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Why I can not logon to a DC through my Linux box gateway?
- From: "Bassam A. Al-Khaffaf" <bassam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: wireless security
- From: Aleksandar Milivojevic <amilivojevic@xxxxxx>
- Re: wireless security
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: wireless security
- From: "Peter Marshall" <peter.marshall@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: wireless security
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Expanation needed for Connection Tracking with NAT One-Way
- From: Aleksandar Milivojevic <amilivojevic@xxxxxx>
- wireless security
- From: "Peter Marshall" <peter.marshall@xxxxxxxxx>
- DNAT problem
- From: "Paul M. Goorskis" <pmg@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Updating multple iptables on servers
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: port scan identification
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Updating multple iptables on servers
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <jsullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Please, see this firewall and say (have pity...:)
- From: Patrick Leslie Polzer <leslie.polzer@xxxxxxx>
- Re: masquerading before ipsec (2.6)
- From: Ludo Stellingwerff <ludo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Please, see this firewall and say (have pity...:)
- From: "Ricardo C" <racham@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: RESEND: ip_conntrack_ftp and port forwarding
- From: "Mark E. Donaldson" <markee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- masquerading before ipsec (2.6)
- From: Andrew Baumann <andrewb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6 DNAT does not work?
- From: Wichert Akkerman <wichert@xxxxxxxxx>
- Expanation needed for Connection Tracking with NAT One-Way
- From: Tish Best <>
- SNAT and marked packets
- From: Martin Treusch von Buttlar <netfilter@xxxxxxxxx>
- port scan identification
- From: Rakotomandimby Mihamina <rktmb@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Updating multple iptables on servers
- From: "Thomas Kristensen" <Hyper@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Explanation Needed for connection tracking with NAT One-Way
- From: Tish Best <>
- Re: routing external IP's to internal machines.... Confustion
- From: Sheldon Hearn <sheldonh@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: routing external IP's to internal machines.... Confustion
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- routing external IP's to internal machines.... Confustion
- From: Michael Rowley MD <mrowleymd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: selective port forwarding
- From: Arthur Kerpician <arthur@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: selective port forwarding
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- masquerading before ipsec (2.6)
- From: Andrew Baumann <andrewb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: UPnp
- From: "Rob Sterenborg" <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- UPnp
- From: Luis GUSTAVO <lgpcf@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- selective port forwarding
- From: Arthur Kerpician <arthur@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Is it possible to
- From: "Samuel Jean" <sjean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: port scan identification
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: port scan identification
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: port scan identification
- From: Rakotomandimby Mihamina <rktmb.list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: port scan identification
- From: Raileanu Grigore <grisha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: port scan identification
- From: Hudson Delbert J Contr 61 CS/SCBN <Delbert.Hudson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is this firewall good enough?
- From: Aleksandar Milivojevic <amilivojevic@xxxxxx>
- Re: Is this firewall good enough?
- From: Aleksandar Milivojevic <amilivojevic@xxxxxx>
- filter rpc pgm#
- From: Juerg.Oehler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Is this firewall good enough?
- From: Chris Brenton <cbrenton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is this firewall good enough?
- From: Feizhou <feizhou@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is this firewall good enough?
- From: Feizhou <feizhou@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: port scan identification
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is this firewall good enough?
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: port scan identification
- From: Raileanu Grigore <grisha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is this firewall good enough?
- From: Feizhou <feizhou@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is this firewall good enough?
- From: Feizhou <feizhou@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is this firewall good enough?
- From: "Rob Sterenborg" <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is this firewall good enough?
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Is it possible to
- From: ads nat <adsnat@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is this firewall good enough?
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- (no subject)
- From: Juerg.Oehler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: port scan identification
- From: Patrick Leslie Polzer <leslie.polzer@xxxxxxx>
- port scan identification
- From: Rakotomandimby Mihamina <rktmb.list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is this firewall good enough?
- From: Sagara Wijetunga <sagaralists@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is this firewall good enough?
- From: Sagara Wijetunga <sagaralists@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Transparant proxy
- From: Emilio Casbas <ecasbas@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Is this firewall good enough?
