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- pjsip - G729 inclusion on OSX, George Farah
- Video call Drop issue.,
Manoj Masane
- Unable to open sound device: Undefined external error [status=450001], Diogo Paschoal
- how can i make pjsua as recvonly vid ua,
zhuyongwen at made-in-china.com
- Video call drop issue android,
Manoj Masane
- RTP AMR, Dan Rabin
- Compiling on mac os x EL Capitan,
David Villasmil Govea
- FFMPeg 2.9, Tzafrir Cohen
- Running pjsip on Apple TV (tvOS), Oleg Lutsenko
- integration of intel IPP codecs in PJSIP, Prasanna Kumar
- Multiple endpoints,
David Villasmil Govea
- Play ringback tone from PABX, Bogdan Cristea
- Installation of G729 Codec, GQ
- Errors compiling pjsip with ssl on windows,
Mike Roberts
- SIP TLS Transport support on PJSUA Python Module., Beyonlo
- Call Disconnected after Request timeout,
Alicia Romero
- Required Help | Android | Pjsip 2.4.5,
ahmad bilal
- Video Calling Android,
Manoj Masane
- pjsua2 setOrientatioin failed and throw exception for video call, jim
- How can I send a provisional response to an INVITE in-dialog, Roy Zhang
- Video rendering issue(Android).,
Manoj Masane
- RTP With AMR, Dan Rabin
- Can't run pjsua_app.py,
David Villasmil Govea
- pjsip_regc_set_credentials,
Mike Roberts
- PJSUA on LINUX Debian based,
David Pineda
- Too many video codecs cause a stack overflow on Android, Roy Zhang
- Hi all.Closing of video stream taking long time, Manika Vasagam
- about when camer plugin,
zhuyongwen at made-in-china.com
- Crash When Encoding GSM, Dan Rabin
- Modifying the transport port for each account, Geffrrey
- [Android] Pjsua2 demo app: don't receive call, crash in outbound,
Giacomo Furlan
- Android, compile with ffmpeg,
Giacomo Furlan
- Registration Process Pjsip (3 requests) vs Liblinphone (2 requests), Tuxic Geek
- PJSUA: Issue playing audio back to a new call,
Satish Barot
- Build PJSIP libraries for iPhone simulator, Carlos Fererro
- Receiving Bye,
Dan Rabin
- Sending delayed response to a request, Arif
- Problem in srtp reinvite,
shubham verma
- Seeing alot of weird attack attempts,
Markus Kovanen
- Samples per pkt, Paul White
- PJSIP automated build environment for Android, Alexandar Gotev
- Solved build error for x86 on Android: "TARGET_HOST+=-linux-android: not found", Alexandar Gotev
