Unable to register to SIP server - actionvoip - please help!!

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same error :(

--id sip:rahulvenkat at sip.actionvoip.com
--registrar sip:sip.actionvoip.com
--proxy sip:sip.actionvoip.com;lr
--username rahulvenkat
--password ************

On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 1:25 AM, Bill Gardner <billg at wavearts.com> wrote:

> Try realm=sipdiscount.com
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 19, 2014, at 5:04 PM, Rahul Venkatram <rahul.venkatram at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hi Bill,
> Thanks for the reply.
> No luck with that either. I get the same error (failed2.txt) -
> SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
> and then ...
> 22:50:29.124 sip_auth_clien  ....Unable to set auth for
> tdta0x7fd839040000: can not find credential for sipdiscount.com/Digest
> 22:50:29.124    pjsua_app.c  .....Call 1 is DISCONNECTED [reason=401
> (Unauthorized)]
> 22:50:29.124 pjsua_app_comm  .....
> [DISCONNCTD] To: sip:0046706914265 at sip.actionvoip.com
> However, I managed a workaround i.e. used another SIP provider - linphone
> (instead of actionvoip). Created 2 accounts of linphone (since it allows
> calls only between registered users). And made a call using pjsua (SIP
> user1) to my iPhone where I installed the linphone app (SIP user 2). It
> worked great!!
> The workaround should hold good for now, but if I'm able to call phone
> numbers it would be fantastic :)
> /Rahul
> On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 10:42 PM, Bill Gardner <billg at wavearts.com> wrote:
>>  Try letting the client register first, then make the call, i.e, don't
>> pass the sip address in the command line. - Bill
>> On 7/19/2014 8:55 AM, Rahul Venkatram wrote:
>> Hi Guys/Girls,
>>  I'm a bit unsure if I should post this question, since I know this
>> would've been asked many times before. But I've done a fair bit of research
>> and haven't been able to solve the issue.
>> I downloaded the latest trunk (2.2.1-svn) and built pjsip for Mac Osx
>> 10.9.4 (build-system.docx). I then ran pjsystest and everything went fine
>> with the audio tests.
>>  Then I run pjsua like this "./pjsua --config-file rahul.cfg
>> sip:0046706914265 at sip.actionvoip.com"
>>  and my config file looks like this:
>>  # config file for actionvoip
>> --id sip:rahulvenkat at sip.actionvoip.com
>> --registrar sip:sip.actionvoip.com
>> --proxy sip:sip.actionvoip.com;lr
>> --realm ?*?
>> --username rahulvenkat
>> --password **********
>> --no-tcp
>>  The log from my terminal is attached in log.txt and I see this:
>> *<sip: <>>: does not register *
>> *SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized*
>>  I have tried all types of realm messages but it didn't help. I would
>> really appreciate it if you can help me out here.
>>  Cheers,
>>  Rahul
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> <failed 2.txt>
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white-tooth:bin Kingdom$ ./pjsua --config-file rahul.cfg 
18:44:55.384 os_core_unix.c !pjlib 2.2.1-svn for POSIX initialized
18:44:55.388 sip_endpoint.c  .Creating endpoint instance...
