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- RTP timeout from a transport adapter,
b17 c0de
- WebRTC integration with PJSIP,
riaz hasan
- Trying to set up simple call, Allan Chandler
- How to enable srtcp in pjsip??, shubham verma
- PJSIP as Dynamic library, Harold Dijkstra
- PJSIP: video calling, Shantala R
- Debugging PJSIP,
- Video preview on android with Qt app,
Анцев Александр
- rport function is not calling,
Shahram Shabpareh
- Playing a busy sound on call disconnect (iOS),
- Error with Invite session,
Ayoze Pérez Rodríguez
- Complete freeze during VOIP call, Fischer, Annemarie
- [bug] PJSIP 2.5.5 with PJ_HAS_IPV6=1: pjsip_endpt_create_resolver failed on system without IPv6,
Alexei Gradinari
- Crash when making a call, Denis
- Building pjsip 2.5.5 for armeabi-v7a with Android NDK r12b,
Анцев Александр
- Multiple PJSip clients running in parallel on different interfaces, Olaf Alejandro Bergengruen
- PJSIP 2.5.5 Video Support, Shantala R
- The client is using to IPv6 and failed to connect to IPv4 sip server (2.5.5), qiulang
- Issues with Video Calling feature (vidgui) in PJSIP 2.5.5,
Lokesh Bhat
- Re: PJSIP version 2.5.5 is released with IPv6 support in PJNATH, DNS, and hostname resolution,
- How to handle REGISTER requests in pjsua2?,
- Pjsip info, Ayoze Pérez Rodríguez
- Help to resolve issue in building PJSIP Android library,
Monica Memane
RTCP XR not updated,
Henoc Agbota
The sample streamutil has a small volume on iPhone, Ken Chow
How to Register With DNS, Subbu
Apparent DNS lookup issue with domain that has no A-record, Thatcher Peskens (tpeskens)
Detect if callee rejects incoming call, Jason Stäuble
Python memory player,
Richard Fisk
Segfault with Asterisk 13.10.0 and PJSIP 2.5.5 related to Changeset 5373,
Pirmin Walthert
PJSIP version 2.5.5 is released with IPv6 support in PJNATH, DNS, and hostname resolution, Ming
Green frames in H264 video initialization,
OpenSSL Support for Android,
Norlan Perdomo
non-interleaved mode, Shahram Shabpareh
[patch] pjsip/sip_transport.c: fixed tx_data_destroy called more than once,
Alexei Gradinari
[patch] pjsip-simple/evsub.c: fixed uninitialized variable 'pkg', Alexei Gradinari
PJSIP without audio device,
Allan Chandler
Re: Strict RTP timing,
Кирилл Трофимов
using PJSIP baremetal, Sam Arv
qt-pjsip, Kader Yılmaz
I cannot dial to then endpoint '+525595290002',
Chia-Ching Hung
Segfault in pj_atomic_dec_and_get, Ross Beer
Destroy and Recreate Transports,
Colin Morelli
PJSIP crash on NOTIFY event - PJSIP Version 2.5.1,
Nielsen Bento Gonzaga
Possible SIP Outbound Bug?, Colin Morelli
Unable to compile since changeset 5360,
Ross Beer
Detecting iPhone hardware mute status during call, Aaron Magat
pjsip learning curve and phones behind old NAT, jrun
VoLTE conformant client, Olaf-Alejandro Bergengruen
Cross Compiling MMDevice API under Linux with MinGW, Tobias Schlager
Hard-Coded Windows Types in Speex Resampler, Tobias Schlager
Contributions/Bugfixes, Tobias Schlager
iPhone: Error initializing media channel: Object is busy (PJ_EBUSY) [status=70011], Chandan Prajapati
How i send response back to asterisk server for alive,
Munir Ahmad
Segfault in chan cpool_release_pool,
Ross Beer
Pjnath crash, Anik Dasgupta
receiving INFO request,
Gerard van den Bosch
Any experiences on implementing server side conference calls with a PJSIP client?, Romanainen Lassi
crash with STUN server in NAT64 environment,