- pjsip-2.4.5 fails to build with --as-needed, Sergey Alirzaev
- Sound shutters - buffer mismatch in android jni dev - armv7 cortex m5,
Ralf Zeuka | Callom GmbH
- creating a TCP connection per account, David Villasmil Govea
- Request uri target changed, Branko Zebec
- Hide SIP address from being displayed,
Ankhit Vivekananda
- Creating a list of accounts (python),
David Villasmil Govea
- pjsip_endpt_handle_events,
Mike Roberts
- iOS PJSIP SiPhon, jyotirmoy banerjee
- libspeex issue, Jeremiah Gowdy
- pjsip Digest, Vol 97, Issue 16, Irakli Managadze
- PJSIP Build Error on Ubuntu for Android,
Muhammad Usman Shahid
- pjsip appears to hang after sending an invite, Mike Roberts
- Call Quality,
Sharad Gupta
- “SIP registration failed with status=503 (Connection refused)” with PJSUA2,
Irakli Managadze
- Get Remote SDP,
- help,
E. G.
- AUDIO QUALITY ISSUES - Help please!,
1 TCP connection per outgoing register,
David Villasmil Govea
Apple to require IPv6 in iOS, John Ridges
About WEB RTS again,
Герман Чичикин
Lead Telecom App Engineer Wanted [qt, cef, pjsip], Anthony Nemitz
Please Help Me sir, pankaj at cssinfotech.in
pjsip close NAT transport just use turn-server,
zhuyongwen at made-in-china.com
Web RTC Support,
Terrance Devor
Test test 1234,
Terrance Devor
Incompatible types,
David Villasmil Govea
WebRTC Support (Resubmit), Terrance Devor
OpenSource SIP Servers,
Muhammad Usman Shahid
unset DISPLAY results in segmentation fault,
PJSIP Bug on iOS, Error 488 when answering call, Dusan Klinec
Is there any reason to not use zero copy in video port?, Tobias Schneider
vid_port: pjmedia_frame_copy not used consistently, Tobias Schneider
Intel IPP version 7, Kresten Tolstrup
OPUS - PJSIP, jyotirmoy banerjee
WebRTC Support,
Terrance Devor
Assertion failed: call->med_prov_cnt >= local_sdp->media_count, daniele elia
SIP INFO METHOD RFC 6086 (obsolete 2976), daniele elia
pjsua locks up after audio call, Gary Metalle
pjsua crash with video call,
Gary Metalle
Marek Červenka
PFS configuration, Ahmed Hegazy
pjsip wss problem, Marek Červenka
Redirect Invite, daniele elia
Possibility to add session information to sdp using pjsua, Martin Weishart
Typo in pjmedia/src/pjmedia/g711.c, BS Chandu
H264 Media Format Question,
A. Fennell
I: Welcome to the "pjsip" mailing list (Digest mode),
pjlib logging api issues, Alan
Random crashes when using Speex AEC in iOS(8.4),
Memory grows linearly with PJSUA 2.4.5 when making a call, Bogdan Cristea
Custom SIP XML message, Muhammad Usman Shahid
pjsip configure.ac looks for wrong lib(av)device, Jan Engelhardt
--enable-ffmpeg disables ffmpeg use, Jan Engelhardt
libpjproject.pc.in lacks Require lines, Jan Engelhardt
RTP packets dropped, Eloi Bail
PJSIP on stm32f4 discovery, Anton Kozlov
Initialize local sdp from text sdp,
Mike Roberts
When switching to a new WiFi register sometime will fail with 408, pjsip 2.2.1,
邱 朗
pjsip client - asterisk, overlap dialing., dpn at switchvoice.com
Pjsua compatible with windows terminal server ?,
python pjsua module 30 second timeout, Kenneth Martin
PJSIP Version 2.4.5 is Released with Video Capture Orientation Support,
Riza Sulistyo
Can I turn off the hardware AEC or be informed it's presence?, 屈振华
pjsua2 reload media config, Michael Rigles
No logging on Android, Nahum Nir
Building PJSIP for windows 10, Zimuzo Ezeozue
FaceTime Camera preview crash in 'pjsua_vid_preview_start()' on OSX 10.10 (Yosemite), Denis Komadaric
Bug in codec L16,
Alicia Romero
Problem with Stream with L16 codec, Luis Garcia
PJProject 2.4 SVN revision 5143 Will Not Build Shared Libraries ( for me ),
