--end msg--
00:29:06.267 coreaudio_dev. !...core audio stream started
00:29:06.272 pjsua_media.c .Call 0: initializing media..
00:29:06.272 pjsua_media.c ..RTP socket reachable at
00:29:06.272 pjsua_media.c ..RTCP socket reachable at
00:29:06.272 pjsua_media.c ..Media index 0 selected for audio call 0
00:29:06.273 pjsua_media.c .Call 0: deinitializing media..
00:29:06.273 pjsua_media.c ..Call 0: cleaning up provisional media, prov_med_cnt=1, med_cnt=0
00:29:06.273 pjsua_media.c .Call 0: deinitializing media..
00:29:06.273 XCPjsua.c Error making call: Missing route set (for tel: URI) (PJSIP_ENOROUTESET) [status=171005]
00:29:06.273 pjsua_core.c Shutting down, flags=0...
00:29:06.273 pjsua_core.c PJSUA state changed: RUNNING --> CLOSING
00:29:06.275 pjsua_acc.c !....SIP outbound status for acc 0 is not active
00:29:06.276 pjsua_acc.c ....IP address change detected for account 0 ( --> Updating registration (using method 2)
00:29:06.276 pjsua_acc.c ....Acc 0: setting registration..
00:29:06.279 pjsua_core.c ......TX 539 bytes Request msg REGISTER/cseq=11897 (tdta0x16b43600) to UDP
The client is in nat lan. With other client and the same server run ok.
Can anyone help me?
Thank you!.
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