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- SIP outbound status for account is not active (iOS App), (continued)
- pjus2 C++ api how to use tcp to connect to proxy for registier, zhuyongwen at made-in-china.com
- Looking for PJSIP contractor (Windows/Mac native apps, C/C++/ObjC), Thomas
- terminating invite session/dialog/transaction,
Harald Radke
- PJSIP and Android deep sleep mode re-registration and reachability,
Roberto Fichera
- About the Error "_pjsua.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol......", Zhiqiang Liu
- Audio routing in windows phone 8, Ravi Soni
- Deadlock between ioqueue lock and dialog mutex, Roy
- [pjsua] - unsubscribing buddies and resubscribing them for presence, cav_345
- configure-iphone can't detect openh264,
- Wakened SRTP key, Dan Arrhenius
- Error making call: Missing route set,
Alberto Bitto
- pjsip 64 bit?,
Anshuman S Rawat
- Problem with codec RTP frame transmission, David Richards
- the transport_id field in pjsua_acc_config doesn't work as expected, Simon Borkin
- [PJSIP] Error building for iOS,
Alberto Bitto
- Multiple sound devices - talk device (headset) + ring device (speakers),
Gabriel Ortiz Lour
pjsip headers extraction, Allen D. Ford
PJSIP Video Inactive - with audio ok,
Chirag Ajmera
pjproject-2.3.tar.bz2 unzips with non-standard users, canuck15
AUTO : Felix GIFFUNI est absent(e) (renvoi de Ven 02/01/2015), fgiffuni at midilibre.com
pjsua app cli crashes on beaglebone (ARMv7) with video,
Chirag Ajmera
imx53: SDL2 +directfb video render Problem, Development - KBlue
make issue,
biswajit neog
PJSUA using private IP address on call., cav_345
Crash on SDP parsing when compiling with -O3,
Saúl Ibarra Corretgé
RTCP Receiver Report, Alicia Romero
SIP URI in headers, Harald Radke
Possible make uninstall bug, canuck15
Make call with parameter and header in SIP URI,
Alicia Romero
Does PJSIP support SIP signalling compression?, David
py_pjsua,, Israfil.Kara at desmeriletisim.com.tr
URI parameters,
Alicia Romero
SIP URI with uri-parameter and header,
Alicia Romero
Group Lock has broken high-perf win32 build with ioqueue_winnt.c, Eize Slange
Pjsua2 for android has no sound, Leo
2.4 release, Слава Марченко
Problem with deadlocks, Thomas Janu
PJSIP-UA setting timer refresher,
Glenn Walbran
Re-Registration using TLS, Gary Nyquist
unidirectional stream, Norbert Weyrich -- Wenzel Elektronik GmbH
Harald Radke
USERNAME in PJNATH Stun request,
Jose Luis Benitez Crespo
media endpoint codec questions,
Harald Radke
pjsip Digest, Vol 88, Issue 1, Roy
AUTO : Felix GIFFUNI est absent(e) (renvoi de Lun 22/12/2014), fgiffuni at midilibre.com
1.vid head loop forever; 2. dead lock when i use tcp transport!, Roy
Problems on iOS, video on/off toggle and capture dev switch,
Andreas Bretschneider
How to integrate PJSIP with VOIP chatterbox sample app Windows Phone 8,
Sarvendra Anand
Setting diversion header in 302 response to INVITE, Anirudh Ramachandran
Mac OS X 10.10 Facetime Camera sometimes reports I420 format,
Eeri Kask
Mac OS X 10.10 Facetime Camera sometimes reports I420 format, Thomas Weber
No audio with simple_pjsua program, pirpi srd
Integration PJSIP to VOIP application,
Vishal Maheshwari
SDP/Media Info handling in INVITE messages, Harald Radke
pjsua-based-app: shutdown troubles,
Brunner, Brian T.