Michel Vaillancourt
AUTO : Felix GIFFUNI est absent(e) (retour 17/08/2015), fgiffuni at midilibre.com
Unable to destroy and reinitialize standalone PJNATH in JNI Android, Daniel Rueppel
How to handle big amount of Frame Lost, Alicia Romero
iOS 9 & IPV6 issues, Tyler Nettleton
Antwort: Manually edit SIP messages, István Szoke-N
Registering without using pjsua,
Mike Roberts
RTP-Streaming from Gstreamer, Alicia Romero
PJSIP lib stops reply, Luis Domingues
Manually edit SIP messages,
István Szoke-N
aligning pjmedia with recent libav, Лухнов Андрей Олегович
No audio when call is established,
Christopher Miller
android TCP transport, =?gb18030?b?us7OxM/p?=
iOS & Xcode, compiling with bitcode enabled (how to ?), Leslie Godwin
case insentive/sentive hash, latelier23.ananda at free.fr
Build My Own App With PJSIP On Android,
Nahum Nir
Error When Using PJ as static library on Android, Nahum Nir
CRASH in pjsua_create() on iOS 9 beta, iPhone 6, arm64. Even in demo app,
Leslie Godwin
Using PJSIP_HEADER for auto-answer, Matthew Murphy
No Audio either direction, Christopher Miller
PJSIP kernel level dependencies,
Jaymin D
INVITE Multipart transparency after call bridge, andre second
change sip messages local and remote rtp port,
Linux Box
Audio underflow and over flow problem when using TI-SDK 8, DATTU M PODDAR
TLS sips or sip?, Juan Jose Alfocea Marin
Looking for a PJSIP consultant in the U.S., Anthony Nemitz
registration gets return code 401 from pbx, Gerard van den Bosch
Audio Routings - earpiece x loudspeaker x ... configuration,
Gabriel Ortiz Lour
pjsip URI formation Android, Mr. Lucky
Problem opening pcap with pcaputil, Paul
How to catch the incoming audio stream in PJSIP?,
pjsip Digest, Vol 94, Issue 18, Guan Xsun
How to catch the incoming audio stream in PJSip ?, sales
sip_transactio ....Unable to register CANCEL transaction (key exists), iura
Callback in pjnath holds internal lock [resend], Bill Johnson
Callback in pjnath holds internal lock., Bill Johnson
how to impliment outbound caller id on pjsip, Satya Sankar
Ankhit Vivekananda
Win32 IOCP support abandoned?, EiSl 1972
pjsua as proxy,
500 Internal server error, Pau Giralt
Phone number as caller ID instead of sip endpoint, Satya Sankar
Unable to create media session: No active media stream after negotiation (PJMEDIA_SDPNEG_ENOMEDIA) [status=220048], zhuyongwen at made-in-china.com
Cancelling INVITE before 200 has been received, Ben Hood
Automatically switching ports,
Ankhit Vivekananda
Registration pjsip_regc_destroy and pending transaction, Simon Borkin
PJSUA BYE Reason header, Cameron Banta
[PATCH] New PJSUA callback on_missed_call, Michele Cicciotti
Failed to build android jni with pjsip 2.4, Artemy Kilin
How to check active connections, Krzysztof Siemieniecki
Pause the ENCODING stream given only the call id, Marcin
android make missing separator problem,
Mahdi Nami Damirchi
pjsip Digest, Vol 94, Issue 6, Krzysztof Siemieniecki
pjsua dtmf,
Krzysztof Siemieniecki
Video Orientation Remote Notification,
Alan Synnestvedt
One way audio,
Martin Ohlsson
jyotirmoy banerjee
audio not working pjsip2.3 android,
cts hyd
Adding iOS open source proj, Otávio Kreling Zabaleta
Some times call are disconnecting, Subbu
Third-Party G.729 Implementation for iOS (32 and 64-bits), Nuno Centeio
pjsua2 sample code throws unsatisfiedLinError exception,
ilker bozhüyük
Pjsua sample Code throws exception, ilker bozhüyük
CANCEL and 100rel, Harald Radke
Is this code redundent?, 葛凯麟
Call recording doesn't stop after ending call,
Arshan Awais
Enable PATH header, Mahesh Chandra Prasad T.