18:44:55.388          pjlib  .select() I/O Queue created (0x7fa8aa8130d8)
18:44:55.388 sip_endpoint.c  .Module "mod-msg-print" registered
18:44:55.388 sip_transport.  .Transport manager created.
18:44:55.388   pjsua_core.c  .PJSUA state changed: NULL --> CREATED
18:44:55.388 sip_endpoint.c  .Module "mod-pjsua-log" registered
18:44:55.388 sip_endpoint.c  .Module "mod-tsx-layer" registered
18:44:55.388 sip_endpoint.c  .Module "mod-stateful-util" registered
18:44:55.388 sip_endpoint.c  .Module "mod-ua" registered
18:44:55.389 sip_endpoint.c  .Module "mod-100rel" registered
18:44:55.389 sip_endpoint.c  .Module "mod-pjsua" registered
18:44:55.389 sip_endpoint.c  .Module "mod-invite" registered
18:44:55.413       pa_dev.c  ..PortAudio sound library initialized, status=0
18:44:55.413       pa_dev.c  ..PortAudio host api count=1
18:44:55.413       pa_dev.c  ..Sound device count=4
18:44:55.413          pjlib  ..select() I/O Queue created (0x7fa8aa013a28)
18:44:55.419 sip_endpoint.c  .Module "mod-evsub" registered
18:44:55.419 sip_endpoint.c  .Module "mod-presence" registered
18:44:55.419 sip_endpoint.c  .Module "mod-mwi" registered
18:44:55.419 sip_endpoint.c  .Module "mod-refer" registered
18:44:55.419 sip_endpoint.c  .Module "mod-pjsua-pres" registered
18:44:55.419 sip_endpoint.c  .Module "mod-pjsua-im" registered
18:44:55.419 sip_endpoint.c  .Module "mod-pjsua-options" registered
18:44:55.419   pjsua_core.c  .1 SIP worker threads created
18:44:55.420   pjsua_core.c  .pjsua version 2.2.1-svn for Darwin-13.3/x86_64 initialized
18:44:55.420   pjsua_core.c  .PJSUA state changed: CREATED --> INIT
18:44:55.420 sip_endpoint.c  Module "mod-default-handler" registered
18:44:55.420   pjsua_core.c  SIP UDP socket reachable at
18:44:55.420 udp0x7fa8a962c  SIP UDP transport started, published address is
18:44:55.420    pjsua_acc.c  Adding account: id=<sip:>
18:44:55.420    pjsua_acc.c  .Account <sip:> added with id 0
18:44:55.420    pjsua_acc.c  Modifying accunt 0
18:44:55.420    pjsua_acc.c  Acc 0: setting online status to 1..
18:44:55.421    tcplis:5060  SIP TCP listener ready for incoming connections at
18:44:55.421    pjsua_acc.c  Adding account: id=<sip:;transport=TCP>
18:44:55.421    pjsua_acc.c  .Account <sip:;transport=TCP> added with id 1
18:44:55.421    pjsua_acc.c  Modifying accunt 1
18:44:55.421    pjsua_acc.c  Acc 1: setting online status to 1..
18:44:55.421    pjsua_acc.c  Adding account: id=sip:rahulvenkat at sip.actionvoip.com
18:44:55.421    pjsua_acc.c  .Account sip:rahulvenkat at sip.actionvoip.com added with id 2
18:44:55.421    pjsua_acc.c  .Acc 2: setting registration..
18:44:55.421   pjsua_core.c  ...TX 607 bytes Request msg REGISTER/cseq=1982 (tdta0x7fa8ab004600) to UDP
REGISTER sip:sip.actionvoip.com SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjVoDRo3TSu0dVPxlcKzf0nfYYJX5F6vmi
Route: <sip:sip.actionvoip.com;lr>
Max-Forwards: 70
From: <sip:rahulvenkat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;tag=FYOhalxL4wJ6Vnh5eEKmEuLiL.z-UHx6
To: <sip:rahulvenkat at sip.actionvoip.com>
Call-ID: kKWz8ZoGxLVibYYwIL.Hdqnt33gEfctJ
User-Agent: PJSUA v2.2.1-svn Darwin-13.3/x86_64
Contact: <sip:rahulvenkat at;ob>
Expires: 300
Content-Length:  0