TLS Keep Alive failure, Roman K
short term credentials with PJSUA, ashish khowal
Re-Registration using TCP, Gary Nyquist
TCP support in RTP in ICE candidate,
ashish khowal
RTP Ports... how many., cav_345
calls are disconnected after 90 s,
fgiffuni at midilibre.com
WMME device: setting input volume,
Andreas Wehrmann
Bug in dshow_factory_create_stream in dshow_dev.c in Windows (exception),
Слава Марченко
private path in bar descriptor, giancarlo petrarca
Crashes in pj::Endpoint::on_call_tsx_state, Thomas
Bug in splitcomb.c,
David Richards
android pjsip send large udp packet errCode 120001,
zhouxiaoqiang.mstech at gmail.com
RTP message burst.,
Francois Goffin
Patch still not applied: '@' in the 'Replaces=' (REFER) must be escaped [RFC-3515], Eize Slange
pjsua_destroy() fails to return,
Brunner, Brian T.
PJNATH implementation with coturn server,
Enabling relaying address in PJNATH messages, ashish khowal
PJSIP commands making calls to a server, ashish khowal
pjlib test crash: uninitialized stack frame,
Tzafrir Cohen
symbol removed in 2.3: pjmedia_format_init_audio@Base,
Tzafrir Cohen
PJNATH with Coturn Server, ashish khowal
Best way to handle multiple RTP profiles, Dan Edwards
Fwd: PJSIP implementation with coturn server, ashish khowal
Building PJSip for the first time / Windows, Victor Medina
Linker error: unresolvable relocation,
David Desopper
Bug in pjmedia_wav_playlist_create() function, Алексей Харлов
Multiple transport listeners patch,
Adrien Béraud
How to play a "splash-tone" file as soon as posssible in the call sequence,
Brunner, Brian T.
pjsip-ua session timer error, Glenn Walbran
TCP Port Issue., GiriPrathapRaju
iOS: Crashing while backgrounded, Joe Meade
Problem in sending re invite over TCP (iOS) on making a call, Ashish Gour
G723.1 on iOS and Android, Pasquale Caruso
C++ API - AKA Authentication Callback, Stefan Schick
Error when user close call, Pasquale Caruso
No UAC Session is restarted with tcp in pjsip while using siphon for iOS, Ashish Gour
ios background, Serhiy Serbin
Error releasing hold on call 0<reason=488>, sina Karimi
create log file without quit from pjsua, quit automatically from pjsua,
Fatemeh Mehdizadeh
NO Outging Call on TCP using PJSIP in siphon,
Ashish Gour
DTLS-SRTP Support, Marko Seidenglanz
Assertion Failed error in pjusa_make_call on Tcp transport while sccuessfully Registered with TCP(iOS using siphone),
Ashish Gour
How to manage media with PJMEDIA_CONF_NO_DEVICE and PJMEDIA_CONF_NO_MIC option?, ivgotcrazy at gmail.com
Bug: Preprocessor expansion in wmme_dev.c,
Sean Bright
build pjsip in qt,
sina Karimi
Codec Adaptive Bitrate, Nir Avnery
build pjsip,
sina Karimi
RTP IP address wrong over VPN, Jens Lucius
pjsua2 account::modify memory corruption,
Povilas Krilius
Problem not transmitting .wav file,
Giannis Zompolas
Bug when parsing SIP msg with optimization options, Vicente Hernando
SRTP set key, José Expósito
Compiling pjsip-apps program, pirpi srd
PJSIP on iOS not sending media when running in background on incoming call,
Tom van der Geer
Unable to find default audio device Error,
Giannis Zompolas
Query on --tls-ca-file option,
Atul Thosar
media quality data member explanation, Nir Avnery
Creating TLS TURN Transport, Abdelrahman Salah
Building PJSIP with TLS for Android,
Erik Johansson
"auto accept call" mode in pjsua,
Babak Shafieian
PJSUA2 Cancel outbound call,
Sidwell, David
Issue: ICE and "pj_sockaddr_has_addr()", Eeri Kask
Compiling pjsua app, Abdelrahman Salah
Google Groups Invitation: PJSIP experts, pjsip experts (Google Groups)
pjsua2 API callbacks aren't triggered if optimization is turned on, Stefan Winkler
Why do we call call "keepAlive" in main thread, sunny_day
Pjsip Sending Multiple INVITE for one call, Swapnil Desai
Problem IM using pjsua, Roy
pjsip assert failed in android, 曾杰