John Gathm
SDL2.0.4 will crash,
Is this normal? Reconnect every 5 minutes?,
Oli Kah
update information after call is being transferred, Niels Klaas PJSIP_ML
Android crash: local reference table overflow by AudioTrack AudioRecord, Jonathan Clapson
pjsip client stop sending register message, Wen, Shaokai
How to mute PJSUA call in android,
Munir Ahmad
Re: pjsip crash,
xml_print_node has some problem in processing empy attribute, qiulang
Not able to control MWI subscription through PJSUA2 via AccountConfig,
Zarko Coklin
ZRTP compatibility, João Resende
How to set different sound devices to each call?, Alborz
pjsip parallel build failures, Luca Ceresoli
Call issue in iOS9 device, KANNAN PRASAD
Kaushik Turlapaty
Account Registration 404 Not Found, Jason Stäuble
Suresh Kumar Reddy
Re: pjsua is unable to recognize video devices in, Linux Raspbian-Jessie (Tzafrir Cohen) (SL), SL
G729 integration for iOS Platform,
Megha Parmar
Re: pjsua is unable to recognize video devices in Linux Raspbian-Jessie (Tzafrir Cohen),
PJSUA2 - How to get AccountConfig from Account?,
Zarko Coklin
Able to capture wav audio in wireshark but cannot play in python, Kaushik Turlapaty
WebRTC and DTLS-SRTP Support, Severin Birrer
PJSIP Hold Call Implementation in Python, Kaushik Turlapaty
SUBSCRIBE to spigate.de, Carsten (Tropby)
[PJSUA] python pjsua pypi,
tmimi fakhreddine
Hold inbuilt function, Kaushik Turlapaty
pjsua is unable to recognize video devices in Linux Raspbian-Jessie,
PJSIP version 2.5.1 is released,
Riza Sulistyo
NAT64 for iOS,
PJSIP call, play music and hangup in python,
Kaushik Turlapaty
Please Help With TCP, Dan Rabin
PJSUA2 detect wether callee rejects call or hangs up,
Jason Stäuble
Failed to call user callback in SUBSCRIBE implemetation, Chenhui Xu
Minimum latency achievable aside,
Gianni Massi
Custom Registration Header,
Colin Morelli
[PJSIP] : G729 integration to PJSIP, build error,
deepak Padhy
Windows 10 IOT - Windows Universal - USB Audio,
Mysoft Systems
NAT64 on iOS and SDP media address,
John Gathm
Re: bug in pjsua2 Endpoint pjsua2 crash on incoming, KINOSHITA minoru
on_pager method is not triggering while application is in background for iOS9 device.,
Alsa configuration error on android device, Vijay Pratap Singh
PJSIP Audio Problems while using ALSA, Vikas Sharma
Sending Invite With TCP,
Dan Rabin
pjsua2 crash on incoming call,
Gabriel Margiani
Android crach,
João Resende
tls support android M (6.0),
João Resende
PJSIP version 2.5 is released with Opus codec, WebRTC AEC, SRTP AES-256 cryptos, Nanang Izzuddin
Registering New Module in PJSIP, alaa
pjsip cross compile, Farzan Shojaee
Can't hangup call in PJSUA., Scott M Ober
iOS 9.3 Background, Dan Rabin
Need help to execute PJSUA execution on android device, Vijay Pratap Singh
Does PJSIP support RFC 3389 - Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) Payload for Comfort Noise (CN), Sanjoy Ghosh
Bad RTP pt 98 (expecting 103),
Prem Sagar Tiwari
Merging two outbound calls on Device side,
sajjad raza
ISSUES While Running PJSUA Binary on ANDROID Device,
Vikas Sharma
Sending data to reveiver while makeing an audio call,
Prem Sagar Tiwari
retrieve extension from incoming call, Mario Raffin
Regarding Make Audio Call iOS,
Prem Sagar Tiwari
iOS memory problems,
Dan Rabin
Deadlock In Media State Handler,
Colin Morelli
Assertion `cport->rx_buf_count <= cport->rx_buf_cap' failed.,
Manuel Quinteiro