Cannot register to Asterisk from pjsip.,
Bluetooth not working on iOS, Santhoshkumar Sunderrajan
SDP neg, Harald Radke
RTCP with ICE not filling ports properly, Nick Wilson
Wrong results of pjsua_acc_find_for_incoming function call, Claudiu Olteanu
Problems porting pjsip application from pjsip 1.6 to 2.3, Marcin
Call Monitoring,
Alicia Romero
DTMF problem, Krzysztof Siemieniecki
pjsua stuck at shutdown - arm, Ahmet Kirisik
[PATCH] Enable mandatory use of TLS 1.1/1.2,
Michele Cicciotti
AUTO : Felix GIFFUNI est absent(e) (retour 25/05/2015), fgiffuni at midilibre.com
How to run pjsua in the background?,
Andrey Anopov
state changes to TSX_STATE_TERMINATED, Gerard van den Bosch
Using pjsipdll.dll wrapper from SipekSdk,
Taha Ansari
Failed to make a call on NEC IPPBX SV8100, idleman
why PJSIP cleaning up provisional media, zhuyongwen at made-in-china.com
invite session state change with custon on_send_ack, Harald Radke
multiple tcp factories,
Harald Radke
Bugs,features, patches....,
Harald Radke
[BUG] Can't configure PJSIP with SSL for BlackBerry 10 targets,
Michele Cicciotti
[PATCH] Fix for pjsip_tls_setting_copy,
Michele Cicciotti
[BUG] pjsua_acc_config::contact_use_src_port = PJ_TRUE incompatible with pjsip_tls_setting::verify_server = PJ_TRUE,
Michele Cicciotti
[PATCH] New PJSUA functions to send a request with an attached dialog usage,
Michele Cicciotti
[PATCH] Make TCP and TLS keepalive intervals configurable at runtime,
Michele Cicciotti
SDP negotiation....,
Harald Radke
[PATCH] pjsua_acc_add_local: Use sips scheme for TLS,
Nishant Rodrigues
Can I reliably send data using a pjmedia ice transport?,
Calling pjmedia_tp_adapter_create multiple times will hit a media transport limit, Martin Weishart
reINVITE with empty SDP, Harald Radke
Multiple calls, same sound port,
Rodrigo Wantuk
Assertion `(status=pjmedia_sdp_validate(local))==PJ_SUCCESS' failed., Luke B
segfault stun_session.c,
Stefan Engström
multiple tcp listener under one endpoint, Harald Radke
why configure faild all memory not be setted, zhuyongwen at made-in-china.com
pjsip-iphone-audio-driver, Wenxiang He
Calling pjsua_detroy2 while resolving stun servers causes an assert, Shaul Kedem
probable bug: analog/spdif works; HDMI has auddemo OK but app aborts...,
why redirect pjsip assert failed ?,
zhuyongwen at made-in-china.com
Receving a call in Pjsip app, Satya Sankar
about 302 Moved Temporarily,
zhuyongwen at made-in-china.com
PJ/Alsa uses 8 channels on sound device, but must use only 1,
Brunner, Brian T.
PJ/Alsa uses 8 channel on sound device, must use only 1, Brunner, Brian T.
PJSIP Version 2.4 is Released with Video on Android, Ming
Request History Information (RFC 4244) support in PJSUA, Bogdan Cristea
Build for Windows Vista and up,
Sean Bright
Header parameter parsing error with [IPv6] address in Contact header,
Anthony Messina
receive UDPLT,
reseive UDPL, Василий
pjsip Digest, Vol 92, Issue 3,
Слава Марченко
Building PJ libraries in Cygwin, Герман Чичикин
IP address change and DNS configuration, Dan Arrhenius
stereo call with speex,
cross compile build vs host build,
Harald Radke
using an IP camera for video, Gary Metalle
create pjsip.dll, Thorsten Puzich
tcp transport, David Villasmil Govea
Pass some custom value to pjsip library from wrapper, Karthik Kondapaneni
Sound disappears when I switch off Wifi and switches to mobile connection, varun pratapsingh
PJSIP for Android supports XR,
Ravi Inder Singh
How to implement blf(Busy Lamp Field) in pjsip stack in Android., nani gutla
TDM sound device to the pjmedia, how?,
dpn at switchvoice.com
PJSIP syntax error exception when parsing non-ascii callerid on asterisk, Yousf Ateya
Multiple clients and multiple registrars, Brunner, Brian T.
