I'm using pjsua2, version 2.2.1, built for Android. It's registering correctly but when it makes outgoing calls the server responds UNAUTHORIZED and pjsua2 doesn't understands this and doesn't resend INVITE with the challenge answer. My server must authenticate the INVITE. accCfg.setIdUri("sip:" + user + "@" + domain + ":" + port); accCfg.getNatConfig().setIceEnabled(true); accCfg.getRegConfig().setRegistrarUri("sip:" + domain + ":" + port); accCfg.getRegConfig().setTimeoutSec(timeout); AuthCredInfoVector creds = accCfg.getSipConfig().getAuthCreds(); creds.clear(); creds.add(new AuthCredInfo("Digest", "*", user, 0, password)); try { account.modify(accCfg); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } MyCall call = new MyCall(account, -1); CallOpParam prm = new CallOpParam(true); CallSetting opt = prm.getOpt(); opt.setAudioCount(1); opt.setVideoCount(0); try { call.makeCall("sip:" + dialedNumber + "@" + domain, prm); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); call.delete(); return; } Aduilio