The problem is that the onCallState does not fire off when I receive a BYE. Do I have to "activate" something that "BYE" gets detected by onCallState in pjsua2? If yes, can somebody plase tell me how to do that?
> if you get the object call you should override the virtual method
> onCallState, that way you will receive the messages of disconnected. In
> android at least I receive.
2016-05-30 14:08 GMT+01:00 Jason Stäuble <mokitto at>:
>> I am using PJSUA2 in C++
>> I want to get a callback whenever the callee rejects an incoming call or
>> hangs up.
>> Currently, if the callee rejects an incoming call the application
>> interprets it as [CONFIRMED] and if the callee hangs up the application
>> doesn't detect it at all.
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