PJSIP Maximum Transport, Vitold S
regarding Integrating PJNATH with PJLIB and PJLIB-UTIL in application over unix, Vineet Kumar Srivastava
Multi channel audio device on android, A.Ahland
PJSIP 2.3 is released with video on iOS, Nanang Izzuddin
Win32 MinGW Scons Building Configuration, Vitold S
Include pjsip in existing eclipse project, Stefan Winkler
Problem making call using pjsua, José Rodrigues
WAV EOF callback in python,
José Rodrigues
How to fix background issue in pjsip (iOS), sales
PJSIP multi-thread,
Luis Domingues
How to setup STUN settings in PJSUA ios application?,
Telesonic Telesonic
iLBC mode on PJSUA2, Aduílio
Pjsip on Android consulting, Nir Avnery
iOS VoIP call does not work in background,
PJSIP Multi-call with callbacks,
Luis Domingues
sound port vs echo port, Rahul Venkatram
After update to Xcode5.1: "Please specify target machine.", "PJ_HAS_PENTIUM is not defined!",
Thomas Martin
Debug pjsip using XCode, Rahul Venkatram
patch: autoconf for OPENSSL_NO_SSL2,
Walter Doekes
pjsua2 and multicast stream offer, Brian White
reading sip-response-header in pjsua2, Niels Klaas PJSIP_ML
Configuring PJSIP 2.2 with 3rd party video library,
Deepak Garg
compile pjsua2_lib as DLL, Daniel Gentili
Audio Problems with pjsua (player, sound devices, documentation), Stefan Naumann
Question about python pjsua API, Lin Lu
Unable to get video call working on Raspberry PI,
Deepak Garg
Hole punching or NAT Traverse mechanism with TCP in PJSIP?, 肖超
External thread exception in Android, pradeep bk
assertion "entry->_timer_id < 1" failed, Jason Chen 陈剑桥
PJNATH 2.2.1 bug: deadlock in stun_sock.c, George Hilliard
[PATCH] Write log message on discarded packet, Greg Hewgill
Alsa errors: is this pjsip bug?,
sip_transport reference count bug?, steven.Hu
Unknown type name Error while compiling pjsip for iphone,
Ashish Gour
Unable to find default audio device, 张树坤
how can i open pjsip log in csipsimple,
Jason Chen 陈剑桥
How to increase playback volume within pjsip-python?, Warpme
How to get user-agent value in the pjsip, Tony
Crashes on pjsip 2.1, Huhai
Make a call transfer from Python, Bogdan Cristea
is pjsip can make multi call at the same time?, 张树坤
Still distorted recording on Samsung S4 devices,
Roberto Fichera
Unable to register to SIP server - actionvoip - please help!!,
Rahul Venkatram
Error when building PJSIP 2.2.1 under Debian run inside a VM,
Swinney C.
use sip protocol manager embedded device, Xiaoqiang Zhou
pjnath wrong about connet muti at the same time, yourtear2012 at gmail.com
PJSIP and Python version,
Swinney C.
Adding parameters to INVITE line with pjsua module, Ian Wixon
Crash in pjsip_tsx_send_msg() when receiving several calls, Bogdan Cristea
Transport references bug, Huhai
question about DSCP Marking, Albert Petit
Add custom header (User-Agent) in all SUBSCRIBE refresh requests, Chandrakant Marathe
Comfort noise,
Threading in Android using pjsua2,
Stefan Winkler
RFC 6849 Support?, Monk, John
pjsip DTLS-SRTP, Chuan Wang
PJSIP : "in dialog" re-invite,
jyotirmoy banerjee
make errors, Tielman Nieuwoudt
Invalid sample rate with HDMI audio card, Warpme
[solved] bug report: ICE on localnet, "Controlled" host UPDATE bogus, Eeri Kask
pjsip Digest, Vol 83, Issue 2,
Yosi Taguri
DTMF via SIP INFO using pjsua2, Alessandro Zoffoli
pjsip support for TLSv1_2, Swapnil Desai
Reg Issue while building lib, Sneha Bansal
report bug, zhangleim0103 at sina.com
Possible bug (Buffer overflow) - PJSUA unable to handle SIP message sent via Cisco 8510 MCU when registered to a Cisco VCS via TCP/TLS,
Swinney C.
bug report: ICE on localnet, "Controlled" host UPDATE bogus,
Eeri Kask
bug report: ICE on localnet, "Controlled" host UPDATE bogus,
Eeri Kask
How can I connect to a SIP registrar using TCP or TLS transport NOT UDP in PJSUA?,
Swinney C.