play File with G722, alaa
Deadlock when snd-auto-close=1 (the default), Scott M Ober
Thread Safety (And Reading Headers), Colin Morelli
PJSIP 2.4.5 compilation on RPi 3,
Chirag Ajmera
Re: Need help on detect inband dtmf in pjsip (wcchoong),
Eize Slange
Need help on detect inband dtmf in pjsip, wcchoong
Error PJMEDIA_EAUD_DEFDEV while making a call, Shrikant Shinde
set flag on packet for retransmition,
contact tag contains official IP (not local ip), Michael Barthold
Thread safety problem with pj_thread_is_registered,
Set Stun server IOS, Pere Ferrer
G729 compilation error, Ashok Narvaneni
pjsua2 endpoint.onSelectAccount not called, Niels Klaas PJSIP_ML
Query regarding Video Media attribute in SDP in PJSIP Code,
Vikas Sharma
Accoustic echo cancelation,
Alexandre Gonçalves
How to use python bindings with video support?, Richard Perez
pjmedia remote orientation support,
Pjsip G729 Compilation error, Ashok Narvaneni
The libpjsua.so frequently crashes in android devices, 屈振华
Re: Contributor Agreement: how to submit somebody else's patch],
Jeff Brower
about pjnath ice resued,
Working FritzBox settings for pjsua for Python, Oli Kah
pjsua stops to re-register, Martin Ohlsson
Conference call for pjsip users | developers,
Crash after sending hangup, alaa
Wifi SSID switches during call, Sanjoy Ghosh
Receiving Multicast messages, Matthew Murphy
Strange behavior with camera on Android,
Сергей Митрофанов
Default ongoing ringtone, Aleksandar Atanasovski
libRegisterThread before calling any pjlib functions., João Resende
using ring_start in pjsua, Nomad Esst
Android camera rotation,
Сергей Митрофанов
Uncatchable termination canceling call in early state, Tanny
Sound issues: strange samplerates?,
Oli Kah
Send out multiple audio streams, Alin Radut
Re: pjsip Digest, Vol 103, Issue 17, jrutter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Voice Transcoding in PJMEdia, alaa
Presence behaviour, João Resende
Playing different WAV files in PJSUA,
Aldo C.
TTS and PJSUA, Aldo C.
How to test pjturn client which send data from peer to client?,
Xiemin Chen
pjsua_aud_stop_stream and ICE, Dan Rabin
Best way to iterate over headers,
Mike Roberts
Porting to Blackfin on VDK, Rutter, John
Crash in string_i.h:121: pj_strncpy on android armeabi but not x86,
Anton VG
solve problem in basic call, Karishma Barot
How to add the PJSIP in QT?, Ebubekir DEMİR
missing end of pack pragma in pcap.c, Sandra Gilge (ADATIS)
media transport without rx rtp polling, Harald Radke
Raw data transfer from custom audio device, Alexander Ledovskiy
Pushing PJSIP fixes upstream, Luca Ceresoli
Capture card no video formats,
Leonardo Nahra
developer needed, John Scully
Strange behaviour while handling multiple calls with pjsip,
Simon Aurilac
Sporadic crashes when terminating call with video on iOS, Alin Radut
What's the right way to give video frame to application?,
Crash when deleting call and account with PJSUA/Swig on Android, Isac Sacchi e Souza
Video Calling in iOS,
Prem Sagar Tiwari
Fwd: solve troble in account registration,
Karishma Barot
Contributor Agreement: how to submit somebody else's patch,
Luca Ceresoli
PJSUA video delay, Leonardo Nahra
low sound quality in windows desktop,
Ebubekir DEMİR
XFer problem, Кубрак Александр
Reduce Tx Jitter on Android with PJSIP 2.4.5 and PJSUA2 Java Bindings, Alexandar Gotev
Video Calling, vikas karambalkar
pjsua HD video, Leonardo Nahra
Multiple Call Handling using PJSIP,