- From: Sagara Wijetunga <sagaralists@xxxxxxxxx>
- netfilter hook call back functions
- From: aksingh@xxxxxxxxxxx
- nf_register_hook / unhook
- From: aksingh@xxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Transparant proxy
- From: Djalma Fadel Junior <fadel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is this firewall good enough?
- From: Feizhou <feizhou@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RESEND: ip_conntrack_ftp and port forwarding
- From: "Erick Sanz" <esanz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: ports on PREROUTING
- From: "Rob Sterenborg" <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ports on PREROUTING
- From: Luis GUSTAVO <lgpcf@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Stealth on emule.... ======(FOR ANTONY STONE)======
- From: "Ricardo C" <racham@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is this firewall good enough?
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is this firewall good enough?
- From: David Cannings <lists@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is this firewall good enough?
- From: Feizhou <feizhou@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is this firewall good enough?
- From: Chris Brenton <cbrenton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Newbie Question
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Updating multple iptables on servers
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is this firewall good enough?
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is this firewall good enough?
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is this firewall good enough?
- From: "Rob Sterenborg" <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is this firewall good enough?
- From: Feizhou <feizhou@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Is this firewall good enough?
- From: Sagara Wijetunga <sagaralists@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Updating multple iptables on servers
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Updating multple iptables on servers
- From: Chris Brenton <cbrenton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Updating multple iptables on servers
- Newbie Question
- From: <mafioso1823@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Filtering Win=64240
- From: Desi Petrovic <desi@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Knowing thy enemy - #1 - MS ISA Server - SSL-to-SSL bridging
- From: Filip Sneppe <filip.sneppe@xxxxxxxxx>
- MSN audio
- From: Luis GUSTAVO <lgpcf@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Knowing thy enemy - #1 - MS ISA Server - SSL-to-SSL bridging
- From: "Daniel Chemko" <dchemko@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Stealth on emule....
- From: "Ricardo A" <racham@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- ip_conntrack_ftp and port forwarding
- From: "Erick Sanz" <esanz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Log question
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Stealth on emule....
- From: "Ricardo C" <racham@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- pptp-natting problems with kernel 2.4.2[56] and patch-o-matic.
- From: Pieter van Leuven <p.vanleuven@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Iptables Make Rules On Different Interface? "iptables - L" shows no difference!
- From: "Samuel Jean" <sjean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Firehol DROPping INVALID
- From: Aleksandar Milivojevic <amilivojevic@xxxxxx>
- Re: Stealth on emule....
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Log question
- From: Michael Sams <mikes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Stealth on emule....
- From: "Ricardo C" <racham@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Transparant proxy
- From: Ming Fu <fming@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Iptables Make Rules On Different Interface? "iptables - L" sh ows no difference!
- From: CPD - David Cardeñosa Rubio <dcardenosa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: FIB LPM algorithm
- Re: Iptables Make Rules On Different Interface? "iptables - L" shows no difference!
- From: Sheldon Hearn <sheldonh@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: FIB LPM algorithm
- From: Tobias DiPasquale <cbcgtt@xxxxxxxxx>
- Iptables Make Rules On Different Interface? "iptables - L" shows no difference!
- From: ke chen <linux_kurt@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to forward traffic to MS Exchange?
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: FIB LPM algorithm
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: quick syntax query
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to forward traffic to MS Exchange?
- From: "Matthias F. Brandstetter" <haimat@xxxxxxx>
- FIB LPM algorithm
- From: Tobias DiPasquale <cbcgtt@xxxxxxxxx>
- netfilter Guruś HELP:Getting my computer on the net using ISP providing 172.16.x.x IP Address
- From: Sanjay Arora <skpobox@xxxxxxxxx>
- how to forward traffic to MS Exchange?
- From: "Matthias F. Brandstetter" <haimat@xxxxxxx>
- Re: quick syntax query
- From: Raileanu Grigore <grisha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- quick syntax query
- From: "Knight, Steve" <Steve.Knight@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Nat
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Nat
- From: <mafioso1823@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Firehol DROPping INVALID
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Firehol DROPping INVALID
- From: Mark Hindley <mark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: firewall without rules blocks packages
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: firewall without rules blocks packages
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- firewall without rules blocks packages
- From: Joerg Bruenner <joerg_bruenner@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: --mac-destination possible ?