--end msg--
18:44:55.421    pjsua_acc.c  ..Acc 2: Registration sent
18:44:55.421    pjsua_acc.c  Acc 2: setting online status to 1..
18:44:55.421   pjsua_core.c  PJSUA state changed: INIT --> STARTING
18:44:55.421 sip_endpoint.c  .Module "mod-unsolicited-mwi" registered
18:44:55.421   pjsua_core.c  .PJSUA state changed: STARTING --> RUNNING
18:44:55.421         main.c  Ready: Success
Account list:
  [ 0] <sip:>: does not register
       Online status: Online
  [ 1] <sip:;transport=TCP>: does not register
       Online status: Online
 *[ 2] sip:rahulvenkat at sip.actionvoip.com: 100/In Progress (expires=0)
       Online status: Online
Buddy list:

|       Call Commands:         |   Buddy, IM & Presence:  |     Account:      |
|                              |                          |                   |
|  m  Make new call            | +b  Add new buddy       .| +a  Add new accnt |
|  M  Make multiple calls      | -b  Delete buddy         | -a  Delete accnt. |
|  a  Answer call              |  i  Send IM              | !a  Modify accnt. |
|  h  Hangup call  (ha=all)    |  s  Subscribe presence   | rr  (Re-)register |
|  H  Hold call                |  u  Unsubscribe presence | ru  Unregister    |
|  v  re-inVite (release hold) |  t  ToGgle Online status |  >  Cycle next ac.|
|  U  send UPDATE              |  T  Set online status    |  <  Cycle prev ac.|
| ],[ Select next/prev call    +--------------------------+-------------------+
|  x  Xfer call                |      Media Commands:     |  Status & Config: |
|  X  Xfer with Replaces       |                          |                   |
|  #  Send RFC 2833 DTMF       | cl  List ports           |  d  Dump status   |
|  *  Send DTMF with INFO      | cc  Connect port         | dd  Dump detailed |
| dq  Dump curr. call quality  | cd  Disconnect port      | dc  Dump config   |
|                              |  V  Adjust audio Volume  |  f  Save config   |
|  S  Send arbitrary REQUEST   | Cp  Codec priorities     |                   |
|  q  QUIT   L  ReLoad   sleep MS   echo [0|1|txt]     n: detect NAT type     |
You have 0 active call
>>> 18:44:55.457   pjsua_core.c  .RX 553 bytes Response msg 401/REGISTER/cseq=1982 (rdata0x7fa8aa021a28) from UDP
SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjVoDRo3TSu0dVPxlcKzf0nfYYJX5F6vmi
From: <sip:rahulvenkat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;tag=FYOhalxL4wJ6Vnh5eEKmEuLiL.z-UHx6
To: <sip:rahulvenkat at sip.actionvoip.com>
Contact: sip:
Call-ID: kKWz8ZoGxLVibYYwIL.Hdqnt33gEfctJ
Server: (Very nice Sip Registrar/Proxy Server)
WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="sip.actionvoip.com",nonce="1175386843",algorithm=MD5
Content-Length: 0

--end msg--
18:44:55.457 sip_auth_clien  ...Unable to set auth for tdta0x7fa8ab004600: can not find credential for sip.actionvoip.com/Digest
18:44:55.457    pjsua_acc.c  ....SIP registration error: No suitable credential (PJSIP_ENOCREDENTIAL) [status=171101]

Account list:
  [ 0] <sip:>: does not register
       Online status: Online
  [ 1] <sip:;transport=TCP>: does not register
       Online status: Online
 *[ 2] sip:rahulvenkat at sip.actionvoip.com: 401/Unauthorized (expires=-1)
       Online status: Online
Buddy list:

|       Call Commands:         |   Buddy, IM & Presence:  |     Account:      |
|                              |                          |                   |
|  m  Make new call            | +b  Add new buddy       .| +a  Add new accnt |
|  M  Make multiple calls      | -b  Delete buddy         | -a  Delete accnt. |
|  a  Answer call              |  i  Send IM              | !a  Modify accnt. |
|  h  Hangup call  (ha=all)    |  s  Subscribe presence   | rr  (Re-)register |
|  H  Hold call                |  u  Unsubscribe presence | ru  Unregister    |
|  v  re-inVite (release hold) |  t  ToGgle Online status |  >  Cycle next ac.|
|  U  send UPDATE              |  T  Set online status    |  <  Cycle prev ac.|
| ],[ Select next/prev call    +--------------------------+-------------------+
|  x  Xfer call                |      Media Commands:     |  Status & Config: |
|  X  Xfer with Replaces       |                          |                   |
|  #  Send RFC 2833 DTMF       | cl  List ports           |  d  Dump status   |
|  *  Send DTMF with INFO      | cc  Connect port         | dd  Dump detailed |
| dq  Dump curr. call quality  | cd  Disconnect port      | dc  Dump config   |
|                              |  V  Adjust audio Volume  |  f  Save config   |
|  S  Send arbitrary REQUEST   | Cp  Codec priorities     |                   |
|  q  QUIT   L  ReLoad   sleep MS   echo [0|1|txt]     n: detect NAT type     |
You have 0 active call
>>> m
(You currently have 0 calls)
Buddy list:

   0         For current dialog.
  -1         All 0 buddies in buddy list
  [1 - 0]    Select from buddy list
  URL        An URL
  <Enter>    Empty input (or 'q') to cancel
Make call: sip:0046706914265 at sip.actionvoip.com
18:45:51.640   pjsua_call.c !Making call with acc #2 to sip:0046706914265 at sip.actionvoip.com
18:45:51.640    pjsua_aud.c  .Set sound device: capture=-1, playback=-2
18:45:51.640    pjsua_app.c  ..Turning sound device ON
18:45:51.640    pjsua_aud.c  ..Opening sound device PCM at 16000/1/20ms
18:45:51.663 ec0x7fa8a96397  ...AEC created, clock_rate=16000, channel=1, samples per frame=320, tail length=200 ms, latency=0 ms
18:45:51.663  pjsua_media.c  .Call 0: initializing media..
18:45:51.667  pjsua_media.c  ..RTP socket reachable at
18:45:51.667  pjsua_media.c  ..RTCP socket reachable at
18:45:51.667  pjsua_media.c  ..Media index 0 selected for audio call 0
18:45:51.667   pjsua_core.c  ....TX 1194 bytes Request msg INVITE/cseq=3787 (tdta0x7fa8ab006800) to UDP
INVITE sip:0046706914265 at sip.actionvoip.com SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjrGZia1baSzFkX-ZDzBL9oGbHMb1iQsny
Max-Forwards: 70
From: sip:rahulvenkat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;tag=ryL1PKugLTrvA5-fTJQmusJ742fbtIy3
To: sip:0046706914265 at sip.actionvoip.com
Contact: <sip:rahulvenkat at;ob>
Call-ID: t.fwSGLp.lfxTHu4ERnuDVVKh.skwtRK
CSeq: 3787 INVITE
Route: <sip:sip.actionvoip.com;lr>
Supported: replaces, 100rel, timer, norefersub
Session-Expires: 1800
Min-SE: 90
User-Agent: PJSUA v2.2.1-svn Darwin-13.3/x86_64
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length:   476

o=- 3614863551 3614863551 IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 4000 RTP/AVP 98 97 99 104 3 0 8 9 96
c=IN IP4
a=rtcp:4001 IN IP4
a=rtpmap:98 speex/16000
a=rtpmap:97 speex/8000
a=rtpmap:99 speex/32000
a=rtpmap:104 iLBC/8000
a=fmtp:104 mode=30
a=rtpmap:3 GSM/8000
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000
a=rtpmap:96 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:96 0-16

--end msg--
18:45:51.668    pjsua_app.c  .......Call 0 state changed to CALLING
>>> 18:45:51.699   pjsua_core.c  .RX 567 bytes Response msg 401/INVITE/cseq=3787 (rdata0x7fa8aa827228) from UDP
SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjrGZia1baSzFkX-ZDzBL9oGbHMb1iQsny
From: <sip:rahulvenkat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;tag=ryL1PKugLTrvA5-fTJQmusJ742fbtIy3
To: <sip:0046706914265 at sip.actionvoip.com>
Contact: sip:0046706914265 at
Call-ID: t.fwSGLp.lfxTHu4ERnuDVVKh.skwtRK
CSeq: 3787 INVITE
Server: (Very nice Sip Registrar/Proxy Server)
WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="sip.actionvoip.com",nonce="1175443093",algorithm=MD5
Content-Length: 0

--end msg--
18:45:51.699   pjsua_core.c  ..TX 398 bytes Request msg ACK/cseq=3787 (tdta0x7fa8aa08f600) to UDP
ACK sip:0046706914265 at sip.actionvoip.com SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjrGZia1baSzFkX-ZDzBL9oGbHMb1iQsny
Max-Forwards: 70
From: sip:rahulvenkat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;tag=ryL1PKugLTrvA5-fTJQmusJ742fbtIy3
To: sip:0046706914265 at sip.actionvoip.com
Call-ID: t.fwSGLp.lfxTHu4ERnuDVVKh.skwtRK
CSeq: 3787 ACK
Route: <sip:sip.actionvoip.com;lr>
Content-Length:  0

--end msg--
18:45:51.699 sip_auth_clien  ....Unable to set auth for tdta0x7fa8ab006800: can not find credential for sip.actionvoip.com/Digest
18:45:51.699    pjsua_app.c  .....Call 0 is DISCONNECTED [reason=401 (Unauthorized)]
18:45:51.699 pjsua_app_comm  .....
  [DISCONNCTD] To: sip:0046706914265 at sip.actionvoip.com
    Call time: 00h:00m:00s, 1st res in 36 ms, conn in 0ms
18:45:51.700  pjsua_media.c  .....Call 0: deinitializing media..
18:45:52.700    pjsua_aud.c !Closing sound device after idle for 1 second(s)
18:45:52.700    pjsua_app.c  .Turning sound device OFF
18:45:52.700    pjsua_aud.c  .Closing AirPlay sound playback device and Built-in Microph sound capture device

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