Explanation of T1/T2/T4/TD timer values,
David Dean
specific flag setting from application,
deepak Padhy
pjsip_rx_data has no msg_info after change PJSIP_MAX_PKT_LEN on iPhone, Jingyuan Dong
AUTO : Felix GIFFUNI est absent(e) (renvoi de Mar 01/03/2016), fgiffuni at midilibre.com
[patch] Too many libs in pkg-config --libs in --enable-shared case,
Walter Doekes
[Pjsip] old release source code download,
deepak Padhy
PJSUA: wrong local sdp if video codecs disabled, TSc
Wrong usage of PJMEDIA_HAS_VIDEO in pjsua code, TSc (PJSIP DEV)
Programmatically make and receive calls using PJSIP via a PBX?,
Sonny Rajagopalan
PJSIP How to detect inband DTMF (no rfc2833?,
Eize Slange
PJSIP How to detect inband DTMF (no rfc2833),
Eize Slange
PJSIP TLS With Boring SSL,
Arik Halperin
TCP support for PJSIP 2.4.5,
Sonny Rajagopalan
Android: Compile pjsip libs with log,
Andres Perez
PJSIP How to detect inband DTMF (no rfc2833), gou yangyang
pjsua video size question for I420 format, Bruin P
ALSA audio buffer underflow/overflow with AEC and far-end to near-end signal delay, Mario Raffin
pjsip stack messages's while running the android app, deepak Padhy
Mac App get crash after sending message, Harish Yadav
pjsip retransmit detection,
Andreas Granig
Hi.Want to implement avpf PLI in PJSIP 2.3. version., Manika Vasagam
About Chinese BBS for PJSIP,
Real time communication between PJSIP client and JSSIP client, riko nir
pjmedia_create_transport crashed with NDK_TOOLCHAIN=arm-linux-androideabi-4.9, 屈振华
PJSUA2 Detect connection lost with server, Yann Garras
How to define speex in a struct alt_codec?, Rodrigo Pimenta Carvalho
Add new new variables in struct pjsip_inv_session,
PJSIP_INV_STATE_CALLING calls cancellation problem., Ali Rahbar
pjsua not work in arm processor,
Ebubekir DEMİR
Crash on iOS with NAT64 network,
Nick Dowell
"wholeMsg" in onCallState callback is empty,
Matthew Williams
pjsip Digest, Vol 101, Issue 18, Ali Rahbar
SDP is not modified, Saurabh Kumar Verma
[PJSUA] pjsua_call_hangup() doesn't hang up EARLY stated calls.,
Ali Rahbar
Soft deadlock between pjsua_get_call_info and ios_stream_stop on iOS, Alin Radut
no allow_via_rewrite in python module, Jens Constroffer
Does SIP persist account ?,
Stefan Mancunianet
Consulting Needed,
Matthew Williams
how to make pjsip support PJMEDIA_FORMAT_MJPEG, zhuyongwen at made-in-china.com
Raspbian and PJSUA - No Sound - Help welcome,
Bernhard Kaiser
Bug report for pjsip, zhuyongwen at made-in-china.com
Configuration changes for only send video in pjsua,
Vijay Pratap Singh
pjsua_call_make_call crash,
H Yavari
PJMedia socket reuse,
Ars Comm - Ciro Ferraiuolo
Why nobody answers my question?, Nomad Esst
Python Bindings,
Matthew Williams
PJSUA: Handling Session Progress after Ringing status, Norbert Weyrich
Crash with TURN and ICE enabled, Alin Radut
pjsua set capture device and playback device error, Mostafa Hashemi
make call error, Nomad Esst
preview for RGB3 failed, zhuyongwen at made-in-china.com
Does anyone update sdl to 2.0.4, zhuyongwen at made-in-china.com
pjsip wmme EC suspended because of inactivity, zhuyongwen at made-in-china.com
access violation in pjsip_parse_uri(),
Garnham, Sam (FN) @ NSS - ASA
URI unescape/escape,
latelier23.ananda at free.fr
Beaglebone Black Rev-C with C-Media USB audio, no, sound,
two usb sound cards and pjsip,
Farzan Shojaee
Obscure deadlock in libpjnath,
Steve Davies