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Packets get dropped
- From: Christian Weber <Weber@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: invalid address
- From: "Daniel Chemko" <dchemko@xxxxxxxxxx>
- invalid address
- From: Luis GUSTAVO <lgpcf@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Forwarding of packets to an FTP gateway (2nd request)
- From: mclinden@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- RE: Poll on large sites that deploy Iptables.
- From: "Alexis" <alexis@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Destination Nat
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Poll on large sites that deploy Iptables.
- From: "Daniel Chemko" <dchemko@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Destination Nat
- From: "black@xxxxxxxxx" <black@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Destination Nat
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Destination Nat
- From: "black@xxxxxxxxx" <black@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: return
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- --mac-destination possible ?
- RE: return
- From: Ludo Stellingwerff <ludo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: return
- From: "Piszcz, Justin Michael" <justin.piszcz@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: return
- From: "Peter Marshall" <peter.marshall@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: return
- From: "Peter Marshall" <peter.marshall@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: return
- From: "Piszcz, Justin Michael" <justin.piszcz@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: return
- From: Frank Gruellich <frank@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: return
- From: "Peter Marshall" <peter.marshall@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: return
- From: "Piszcz, Justin Michael" <justin.piszcz@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- return
- From: "Peter Marshall" <peter.marshall@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Transparant proxy
- From: Sheldon Hearn <sheldonh@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Repost: CONNMARK restore-mark creates conntrack entry
- From: Sheldon Hearn <sheldonh@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is this conntrack behaviour correct? Aka. Stealing services...
- From: KOVACS Krisztian <hidden@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Is this conntrack behaviour correct? Aka. Stealing services...
- From: "Markus Schaefer" <Markus.Schaefer@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: netif_rx
- From: Ed Co <edityacomm_knb@xxxxxxxxx>
- Prerouting to broadcast (or directed-broadcast)
- From: "Johan Seibel" <johan.seibel@xxxxxx>
- RE: NAT and VPN
- From: Aldo Lagana <ALagana@xxxxxxx>
- RE: Poll on large sites that deploy Iptables.
- From: Aldo Lagana <ALagana@xxxxxxx>
- Is this conntrack behaviour correct? Aka. Stealing services...
- From: <listuser@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Transparant proxy
- From: <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can I add a module to a prebuilt kernel?
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Transparant proxy
- From: Emilio Casbas <ecasbas@xxxxxxx>
- Transparant proxy
- From: <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Best defense for syn-floods...?
- From: Jeff Gordon <jeff.gordon@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: NAT and VPN
- From: "Derek Storvik" <dstorvik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can I add a module to a prebuilt kernel?
- From: Jeff Gordon <jeff.gordon@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- netif_rx
- From: aksingh@xxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: NAT and VPN
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- NAT and VPN
- From: "Derek Storvik" <dstorvik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Managing large number of rules
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: security question
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: security question
- From: Martín Chikilian <slack@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Managing large number of rules
- From: "Brett Simpson" <Simpsonb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: registering/unregistering hook functions
- From: aksingh@xxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: registering/unregistering hook functions
- From: Sven Schuster <schuster.sven@xxxxxx>
- registering/unregistering hook functions
- From: aksingh@xxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Poll on large sites that deploy Iptables.
- From: Frank Gruellich <frank@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Poll on large sites that deploy Iptables.
- From: Brett Simpson <simpsonb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: magle, filter & FORWARD
- From: "Dick St.Peters" <stpeters@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- security question
- From: Andreas Westendörpf <a.westendoerpf@xxxxxx>
- Re: Linux/Windows pure SSL "VPN" Solution
- From: "Michael H. Warfield" <mhw@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Transparent firewall
- From: Aldo Lagana <ALagana@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Transparent firewall
- From: "T. Horsnell (tsh)" <tsh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: magle, filter & FORWARD
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can I add a module to a prebuilt kernel?
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Transparent firewall
- From: Janos Makadi <maki@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: magle, filter & FORWARD
- From: "Kevin D. White" <web_crawlz@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Poll on large sites that deploy Iptables.
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Linux/Windows pure SSL "VPN" Solution
- From: "Dick St.Peters" <stpeters@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can I add a module to a prebuilt kernel?
- From: Florian Boelstler <euphoria@xxxxxx>
- Re: Poll on large sites that deploy Iptables.