Best way to run PJSUA as a service,
Swinney C.
How to check if srtp is enabled, Pasquale Caruso
Via rport parameter & TCP, Zoltan.Toth.ext at rohde-schwarz.com
SRV DNS resolution help,
Thane Brimhall
Deadlock calling into pjlib,
George Hilliard
Regarding the crash in pjsip_param_shallow_clone, Tony
PJSIP build: Comparing unsigned against zero: always true/false, Eeri Kask
vidgui not showing video, Tushan
Adding a video to active call using PJSUA, Michael Mikhlin
Building for Android MIPS & x86,
Roberto Fichera
SoundDevices in PJSUA 2.2.x, Alexandros Dermenakis
Register to multiple PBX servers, Alexandros Dermenakis
How to add Video for android and IOS, Guan Xsun
arm requiring known endianness,
Vittorio Giovara
bugtracker, Vittorio Giovara
Deadlock after some calls, Aduílio
200 retransmit even after BYE, rajesh.batagurki at bt.com
Can't create account in WP8,
Carol Ribeiro
Calling pjlib from unknown/external thread,
Jason Chen 陈剑桥
Audio Session Interruption after Carrier Call, Arun Gupta
Unable to create re-INVITE: Invalid operation (Video dir change fails in my pjsua), SL
v4l2 H264 output, John
PJSip for Windows Phone 8.1,
Nuno Centeio
Changing PJSIP to work over TCP on port different than 5060,
Filip Planinsky
Scheduling re-registration when Android sleeps, Aduílio
RFC4028: PJSIP always uses session-expire received in INVITE, Poquillon Bernard
PJSUA without SDL?, Andrew Jones
attempt to substitute pjsip video streamer with a gstreamer pipeline,
mustapha alouane
crash in pjmedia_sdp_neg_set_local_answer,
Poquillon Bernard
PJSUA and iOS background mode. App with VoIP capabilities dies after 180 second,
Filip Planinsky
Integrating Third Party Media Stack into PJSUA-LIB, Jason Chen 陈剑桥
PJSIP 2.21 for Ubuntu Trusty via PPA, Dennis Guse
: Error building PJSIP 2.2.1 with MINGW, Akram
Conference bridge static background noise,
ssl_sock: use the correct error value,
Vittorio Giovara
Anonymous calls,
James Evans
change silk codec frame length, Dren Daka
[pjsua2] SIP uri parse, Rafał Dunajski
IOS Support, Ishan Gupta
pjsua on ARM; no video streaming,
Andrew Jones
pjsua2 register interval, Aduílio
problem with TLS' ca_list_file,
Joel Centelles
Change sound device in WP8,
Александр Долгушин
Device direct to stream., John
Error Building Pjsip 2.2.1 with mingw32, Akram
Bug with changing capture device, Michael Mikhlin
wave playback NULL sound device, Omar Hussein
Cross-compiling pjsip - issue with linking,
Can simple_pjsua make a video call?,
Regarding library build (Ernesto Celis), Sneha Bansal
[BUG] make distclean fails, Dennis Guse
Codec priorties on iOS,
Brandon Wong
pjsua2 doesn't answer invite challenge,
PJSIP+libav on Ubuntu 14.04, Dennis Guse
PJSUA rtp nat traversal, Siram 56060
Integrating OPUS static lib to pjsip for iOS,
video call,
Jason Chen 陈剑桥
Regarding library build,
Sneha Bansal
How do I send instant message within pjsua2, Blend
Fw: Aw: Simple example for DTMF detection in C, Herbert Falter
Hold and Unhold call pjsua2 Android,
Problem to set custom SDP offer using pjsua2. Possible bug?, Maxim S
amr_helper.h: Frame length of AMR-WB bitrate 14.25,
Zoltan.Toth.ext at rohde-schwarz.com
how to define call_id in pjsua2, =?gb18030?b?QmxlbmQ=?=
Simple example for DTMF detection in C,
Herbert Falter
OSX QTkit has ben deprecated,
ag at ag-projects.com
makecall() with pjsua2 do not create an invite,
Deadlock issue (pjsip 2.1 @4701), Anshuman S Rawat
PyGui Example USE_THREADS, Frank Haase
Python3 Swig Threads Segmentation Fault at Lib Shutdown, Frank Haase
Bug in H264 decode buffer size,
Eeri Kask