Architecture of pjsua-lib/pjsip/pjsip-lib described somewhere?,
Johan Sandgren
Linking errors in revision 4996 when configuring with --disable-video,
Dan Arrhenius
Reg : Detecting Missed call numbers in pjsip library for IOS application., evv rajesh
Why PJSIP start new connection with register timeout?, zhuyongwen at made-in-china.com
gethostbyname() errors with pjsua2/pjsip on multihomed system,
Brian White
Incoming RFC2833 DTMF processing issues, Doug Wadsworth
pjsua2 - reinvite sends audio inactive,
PJSIP UA2 API lost ack?,
zhuyongwen at made-in-china.com
Possible bug: stateless behavior when transport=tcp,
Removing / Disable SDP attributes,
Arun Kumar
Audio from sound card stop working, Marc Romanens
issue: pjproject only really compileable with gcc as linker, Harald Radke
Fwd: JSSIP >> PJSIP >> SIP server ??, Arpit Agrawal
Incorrect transport was selected for answer on SIP OPTIONS incoming message, Алексей Харлов
How to pause PJSIP transports and resume them later ?, Алексей Харлов
iOS - error with pjsua_codec_set_priority, Alberto Bitto
Where to find fat pjsip libs with x86_64?,
Telesonic Telesonic
Fix checking status of incoming call, Алексей Харлов
Dial feature code like *778,
Parvez Mahmud
disabling rtcp requirement, Brian White
Shared audio device: how do I select channel 2 of device 0?,
Brunner, Brian T.
SIPRTP and STREAMUTIL Sample merge problem, Rodrigo Wantuk
Video Inactive on Raspberry Pi 2,
Chirag Ajmera
Conferencing pre-existing RTP audio stream with pjsua2 call, Brian White
TCP transport error handling, Harald Radke
(snd_pcm_recover) underrun occurred / PJMedia crashes,
Niels Klaas PJSIP_ML
pjsua2 on android - deinitalize sipstack on connection lost, frogersik
Error retrieving default audio device-colibrivf61 board,
Aji S S
pjsip Digest, Vol 91, Issue 1,
Aji S S
Does my code is Thread safe ?, Marc Romanens
Intentional repeating DTMF digits thrown away, Brian White
Alsa under pj trouble,
Brunner, Brian T.
pjmedia-problem-on ARM A5,
Aji S S
PJSUA2 not receiving DTMF digits, Brian White
Connecting ALSA device to Conference Bridge: How?,
Brunner, Brian T.
Strange behavior when making a call (format fix),
Mathieu Trinc
mwi - subscribe not sended,
PJSIP 2.3 on raspbian using USB Sound Card, Manolo Quijano
Strange behavior when making a call, Mathieu Trinc
PJSIP 2.x .net,
Per Cramer
100rel supported, Marco Capetta
pjsip on Rasbian,
Matt Broad
AUTO : Felix GIFFUNI est absent(e) (retour 02/03/2015), fgiffuni at midilibre.com
pjsips always uses PortAudio instead of ALSA.,
Brunner, Brian T.
How to build pjsip in VS2010,
Antonio Sedano Maestre
RTP flux is not send after times, Marc Romanens
Possible bug - missing mandatory field Max-Forwards,
codecs again, Harald Radke
Turn server response in case of Allocation over TCP connection (between client and turn server), sunny gambhir
[pjsua2] Android incoming call, frogersik
roaming & reconnection, Miles Fidelman
PJSIP and GPIO < pjsip Digest, Vol 90, Issue 5>,
PJSIP and GPIO, Hoggins!
Unable to find default audio device,
zhuyongwen at made-in-china.com
How to Change PJSIP Sending Address?,
Nahum Nir
SIP outbound status for account is not active (iOS App),
Alberto Bitto
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