- From: Ramoni <ramoni@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can I add a module to a prebuilt kernel?
- From: Martin Stricker <shugal@xxxxxx>
- RE: Poll on large sites that deploy Iptables.
- From: "Daniel Chemko" <dchemko@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: magle, filter & FORWARD
- From: Ludo Stellingwerff <ludo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Transparent firewall
- From: "Jeremy Jones" <jeremy@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Transparent firewall
- From: Janos Makadi <maki@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Poll on large sites that deploy Iptables.
- From: "Brett Simpson" <Simpsonb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: magle, filter & FORWARD
- From: "Kevin D. White" <web_crawlz@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: The basis for deciding which NIC to use in a multiple NIC system
- From: "Daniel Chemko" <dchemko@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can I add a module to a prebuilt kernel?
- From: Jeff Gordon <jeff.gordon@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Channel bonding and IRQ affinity
- From: Sheldon Hearn <sheldonh@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- The basis for deciding which NIC to use in a multiple NIC system
- From: "Martinez, Michael" <MMARTINEZ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Linux/Windows pure SSL "VPN" Solution
- From: CPD - David Cardeñosa Rubio <dcardenosa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Linux/Windows pure SSL "VPN" Solution
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Linux/Windows pure SSL "VPN" Solution
- From: "Small, Jim" <jim.small@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Resend TCP segment modified to the sender
- From: "Jee J.Z." <jz105@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Resend TCP segment modified to the sender
- From: aksingh@xxxxxxxxxxx
- RE: Destination Nat
- From: "Piszcz, Justin Michael" <justin.piszcz@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Destination Nat
- From: Alistair Tonner <Alistair@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: mangle, filter & FORWARD
- From: "Dick St.Peters" <stpeters@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: netfilter forwarding to FTP gateway
- From: mclinden@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Destination Nat
- From: "John Black" <black@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ip_conntrack memory leak?
- From: Thomas Spatzier <tspat@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Destination Nat
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Resend TCP segment modified to the sender
- From: "Jee J.Z." <jz105@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Can I add a module to a prebuilt kernel?
- From: Jeff Gordon <jeff.gordon@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Blocking Streaming Media (Was: Re: (no subject)..)
- From: Rio Martin <rio@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: mangle, filter & FORWARD
- From: Ludo Stellingwerff <ludo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: mangle, filter & FORWARD
- From: "Kevin D. White" <web_crawlz@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Resend TCP segment modified to the sender
- From: aksingh@xxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Destination Nat
- From: "John Black" <black@xxxxxxxxx>
- Handling incoming DCC session
- From: Florian Boelstler <euphoria@xxxxxx>
- RE: netfilter forwarding to FTP gateway
- From: "Daniel Chemko" <dchemko@xxxxxxxxxx>
- weired problem while connecting
- From: "azeem ahmad" <azeem484@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: FXP Support Broken?
- From: Adam Young <adam@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Resend TCP segment modified to the sender
- From: "Kotatsu" <naughtydog@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- netfilter forwarding to FTP gateway
- From: mclinden@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Resend TCP segment modified to the sender
- From: "Kotatsu" <naughtydog@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Resend TCP segment modified to the sender
- From: "Kotatsu" <naughtydog@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- OT RE: to snat or to dnat .. that is the question
- From: "Daniel Chemko" <dchemko@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: mangle, filter & FORWARD
- From: "Daniel Chemko" <dchemko@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: to snat or to dnat .. that is the question
- From: Alistair Tonner <Alistair@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: to snat or to dnat .. that is the question
- From: Alistair Tonner <Alistair@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: to snat or to dnat .. that is the question
- From: "Daniel Chemko" <dchemko@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: to snat or to dnat .. that is the question
- From: "Peter Marshall" <peter.marshall@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: mangle, filter & FORWARD
- From: "Kevin D. White" <web_crawlz@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: to snat or to dnat .. that is the question
- From: "Daniel Chemko" <dchemko@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: to snat or to dnat .. that is the question
- From: "Peter Marshall" <peter.marshall@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Blocking Streaming Media (Was: Re: (no subject)..)
- From: "Rio Martin" <rio@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Blocking Streaming Media (Was: Re: (no subject)..)
