I'll try to find out.
Not now, but it is planned in our project.
пт, 15 апр. 2016 г. в 11:06, 张斌 <bethz@xxxxxx>:
We noticed that when video orientation changes, pjsip sends a SIP INFO out to remote side. It contains media_control but no orientation. I'd appreciate if anyone can point us for how to include orientation info into this INFO msg.---原始邮件---发件人: "Сергей Митрофанов"<goretz.m@xxxxxxxxx>发送时间: 2016年04月11日 20:02:14收件人: "pjsip list"<pjsip@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;主题: Re: pjmedia remote orientation supportHi, actually, I'm facing the same issue now (planned for work).
I plan to try using SIP status, to tell to remote, in which orientation the video stream is captured.
On the remote side then will make changes in it's view according received status info.пн, 11 апр. 2016 г. в 14:32, Beth <bruida2011@xxxxxxxxx>:Hi all,We have one case that cannot display well on Android or iOS. Please see following diagrams: the red represents the local orientation, and the blue represents the stream orientation from remote, blue shaded area is where the picture is.If we use the height of the stream window to maintain ratio aspect, three cases look fine but the #2 because we have no way to distinguish #1 and #2 or #3 and #4 without knowing the remote orientation. If we know the remote orientation, then we can do for all cases. Any suggestions for the case #2 without pjmedia change of supporting remote orientation indication?
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