libpjnath potential SEGV and suggested fix,
Steve Davies
Beaglebone Black Rev-C with C-Media USB audio, no sound,
PJSIP Library compiling error on Mac OS X, Prasad De zoysa
pjsua_call_hangup dosen't work on a call with EARLY state!, Ali Rahbar
Transport is not getting disposed in PJSUA2, Vladislav Stebluk
Unable to place a Call on Android Marshmallow Device, Johnson Cheung
Regarding Connection with Two parties at a time, Saurabh Narang
Adjust Resend Timers,
Dan Rabin
Get received signal level with pjsua_conf_get_signal_level, Bogdan Cristea
AUTO: Andras CZINDER is out of the office. (returning 2015.12.31), andras.czinder at cardif.hu
call hangup delayed if network is slow, Rohit Yadav
PJSIP 2.4.5 with G.729 (without Intel IPP) for Android,
Alexandar Gotev
link with --as-needed and circular deps of pjmedia*,
Tzafrir Cohen
PJSIP on Embedded,
Farzan Shojaee
Delay in call hangup, Rohit Yadav
pjmedia-test Alignment Trap, Nathan Royce
Use ringing tone provided by the PABX when calling an extension, Bogdan Cristea
Pjsip multiple calls using few outgoing lines fails, Vladislav Stebluk
Parse Message Header, Василий
Crash when using PJSUA2 python, carlstrand at hushmail.com
PJSIP Video is completely black., Vijay Pratap Singh
PJSIP problem with VIDEO call,
Vijay Pratap Singh
pjsua2 add account error, Nomad Esst
AUTO: Andras CZINDER is out of the office. (returning 2015.12.29), andras.czinder at cardif.hu
Сергей Митрофанов
mismatch : 200 OK recieved on tls and ACK sent on TCP, shubham verma
Using G722 encoder/decoder for 32 bit 2 channel audio,
Ankhit Vivekananda
PJSIP bulid error, Vijay Pratap Singh
Fw: Regarding enabling Conference in PJSUA with third party,
Saurabh Kumar
TLS : The certificate is untrusted,
shubham verma
PJSIP Embedded version for "IP phone", "Gateway", "ATA", "Intercom", Kave
PJSIP issue: 500 Internal Server Error, andras.czinder at cardif.hu
PJSUA - Python - Check registration status in real time, d 82 k
Echo cancellation is not working with PCMA/PCMU(G711) codec.,
Vijay Pratap Singh
transport=tls is not working while sending SIP INVITE from pjsip to sip proxy,
shubham verma
Error 488 Multiple same ICE candidates,
Dusan Klinec
Remove black border in Video,
Irakli Managadze
Sound problem in arm board with simple_pjsua,, Vijay Pratap Singh
TURN TCP relay, sen
reliable get rid of TX data, Harald Radke
Different IP Address in RTP/RTCP candidate, ashish khowal
NONOH BYE/cseq=1 (=INVITE/cseq) results in 500: internal server error, Bram Peeters
PJSIP does not use TLS instead use UDP IN SENDING SIP INVITE, shubham verma
PJSIP does not use TLS instead use UDP AIN SENDING SIP INVITE,
shubham verma
how to receive SIP INFO via PJSUA2, von Arx, Markus
segmentation memory fail when get sdp,
How To Declare Codec, Dan Rabin
pjsua TCP transport destroyed with reason 70016: End of file (PJ_EEOF), zhuyongwen at made-in-china.com
How to abort a sended requests?, Alicia Romero
How can I response to a Request by pjsua2 API ?,
yishuihan yishuihan
Is a STUN server necessary, when peers are exchanging ICE messagens?,
Rodrigo Pimenta Carvalho
Video call drop & Rendering issue android,
Manoj Masane
Over run and under run issue,
dattu poddar
[pjsua2 | Android] Preventing the creation of a new TCP connection while transmitting an INVITE?, Vishnu Mohandas
NAT Problem, Dan Rabin
Codecs negotiated incorrectly, Anatoli
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