- From: "Rio Martin" <rio@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ipq_read and NF_ACCEPT
- From: aksingh@xxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: to snat or to dnat .. that is the question
- From: Alistair Tonner <Alistair@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: to snat or to dnat .. that is the question
- From: "Peter Marshall" <peter.marshall@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Blocking Streaming Media (Was: Re: (no subject)..)
- From: Michael Gale <michael.gale@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: to snat or to dnat .. that is the question
- From: "Piszcz, Justin Michael" <justin.piszcz@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- to snat or to dnat .. that is the question
- From: "Peter Marshall" <peter.marshall@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ipq_read and NF_ACCEPT
- From: aksingh@xxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: ipq_read and NF_ACCEPT
- From: "Jee J.Z." <jz105@xxxxxxxxxx>
- ipq_read and NF_ACCEPT
- From: aksingh@xxxxxxxxxxx
- FXP Support Broken?
- From: "Michael D. Baldwin" <p@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ipq_read return values when timeout is specified
- From: Sven Schuster <schuster.sven@xxxxxx>
- ipq_read return values when timeout is specified
- From: aksingh@xxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Blocking Streaming Media (Was: Re: (no subject)..)
- From: SBlaze <dagent.geo@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: nmblookup
- From: "Mark E. Donaldson" <markee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Blocking Streaming Media (Was: Re: (no subject)..)
- From: Rio Martin <rio@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: (no subject)
- From: "Mark E. Donaldson" <markee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: DNAT: Unable to Forward Ports, Why?
- From: Justin Friel <capn_shoe@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: mangle, filter & FORWARD
- From: Justin Friel <capn_shoe@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: iptables and samba
- From: "azeem ahmad" <azeem484@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- mangle, filter & FORWARD
- From: "Kevin D. White" <web_crawlz@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: FW: Filtering multiple networks
- From: David Cannings <lists@xxxxxxxxx>
- Ipv6 firewall
- From: Pablo Allietti <pablo@xxxxxxxxxx>
- nmblookup
- From: "azeem ahmad" <azeem484@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: FW: Filtering multiple networks
- From: Frank Gruellich <frank@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: DNAT: Unable to Forward Ports, Why?
- From: Justin Friel <capn_shoe@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: ftp mark
- From: "Daniel Chemko" <dchemko@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: iptables Help
- From: "Daniel Chemko" <dchemko@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: sub interfaces (I appologize if this appears twice)
- From: Cedric Blancher <blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- sub interfaces (I appologize if this appears twice)
- From: "Peter Marshall" <peter.marshall@xxxxxxxxx>
- ftp mark
- From: Krystian <optimusprime@xxxxx>
- iptables Help
- From: "Vinay Poojary" <vinay@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Failure when compiling for SuSE Linux 9.1 (2.6.4), missing time module
- From: "Don Hughes" <dhughes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: skip other iptables marking if packet is already marked
- From: Sheldon Hearn <sheldonh@xxxxxxx>
- Re: FW: Filtering multiple networks
- From: David Cannings <lists@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: skip other iptables marking if packet is already marked
- From: Sheldon Hearn <sheldonh@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: (no subject)
- From: Krishna Prasanth <krishnap@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: skip other iptables marking if packet is already marked
- From: Cedric Blancher <blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: (no subject)
- From: "Markus Zeilinger" <mz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- FW: iptables Please Help
- From: "Markus Zeilinger" <mz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- (no subject)
- From: Ivan <ivan.topic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: iptables Please Help
- From: "Markus Zeilinger" <mz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- .NET InterNAT address allocations, rather than 192.168.*.*.
- From: Jim Fleming <JimFleming@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- iptables Please Help
- From: "Vinay Poojary" <vinay@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: FW: Filtering multiple networks
- From: Frank Gruellich <frank@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: FW: Filtering multiple networks
- From: David Cannings <lists@xxxxxxxxx>
- FW: Filtering multiple networks
- From: "Markus Zeilinger" <mz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Filtering multiple networks
- From: Frank Gruellich <frank@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Filtering multiple networks
- From: "Markus Zeilinger" <mz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Multiple matches and others
- From: Frank Gruellich <frank@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Multiple matches and others
- From: "Ming-Ching Tiew" <mingching.tiew@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: skip other iptables marking if packet is already marked
- From: "Ming-Ching Tiew" <mingching.tiew@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: skip other iptables marking if packet is already marked
- From: Cedric Blancher <blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- skip other iptables marking if packet is already marked
- From: "Ming-Ching Tiew" <mingching.tiew@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- DNAT: Unable to Forward Ports, Why?