PJSIP Build compiler error,
Vinay Kumar
how can i add function in pjsua2,
Jason Chen 陈剑桥
415 unsupported media type on incoming calls only, Brandon Wong
is it possible to send raw data over pjsip via passthrough codec?,
Brandon Wong
My application with sip,
patches for newer libav* compatibility,
Vittorio Giovara
Pjsip audio problem with pulseaudio echo module, Dheeraj Kumar Dodda
PJSUA ICE negotiation failed but forgot update pjsua_call_media state, Gang Liu
Make call from an userless account, D. Braun - Wenzel Elektronik GmbH
tweak: speedup SRTP transport,
Eeri Kask
How can I use PISIP on android with video,
Jason Chen 陈剑桥
Opus codec for ios, Pasquale Caruso
Sound problem pjsua at raspberry pi,
Herbert Falter
PJSUA2 Caller ID Name,
Rafał Dunajski
(C++) PJSUA2 Caller ID Name, Rafał Dunajski
PJSIP - tcp connection and keep-alives from server (Maksim Solovjov),
PJSIP - tcp connection and keep-alives from server, Maksim Solovjov
What does "probation=-1" mean?,
bug report: pjsua refuses video-only sessions, Eeri Kask
allow_contact_rewrite, Maksim Solovjov
Status of WP8 branch,
PJSUA2: onCallSdpCreated is not called on incoming INVITE, Povilas Krilius
PJSUA Documentation for Sound Capture Device, Kristjan Onu
tls licence question, possible violation,
Vittorio Giovara
Not able to build Pjsip for android.,
Swapnil Desai
Problem to set custom SDP offer using pjsua2. Possible bug?, Maxim S
Help with 3rd Party Media Transport with iOS,
Brandon Wong
feature request: Transport adapter "on_create_media_transport", Eeri Kask
PJSUA audio breaks, SSTPL (Design)
abort report: pjsua "vid call rx on 1", Eeri Kask
exception in stream.c in procedure get_frame, Coen van Geerestein
Possible BUG: pjsua_init ignores ua_config.force_lr, Nishant Rodrigues
Audio breaks up, & is heared in bursts, SSTPL (Design)
config.log errors in ffmpeg.1.2.6 and pjproject.2.2.1: Linux Rasbpian on RPI (Raspberry PI),
Assertion failed - sock_select.c:46, Luke B
bug report: SDL_CreateRenderer() assumes a non-hidden window?, Eeri Kask
Any suggestion to make pjsip videocalls working on RPI? Pjsua videocall results in video vindow content that freeze on remote MicroSIP UA,
Pjsua2 establishing multiple transports, Heather Cahoon
Utilizing TURN server in pjsua, SSTPL (Design)
linking problem when using ld,
Vittorio Giovara
pjnath behavior when received 437 allocation mismatch, jerry
Solved: Errors in building pjsip 2.2.1 with video support, on Linux Raspberry PI, SL
pjsip on Android using ALSA,
Stefan Winkler
Wrong Content-Length size ?!?,
Roberto Fichera
sample code with Java, txt.file at txtfile.eu
Pjsip building issues,
Prasad Vara
Errors in building pjsip 2.2.1 with video support on Linux Raspberry PI,
pjsip Build issues, Prasad Vara
Reg pjsua2 build, Sneha Bansal
audio stream functions no defined, Neil Cherry
running make error, adiaksana sumantri
video to grandstream-phones (H.264) needs substantial change in image to get going...,
Hannes Lechner
IOS Build issues,
Prasad Vara
build errors, Neil Cherry
Can anybody tell how to force PJSUA to use TURN with ICE ?, SSTPL (Design)
Call* makecall TimeOUT, Marwan Idriss
call->make call Timeout, Marwan Idriss
abort report: SUBSCRIBE Expires 0, Eeri Kask
Unable to compile pjsua for armv6 iOS,
Maksim Solovjov
RTP over TCP over TOR, Aaron Lux
Forcing PJSIP/PJSUA to use TURN as connection, SSTPL (Design)
iOS 7 AVAudioSession will not resume audio after cell call interrupts VoIP call,
Andy Nevick
Commandline PJSUA - Where on Linux?, Sanjay Chadha
Message not available
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