- From: Justin Friel <capn_shoe@xxxxxxxxx>
- OT: ISP Port filters (was: Re: DNAT problem)
- From: Patrick Leslie Polzer <leslie.polzer@xxxxxxx>
- Re: DNAT problem
- From: "Alexis" <alexis@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: SuSE Linux and iptables
- From: Tony Earnshaw <tonye@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: SuSE Linux and iptables
- From: "Mark E. Donaldson" <markee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Ok, how about this?
- From: "Kevin D. White" <web_crawlz@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: SuSE Linux and iptables
- From: Patrick Leslie Polzer <leslie.polzer@xxxxxxx>
- SuSE Linux and iptables
- From: "Erick Sanz" <esanz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: DNAT problem
- From: Patrick Leslie Polzer <leslie.polzer@xxxxxxx>
- Re: DNAT problem
- From: "Alexis" <alexis@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- DNAT problem
- From: Patrick Leslie Polzer <leslie.polzer@xxxxxxx>
- Re: [BUG] compile failure for linux-2.6.6
- From: Tony Earnshaw <tonye@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: DNS and iptables : is this rule bad ??
- From: <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: DNS and iptables : is this rule bad ??
- From: "Mark E. Donaldson" <markee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- libipq not working with Fedora Core 2
- From: "Waqar Mohsin" <wmohsin@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: iptables and samba
- From: Aldo Lagana <ALagana@xxxxxxx>
- [BUG] compile failure for linux-2.6.6
- From: Martin Schaffner <schaffner@xxxxxx>
- Re: Problem with nat table in iptables
- From: Alexander Stein <alexanders83@xxxxxx>
- how to patch netfilter to support h323.
- From: "Crasher Guo" <gdz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- DNS and iptables : is this rule bad ??
- From: "Mark Alzino" <tirixil@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Destination Nat
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ip_conntrack memory leak?
- From: Tobias DiPasquale <cbcgtt@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Static/Dynamic NAT Combination
- From: Jorge Davila <isaac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Static/Dynamic NAT Combination
- From: Patrick Leslie Polzer <leslie.polzer@xxxxxxx>
- RE: Iptables/Iproute2/Load-Balancing 2 Broadband Connections
- Re: Problem with nat table in iptables
- From: Jorge Davila <isaac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Static/Dynamic NAT Combination
- From: Jorge Davila <isaac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Static/Dynamic NAT Combination
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Static/Dynamic NAT Combination
- From: Patrick Leslie Polzer <leslie.polzer@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Static/Dynamic NAT Combination
- From: Jorge Davila <isaac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: iptables and samba
- From: "azeem ahmad" <azeem484@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Iptables/Iproute2/Load-Balancing 2 Broadband Connections
- From: "Daniel Chemko" <dchemko@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: FTP over NAT problem
- From: "Vanderveer, Derek" <Derek.Vanderveer@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Static/Dynamic NAT Combination
- From: Patrick Leslie Polzer <leslie.polzer@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Destination Nat
- From: "black@xxxxxxxxx" <black@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Destination Nat
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Destination Nat
- From: "black@xxxxxxxxx" <black@xxxxxxxxx>
- CONNMARK restore-mark creates conntrack entry?
- From: Sheldon Hearn <sheldonh@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Ipv6 firewall
- From: Pablo Allietti <pablo@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ftp
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ftp
- From: "Rob Sterenborg" <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ftp
- From: "Peter Marshall" <peter.marshall@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [OT] Hello?
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [OT] Hello?
- From: Jozsef Kadlecsik <kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: iptables and samba
- From: "azeem ahmad" <azeem484@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: iptables and samba
- From: Aldo Lagana <ALagana@xxxxxxx>
- Re: need for stateful packet inspection
- From: Chris Brenton <cbrenton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to change DNS with iptables rules ?
- From: Jorge Davila <isaac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Add modules to iptables
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problem with nat table in iptables
- From: Jorge Davila <isaac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: iptables and samba
- From: "azeem ahmad" <azeem484@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problem with nat table in iptables
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problem with nat table in iptables
- From: Jorge Davila <isaac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problem with nat table in iptables
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Problem with nat table in iptables
- From: Jorge Davila <isaac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: ftp
- From: "Rob Sterenborg" <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ftp
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ftp
- From: "Peter Marshall" <peter.marshall@xxxxxxxxx>
- Add modules to iptables
- From: "Alejandro Kurchis" <sisdis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ftp
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ftp
- From: "Peter Marshall" <peter.marshall@xxxxxxxxx>
- iptables
- From: "Alejandro Cabrera Obed" <sisdis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: ftp
- From: "Rob Sterenborg" <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: iptables and samba
- From: <alexis@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- ftp
- From: "Peter Marshall" <peter.marshall@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [OT] Hello?
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: iptables and samba
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: iptables and samba
- From: "azeem ahmad" <azeem484@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Some more IPSec - IPTables issues?
- From: Ludo Stellingwerff <ludo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Proxy-arp & DHCP conflict
- From: "lololo" <lololo@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Some more IPSec - IPTables issues?
- From: Ludo Stellingwerff <ludo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- active connections
- From: "Михаил" <michaelkl@xxxxxxx>
- Re: How to change DNS with iptables rules ?
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: need for stateful packet inspection
- From: "John A. Sullivan III" <john.sullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: [OT] Hello?
- From: "Mark E. Donaldson" <markee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- How to change DNS with iptables rules ?
- From: "Mark Alzino" <tirixil@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- need for stateful packet inspection
- From: "Randolph Jones" <jonesrf1@xxxxxxxxx>
- <no subject>
- From: "Frank Pieczynski" <pieczy@xxxxxx>
- RE: FTP over NAT problem
- From: "Vanderveer, Derek" <Derek.Vanderveer@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- 64bit changes in cvs
- From: Martin Josefsson <gandalf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ctnetlink in Linux 2.6?
- From: Chris Green <cmg@xxxxxxx>
- RE: [OT] Hello?
- From: "Erick Sanz" <esanz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: FTP over NAT problem
- From: "Piszcz, Justin Michael" <justin.piszcz@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: iptables and samba
- From: CPD - David Cardeñosa Rubio <dcardenosa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ip_queue.o and libipq
- From: Sven Schuster <schuster.sven@xxxxxx>
- ip_queue.o and libipq
- From: aksingh@xxxxxxxxxxx
- FTP over NAT problem
- From: "Vanderveer, Derek" <Derek.Vanderveer@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- limit transfer data
- From: Roxik <roxik@xxxxx>
- CONNMARK problem
- From: Iulian Mongescu <iulianm@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Owner match no owner question
- From: Atsushi Nakagawa <atnak@xxxxxxxxx>
- Squid and IPTables
- From: Sameer Gurung <sameersworld@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: proxy and ftp
- From: "Peter Marshall" <peter.marshall@xxxxxxxxx>
- proxy and ftp
- From: "Peter Marshall" <peter.marshall@xxxxxxxxx>
- Two computers with same MAC
- From: Vlad Adomnicai <vlada@xxxxxxx>
- [OT] Hello?
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Netfilter and Vonage.
- From: Jason Price <jprice@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: aksingh@xxxxxxxxxxx
- From: aksingh@xxxxxxxxxxx
- Question regarding IPTables & fragemented packets.
- From: "Piszcz, Justin Michael" <justin.piszcz@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- raw packets and netfilter hooks
- From: aksingh@xxxxxxxxxxx
- RE: tcp-MSS target extensions Patch
- From: "Stephen Jones" <sljones8@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- New functionality not showing up in kernel config
- From: Marc Remijn <marc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: Tony Earnshaw <tonye@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ip_queue.o and libipq
- From: aksingh@xxxxxxxxxxx
- iptables and samba
- From: "azeem ahmad" <azeem484@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ftp again
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ftp again
- From: "azeem ahmad" <azeem484@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- ip_conntrack_irc.c & ip_nat_irc.c DEBUG.
- From: Alistair Tonner <Alistair@xxxxxxxxxx>
- mark causes high CPU/using tc in conjunction with NAT
- From: Paul Lambert <paul@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Logging MAC
- From: Antony Stone <Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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